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What you're feeling tradutor Francês

623 parallel translation
Slowly, but surely, you're feeling what it is to be oppressed.
Lentement, mais sûrement, vous ressentez ce qu'est être opprimé.
I fully understand what you're feeling.
Je comprends complètement ce que tu ressens.
- What's that you're saying? I'm feeling pretty rotten.
Je suis crevé.
Did your feeling tell you what we're going to buy it with?
Ta vision te dit-elle comment on va payer?
And I waited. Well, for the life of me, I don't know what you're trying to talk yourself into, but I got a feeling it ain't right.
Je n'y connais rien, mais je crois que tu as tort.
I wish you'd try to tell me what you're feeling right now.
Pouvez-vous me dire ce que vous ressentez à l'instant.
I know just what you're feeling.
Je sais ce que vous ressentez.
But what? I have a feeling you're a little bit too unconcerned.
Vous ne l'êtes pas assez.
By telling me what you have and feeling as you do, you're already a step ahead of a lot of other men that have been in your shoes.
D'après vos paroles et vos sentiments, vous avez déjà une longueur d'avance sur tous ceux qui ont agi comme vous.
- If you're not feeling well... I'm sure Daddy will excuse us and we can go home. - What's the matter?
- Si tu ne te sens pas bien... papa nous excusera et nous rentrerons.
You're feeling like what?
- Il vous semble quoi?
You ever get the feeling that you're tired of what you're doing, that it isn't all you really wanted?
Sentez-vous parfois que vous êtes fatiguée de ce que vous faites? Que ce n'est pas du tout ce que vous vouliez?
So this itch you're feeling... - what do you mean to do about it?
Je ne sais pas ce que tu veux. Que puis-je faire pour toi?
I wonder what you're feeling.
Je me demande ce que vous ressentez.
Before I thought you took me for a judge or at least an official of the court. I even thought you were afraid of me but what you're feeling is pain!
J'avais cru que vous me preniez pour un juge ou un fonctionnaire... que vous aviez peur de moi.
Tell me what you're feeling.
Je ne m'appelle pas Marge.
I know what you're feeling, but look at it this way. He's gone to a better place.
Je sais ce que vous ressentez, mais il est dans un monde meilleur.
Not too much, but in a moment, i may know what you're really feeling.
Non. Mais dans un instant, je saurai peut-être ce que vous ressentez.
This crazy feeling that i'm... that you're what, chief?
Je dois me lever et sortir. Cette étrange sensation que je...
I get the feeling you're afraid of something. What's wrong?
Tu ne m'as jamais rien demandé.
But if there's another accidental death, and you're in any way connected with it, Staff... Waiting to find out what Williams is gonna pull next is like waiting to go into action. You know the feeling?
Mais s'il en survient un autre, et que vous y soyez lié, sergent... ce que nous réserve Williams, c'est comme attendre le début du combat.
I know what a wonderful feeling it is to be part of the magical life. But you have to understand that we're living in a world that isn't quite ready for us yet.
C'est un sentiment merveilleux d'appartenir à un monde magique, mais tu dois comprendre que nous vivons dans un monde qui n'est pas encore prêt pour nous.
Please allow what you're feeling.
Acceptez ce que vous ressentez.
I know what you're feeling, my child.
- Je sais ce que tu ressens, mon enfant.
I can imagine what you're feeling now.
Je sais très bien ce que tu ressens.
You can't keep putting off what you're feeling.
Arrêtez de cacher vos sentiments.
Tell me what you're feeling
Dites-moi ce que vous ressentiez.
Tell him what you've been doing and how you're feeling.
Dis-lui ce que tu as fait et comment tu te sens.
What is it, you're not feeling well?
- Quoi, tu ne te sens pas bien?
If you're responsible for this, I know what you must be feeling.
Si tu es responsable de tout ça, je partage tes sentiments.
Just feel what you're feeling right now.
De sentir ce que vous ressentez.
I know what you're feeling.
Je sais ce que vous éprouvez.
You know something, St Clair? When I first took this job, I had a feeling that if I did a good enough job, somebody would come walking up those stairs - somebody like you - and they'd sit in that chair and tell me what you're telling me now.
Vous savez, St Clair, en acceptant ce travail, je sentais que si je le faisais bien, quelqu'un comme vous monterait cet escalier et s'assiérait pour me tenir ces discours.
I realize there's a bad feeling about what happened to our friend Toyne, and we're all deeply sorry, but these things happen, Carlin, as you know.
Je sais que vous nous en voulez pour la mort de Toyne. Nous le regrettons beaucoup, mais c'est la vie, Carlin.
What happens during these blackout periods is you get the feeling of phenomenal acceleration like you're being shot out over millions, billions of years.
Pendant ces absences on sent une phénoménale accélération. On remonte le temps par milliards d'années.
I've got to understand what you're feeling and thinking.
Je dois savoir ce que vous sentez.
I mean, I know what you're feeling.
Je comprends ce que tu ressens.
What you'rE thinking, What you'rE feeling right noW.
Ce que vous ressentez en ce moment même.
Tell me what you're feeling.
Dites-moi ce que vous ressentez.
Other people have been through what you're feeling.
D'autres gens ont ressenti ce que tu ressens.
Hey, hey, what's wrong? You're not feeling well?
Tu ne te sens pas bien?
Cos I know what you're feeling!
Parce que je sais ce que tu ressens.
Please tell me what you're feeling.
À quoi penses-tu?
I know what you're feeling and what I'm feeling.
Je sais ce que nous éprouvons tous les deux.
I assume what you said in there was the truth, but obviously you're feeling sexual tension around me.
Je supposais que tu disais la vérité, tout à l'heure, mais de toute évidence, tu ressens des tensions sexuelles.
What you're feeling right now for Nick, every woman has felt it sometime.
Ce que tu ressens envers Nick, toutes les femmes l'ont ressenti.
Honey, I know what you're feeling... but we should not try to make this decision for Mike.
Chérie, je sais ce que tu ressens, mais on ne devrait pas prendre cette décision pour Mike.
I know what you're feeling.
Je sais ce que tu ressens.
I know what you're feeling.
Je sais ce que vous ressentez.
- Tell her what you're feeling.
- Dis-moi ce que tu ressens.
Then how do you know what they're feeling?
Comment sais-tu ce qu'ils ressentent?

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