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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You just stay here

You just stay here tradutor Francês

720 parallel translation
You just stay here and talk with him. I'll get a taxi.
Je vais prendre un taxi.
You just stay here and finish your drink.
Reste donc et finis ton verre.
Lucy, now you just stay here inside with Doc, where you belong.
Restez ici avec le docteur, là où vous devez être.
Reste ici, ce sera plus confortable.
You just stay here and make sure the coast is clear, huh?
Reste ici et assure-toi que personne ne vienne.
I'll go. Come on. You two stay here, if the driver comes back, just all stay with the car, all right?
j'y vais allez vous deux restez si le chauffeur revient... restez à la voiture
Just, whatever happened, I don't think it's safe for you to stay out here.
Juste, peut importe ce qui est arrivé, je ne pense pas que ce soit sûr pour toi de rester là dehors.
- I think you just want me to stay here.
Je vais tout leur dire.
To stay here - alone on the moon - just because you didn't want to listen to me - YOU and him!
Rester seul sur la Lune parce que vous ne vouliez pas m'écouter, toi et lui!
You can stay here just as long as I do.
Tu peux rester tout comme moi.
You stay here, Maria. I'll just take a look at my traps. Then we'll go to the village and have a grand time, huh?
Je vais jeter un coup d'œil à mes pièges, puis nous irons nous amuser au village.
Just stay here and keep out of sight like I told you.
Reste bien planquée comme je te l'ai dit.
Just a little. You know, so I can get rid of him. You can stay right here.
Laissez-moi seulement un peu de temps pour me débarasser de lui.
Will you please stay here just a minute?
Pourriez-vous rester ici un instant?
"As for you, Benjamin Gunn," says they "you're so sure Flint's treasure's buried here you can just stay and find it," says they.
"Quand à toi, Ben Gunn", qu'ils ont dit, "tu es si convaincu que le trésor de Flint est enterré ici qu'il vaut mieux que tu y restes."
- What are you going to do? - Just stay here.
Alors qu'allez-vous faire?
You stay here. You get deer just the same.
Reste ici. tu pourras chasser quand même.
Now, you stay here, and I'll get in touch with you just as soon as I can.
Reste ici, je te contacterai dès que je pourrai.
And as for you, it's true I can't attend to you here and now as I'd like. But just try to stay out of my way!
Quant é toi, je ne peux rien contre toi ici, mais on se retrouvera.
You stay here, just in case.
- Bien sûr. - Tu restes là, juste au cas où.
We've been chased all over the world and they stay right here in Brooklyn, and they do just as good as you do.
On nous poursuit dans le monde entier. Elles restent ici... et en font tout autant!
I'd like to stay here just a minute, do you mind?
Laissez-moi un instant.
Is that why you stay here, just to be near me?
Vous aussi, vous êtes restée pour moi?
If you don't like me in civilian clothes, we'll just have to stay here all the time.
Si ma tenue civile te dérange, on va devoir rester cloîtrés ici.
Well, you better stay here just in case.
- Reste ici, au cas.
I've just got to stay here with you.
Je veux rester avec toi.
You stay here just in case.
Reste ici, au cas où.
It just depends. - You can't stay here.
Peut-être dans une semaine.
- Tu ne peux pas rester, je pars.
Thank you, sir, but I don't think it's fair that I should take liberty just because I can sing a song, and the rest of the fellows have to stay here because a certain chief enjoys taking liberty from a certain bluejacket.
Merci, mais je ne crois pas juste d'être en permission parce que je sais chanter, quand les autres doivent rester ici parce qu'un certain commandant aime retirer les perms des marins.
You just stay right here.
Surtout, restez là.
It'll make you stay right here. This is just as important as carrying a gun.
Élever des bêtes est aussi vital que de combattre.
You have to stay here. Just my luck.
Vous devez rester ici, par quelle chance!
You just stay right here.
Restez ici.
You can stay here, all of you, and work for him just as before.
Vous pouvez sûrement rester ici et travailler pour lui.
Now, you just stay right here and don't go no place.
Tu restes ici et tu ne vas nulle part.
I hope you enjoy your stay in Fractured Jaw and just remember that we don't take sides here.
J'espère que tu te plairas chez nous. On ne prend pas parti, ici.
Just like you'll get if you stay here -.
Comme vous, si vous restez ici.
Well, you just stay right here.
- Restez donc ici!
It's just a short walk you stay here...
Je n'ai que quelques pas à faire. Reste ici, juste cinq minutes.
I may just stay here and keep on beating you, Harry.
Je vais juste rester là et continuer à vous battre.
Just as long as you stay here with me.
Tant que vous restez ici avec moi.
Well, you're no help for me. That's for sure! Here we stand in this crummy little shop, with the whole world out in front of us, with anything to wish for that we want, and you just stay on my back...!
Nous voici, dans cette boutique minable, avec le monde à nos pieds, l'occasion de faire n'importe quel vœu, et toi qui me tracasses.
So you will just stay here and rest, eh?
Reste là et repose-toi, d'accord?
I've been thinking if you're not going to take that couple's gold, I'll just stay here and pan.
Si tu ne prends pas l'or de ce couple, je vais rester ici et prospecter.
Oh, well, I see what you're trying to tell me and you're both very sweet but I'm not going to stay here another moment unless you go on living your lives just as if I weren't here.
Je vois ce que tu essayes de me dire. Et vous êtes tous les deux très gentils, mais je ne resterai pas ici une minute de plus, à moins que vous ne fassiez comme si je n'étais pas là.
You just stay right here with me.
Vous pouvez rester avec moi.
And perhaps you'll both just stay out here and watch it?
Et peut-être que vous allez la surveiller.
Well, Aunt Clara, you just stay in here and concentrate.
Eh bien, Tante Clara, reste ici et concentre-toi.
Just the same, you - You can't stay here forever, can you?
Tout de même, vous ne pouvez pas rester ici indéfiniment, n'est-ce pas?
I wouldn't dream of it. Of course you'll stay here. It's just that I...
Vous logerez ici, naturellement, mais... mais je...

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