When you were little tradutor Francês
1,019 parallel translation
You were up to a lot down there when you were little.
Tu en as fait, des parties, quand tu étais petite.
Your mother played it, and you heard it when you were little, so did I.
Tous deux, nous avons dû l'entendre étant enfants.
When you were little, I'd get a kick out of seeing you stand up and fight for what you wanted.
Petite, j'aimais te voir te battre pour ce que tu voulais.
You know, Jo... when you were little girls, I used to ask myself... what would become of Meg and Beth and Amy.
Quand vous étiez petites, je me demandais souvent... "Que deviendront Meg, Beth et Amy?"
When you were little and you cried in the night...
Dans ton enfance, quand tu pleurais la nuit
Did you ever fall from a ladder when you were little?
Vous n'êtes jamais tombée d'une échelle, étant petite?
I used to be your nurse when you were little more than a tiny baby.
J'étais votre infirmière quand vous étiez un petit bébé.
Known you when you were little and defenceless and uncomplicated.
Qui t'a connue quand tu n'étais qu'une enfant vulnérable et innocente.
And when you were little, what did your nurse read to you at bedtime?
Et quand vous étiez petit, que vous lisait votre nourrice pour vous endormir?
You caught snakes even when you were little!
Petit, tu attrapais des serpents dans la jungle.
They died when you were little?
Ils sont morts quand vous étiez bébé?
What did you want to do when you were little?
Qu'est-ce que vous vouliez faire étant enfant?
- They cage you all when you were little?
- On vous a mis en cage à son âge? - Non.
Sit on my lap as you used to when you were little.
Viens! Viens et assieds-toi sur mes genoux, comme quand tu étais petite fille!
When you were little, you were already as impatient as me...
Toi, quand tu étais petite, tu étais déjà inquiète comme moi, alors pour tes ennuis.
She died many years ago, when you were only a little girl.
Elle est morte il y a longtemps, quand vous étiez toute petite.
At home on the island. When you were a little girl in your teens.
Sur l'île, quand vous aviez 10 ans.
When you were very little, your ears stuck out...
Well, at the moment, you look as if you were finding it a little difficult. But when we open in two weeks, I hope you'll find the whole thing simple.
Pour l'instant, cela vous paraît difficile mais dans quinze jours, tout vous semblera facile.
They feel that it's happened because your parents died when you were a little girl.
Ils blâment la mort de vos parents quand vous étiez petite.
What you must have looked like when you were a little boy.
Comment tu étais enfant.
All of you were so busy getting your big cuts that you were careless when you gave me my little ones.
Vous étiez obnubilés par vos grosses parts. Vous avez été négligents avec mes miettes.
I was a little disturbed, especially when you and curtis were married so soon after donna - i guess those things happen.
J'ai été contrarié que tu épouses Curtis sitôt que Donna... Mais ce sont des choses qui arrivent.
But you were so little when you were brought here... you couldn't possibly remember her.
Mais tu étais si petit quand tu es venu ici. Tu n'aurais pas pu te souvenir d'elle.
- How fortunate you were such good friends... when she had that ridiculous little accident.
Vraiment? Par bonheur, vous étiez amis quand elle a eu cet accident ridicule.
You must have seen movies when you were very little
Vous devez être allée au cinéma toute petite.
How can you sit there so calmly then, when a little while ago you were terrified?
Comment pouvez-vous rester aussi calme, alors que tout à l'heure vous étiez terrifiée?
Do you remember when you were a little child and you used to tell me that you were tired, I would stroke your hair ever so gently?
Vous souvenez-vous quand vous étiez enfant et ce que vous faisiez quand vous étiez fatiguée, je vous carressais les cheveux tout doucement?
But when you thought we were a threat to your little egomaniac empire... your subconscious sent its Id monster out again!
Quand nous sommes devenus une menace pour votre empire egocentrique... votre subconscient a une fois de plus libere son monstre!
I understand you were a little confused when Coronel Gregor found you. He had the peculiar impression that you were running away.
Je comprends la confusion quand le colonel Gregor à pensé que vous voulliez vous échapper.
Can you remember, when you were very little, any experience like that of any kind?
Retrouvez-vous dans votre enfance un souvenir analogue?
[Frank's Voice] When you shot Arkew... you said you were revenging little Archie's death and Mama's arm being blown to bits.
Quand tu as tué Arkew tu parlais de venger... Archie et maman.
Last night when you were asleep, I wrote a little poem about my love for you.
La nuit dernière, pendant que tu dormais, j'ai écrit un poème qui parle de mon amour pour toi.
He abandoned you when you were a little girl and your mother made you believe he had died.
Votre père vous a abandonnée enfant et votre mère vous a fait croire qu'il était mort.
When your husband came home late and you had this little spat were you already dressed to go out?
Quand votre mari est rentré tard et que vous vous êtes disputés, étiez-vous déjà habillée pour sortir? - Non.
I got them for you when you were a little boy.
Je les ai achetés pour toi quand tu étais petit.
Toujours aussi belle.
C'était votre surnom étant jeune.
Oh, I don't mind telling you. We were a little worried when she first arrived... but she turned out just fine.
On était un peu inquiets à son arrivée, mais elle s'est calmée.
well, he told me how you were when you were a little girl.
Il m'a raconté comment vous étiez petite fille.
When I could have been attacked, your son killed without you lifting a little finger on the excuse that you were playing!
On pourrait m'attaquer ou tuer ton fils sans que tu lèves le petit doigt sous prétexte que tu joues à l'Amiral.
All I know is that I smoked sitting down when you kids were little... and none of you have gone crazy yet.
J'ai toujours fumé assis et vous n'êtes pas devenues névrosées.
But then it's an obsession : when you were a little boy you already wanted to get married.
C'est une idée fixe chez toi! Tu prenais déjà les choses sérieusement!
Do you remember our old chamber, where Mistress Shore cared for us when we were very little?
Vous souvenez-vous de notre chambre, celle où madame Shore s'occupait de nous quand nous étions petits?
You knew you were the same frightened little kid you were when you went to sleep, so you ran.
Tu étais le même gosse effrayé que la veille. Donc, tu t'es encouru.
When the war was on and you were just a little boy when he really started to read, to become interested...
Lors de la guerre, vous étiez trop jeune. Et quand vous avez commencé à lire, à découvrir...
I hate to remind you about this, but today is not the Dark Ages when you were a little girl.
On est plus en période sombre...
No, no, from the very beginning, when you were a darling little girl.
Non, depuis le début, ton enfance.
That was your favourite little corner when you were young.
Ton petit coin préféré quand t'étais enfant.
You've known me since i was a kid. When you were a little kid, peter, and i used to find you crying at my door late at night... i could pity you then.
Quand tu étais gosse, et que je te trouvais en larmes devant ma porte en pleine nuit,
- Vous étiez très petite... quand elle a été emmenée.
when you 160
when you're gone 25
when you're ready 256
when you're right 37
when you die 79
when you were born 38
when you're done 105
when you said 77
when you're a kid 24
when you're dead 37
when you're gone 25
when you're ready 256
when you're right 37
when you die 79
when you were born 38
when you're done 105
when you said 77
when you're a kid 24
when you're dead 37