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Why shouldn't he tradutor Francês

239 parallel translation
And why shouldn't he?
Et pourquoi il ne devrait pas?
Why shouldn't he?
Pourquoi ne le ferait-il pas?
Why shouldn't he suffer too?
Je veux qu'il souffre.
Why shouldn ´ t he have?
Pourquoi n'y aurait-il pas droit?
Why shouldn't he keep quiet? Every time he said anything... it was twisted around to sound imbecilic.
Chaque fois qu'il disait quoi que ce soit... c'était tourné en ridicule.
I don't know why he shouldn't.
Non, il doit se sentir très seul.
SEWALL : Why shouldn " t he describe him?
Pourquoi ne devait-il pas le décrire?
He'll have 14 reasons why we shouldn't go, all of them good ones.
Il aurait quatorze raisons de nous empêcher d'y aller, et elles seraient toutes bonnes.
She can make him love her if there's no reason why he shouldn't.
Elle peut faire en sorte qu'il l'aime.
- Why shouldn't he?
- Pourquoi ne parlerait-il pas?
Why shouldn't he like them?
- Pourquoi ne les aimerait-il pas?
Why shouldn't he?
- Et pourquoi pas?
- Why shouldn't he be?
- Pourquoi ne devrait-il pas l'être?
Sure he calls himself Charteris, why shouldn't he?
Bien sûr, Charteris!
Even when he talks about liquor drinking', he makes it sound more right than why we shouldn't do it.
Même quand il parle de boire de l'alcool... ça semble être mieux que les raisons de ne pas en boire.
- Why shouldn't he pick me out?
- Pourquoi ne me choisirait-il pas?
Well, why shouldn't he?
Et pourquoi pas?
Why shouldn't he?
Pourquoi pas?
Well, you see, he just happens to need $ 99,000. And, after all, I don't see any reason why he shouldn't get it... if I'm throwing it out the windows.
Eh bien, vous voyez il a besoin de 99000 $ et après tout... je ne vois pas pourquoi il ne devrait pas l'avoir si je le jette par les fenêtres.
Why shouldn't he?
Pourquoi devrait-il l'éviter?
Why shouldn't he teach Spanish? Doesn't he speak it?
Pourquoi n'enseignerait-il pas l'espagnol, puisqu il le parle!
- Why shouldn't he? - I don't know.
Ne me demande rien.
Why shouldn't he know?
Mais pourquoi?
Why shouldn't he be familiar?
Pourquoi ne serait-il pas familier?
Why shouldn't he?
Et pourquoi pas?
The gentleman is just as anxious to get to safety as we are. If he's a trained skipper, why shouldn't he take charge?
L'Allemand désire survivre autant que nous et s'il est un bon capitaine, pourquoi ne pas le laisser commander?
- Why shouldn't he?
- Pourquoi irait-il mal?
Why shouldn't it be? He was there, you know?
Forcément, il y était.
Why shouldn't he?
Pourquoi refuserait-il?
Yes, why shouldn't he?
C'est vrai, pourquoi?
Why shouldn't he be?
Pourquoi pas?
- Why shouldn't he?
- Il me disait tout.
Why shouldn't I? Because he ain't good enough for you, that's why not.
C'est pas un homme pour vous.
Tony is still in love with Gay, and you know it. And why shouldn't he be?
Tony est amoureux de Gay et tu le sais.
- Why shouldn ´ t he?
- Pourquoi pas?
Why shouldn't he want to make a pass?
Pourquoi il ne te tournerait pas autour?
Why shouldn't he?
Et il a toutes les raisons.
With a little luck, there's no reason why he shouldn't come through this.
Avec un peu de chance, il devrait s'en tirer.
Lying there letting him beat you. Well why shouldn't he?
Il a eu raison de te battre.
- Why shouldn't he?
- Bien sûr qu'il a grossi.
Why shouldn't he have gone for it? He needs me.
Pourquoi a-t-il refusé?
He'd have 14 different reasons why we shouldn't go, all of them good ones.
Il trouverait moyen de nous empêcher d'y aller.
Well, there's no reason why he shouldn't be able to remove the crystal.
Il devrait pouvoir retirer le cristal et...
Of course, he was only 12 and didn't have any moustache then, but, apart from that, I see no reason why it shouldn't be Harry.
Il n'avait que 12 ans à l'époque et pas de moustache. Mais il n'y a aucune raison que ce ne soit pas lui.
Why shouldn't a man have pride if he's earned it?
Pourquoi ne devrait-on pas être fier, si c'est mérité?
If I can love God after all he's made me suffer, why shouldn't he love me, too, even if I do disappoint him a little?
Si j'arrive à aimer Dieu malgré les souffrances qu'il m'a envoyées, pourquoi ne m'aimerait-il pas, même si je le déçois un peu?
Why shouldn't he do that if he wants to?
Pourquoi pas, si ça lui chante?
Why shouldn't he believe me?
Pourquoi pas?
Until he does so, I know of no reason why you shouldn't occupy the house.
D'ici là, rien à mon avis ne vous interdit d'emménager.
Why shouldn't he, Buck?
Et pourquoi pas, Buck?
Why shouldn't he?
Pourquoi ne pas croire?

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