It was always you tradutor Português
585 parallel translation
And it was always you that lived.
E isso faz com que fique vivo.
You and our sister. It was always you and our sister.
Você e nossa irmã, sempre agiram assim.
Yeah. It was always you charging'in and us trying to hold you back.
Sempre foi você agitado e nós tentando te segurar.
Stacey, it was always you.
Stacey, foste sempre tu.
Dennis, it was always you!
Dennis, sempre foste tu!
It was always you, Gino. Always.
Foste sempre tu, Gino!
Listen, my dear brother-in-law. You've always had the idea that it was your duty... to run other people's lives.
Meu querido cunhado, achaste sempre que era teu dever comandar a vida das outras pessoas.
You know, Beecham is on the other side of the river... and it was always incorporated in Brender County... but, you see, Brender County is in Idaho.
Sabe, Beecham está na outra margem... e agora faz parte de Brender County... mas, repare, Brender County pertence a Idaho.
You know, Beecham is on the other side of the river... and it was always incorporated in Brender County between 1936 and now, you're not legally married.
Sabes, Beecham fica na outra margem... e foi anexada a Brender County de 1936 até agora, não estão legalmente casados.
In case of a fatality, you can always say it was a tragic accident.
E no caso de uma fatalidade, você sempre pode dizer Foi um acidente trágico.
I am not so unreasonable, sir, as to think you at all responsible for my mistakes and wrong conclusions, but I always supposed it was Miss Havisham.
Eu não seria irrazoável, senhor, ao ponto de pensar que é o responsável pelos meus enganos e conclusões erradas, mas eu sempre supus que era a Srta. Havisham.
I thought it was Cecily who always fought with you.
Julgava que com que lutavas sempre, era com Cecily.
You've always told me it was Ernest.
Tu sempre me disseste que eras o Ernest.
I always used to think there was too much of me in you... for us to hit it off... but I know now that that was wrong.
Sempre achei que havia muito de mim em si... para nos entendermos. Mas sei agora que estava errado.
You know, it had always puzzled me that no key was found on Swann's body.
Sabe, sempre me intrigou que nenhuma chave tenha sido encontrada no cadáver.
It was always money that moved you.
Só te interessas pelo dinheiro.
You're always talking about this valley like it was your valley.
Está sempre falando deste vale como se fosse seu.
I was always letting it go in one ear and out the other... like you got to do with Curt's swearing... knowing it don't mean a thing.
Sempre entrava por um ouvido e saía pelo outro... como você com as tonteiras do Curt... sabendo que não significam nada.
I always knew you were ambitious, Richard, but I never realized it was a disease.
Sempre soube que eras ambicioso, não percebi é que era uma doença.
Jake and me. we always figured on going but something was always coming up at the last minute. you know how it is.
Jake e eu sempre pensámos em ir... mas sempre acontecia algo no último minuto.
Simone and I, we will show you Paris the way it always was.
Simone e eu mostrar-lhe-emos Paris do modo que sempre foi.
After all you left this company when it was nothing... Because you thought it would always be nothing.
Deixou esta companhia quando não valia nada porque achava que nunca seria nada.
You know why we always say it was a wonderful time?
Sabes por que dizemos sempre que aquela foi a melhor idade?
They talk about Frankfurt, but it's always them, the socialists, who spoil everything here! I was about to call you. Do we cover it or sell everything?
Falam sobre Frankfurt, os socialistas que sempre arruínam tudo... ia te chamar... o que devemos fazer?
Have you found whatever it was you always wanted?
Encontrou aquilo que sempre quis?
You've never voiced it, but you've always thought that logic was the best basis on which to build command. Am I right?
Sempre achou que a lógica era a base sobre a qual se erigia o comando.
- You always said it was a magic car.
- Disseste que era um carro mágico.
He always thought it was you.
E ele sempre achou que era você.
Get out. I told you I was going to pay for it. I always pay for my drinks.
Pago sempre as minhas bebidas.
"Even after leaving me, it was only You who was always with me"
Mesmo depois de me deixares, eras só tu quem estava sempre comigo
You could always say it was an accident.
Pode sempre dizer que foi um acidente.
You think so? I always thought it was women.
Sempre pensei que eram as mulheres.
Whenever I saw him, there was always at least four people... sort of dragging him from one side of the room to the other. It just seemed as though he couldn't keep up, you know.
Ele estava sempre rodeado de pelo menos quatro pessoas, que o arrastavam de um lado para o outro, e ele parecia não aguentar o ritmo.
I always felt, was... dying out of pure frustration. Just saying, you know, "Fuck it."
Sempre achei que... morrido de pura frustração, dizendo "Que se lixe!"
Nothing much went on - a little bit of talk in the aeroplane, but that's always normal on a mission - but then you'd get a quiet period, and I guess everybody was dreaming or something, because it was quiet.
Falámos no avião, mas isso é normal numa missão. Depois houve um período de acalmia e estávamos... Acho que estavam todos a sonhar, pois estava tudo muito calmo.
It's not your old-fashioned voice actuator, you know, always starting the recorder when nobody was talking or shutting it off in the middle of an important conversation.
Não é o antiquado sistema accionado por voz que acciona sempre o gravador, mesmo quando ninguém fala, ou que desliga a meio de uma conversa importante.
I always understood you, and you always understood me... and that was always just... how it was, and that's it.
Sempre te entendi e tu sempre me entendeste. Sempre foi assim...
I'll give you mine. It was a gift from an admirer who said I was always late.
Foi presente de um fã que dizia que eu chegava sempre atrasada.
Jake, listen- - l know what you're going to say, Dave... that I'm the boy who always cried wolf... but this time, it's the real thing... and this real thing is going to marry someone else, so... I thought it was worth... throwing two years of clean lungs out the window.
Jake, ouve... Eu sei o que tu vais dizer, Dave... eu sou o rapaz que se chorou de lobo... mas este tempo, é a coisa real. e esta coisa vai mesmo casar alguém, então...
He was always on the old man's list, and I wasn't about to make it by association, if you know what I mean.
Ele sempre estava na lista negra do capitão, e eu não ia entrar nessa por associação.
You see, what I could always count on with her was that when we came together it was much her desire as mine.
Sabe, eu sempre podia contar com ela. Quando estávamos juntos, importava o desejo dela tanto quanto o meu.
You know what I'm like, I am always like it when someone's nice to me, stroke me or love me, or at least I thought that was good for me... like an animal...
Tu me conheces, sou sempre assim quando alguém me acaricia, é amavável comigo, ou ao menos creio que sim... Como um animal.
I'd always heard in riding horses, it was the horse that did the sweating, but I wasn't even on him yet, and you could have wrung enough out of me to water the lawn.
Sempre ouvi dizer que o cavalo suoa mais do que o cavaleiro. Eu ainda nem tinha montado... e já estava encharcado.
That always was important to you, wasn't it?
Isso sempre foi importante para ti, não foi?
It was always intended... you should find us... and bring us to Earth.
Foi sempre intenção... que tu nos encontrasses... e nos trouxesses à Terra.
Before you got married I told you Leroy was no damn good. That he was trash and he'd always be trash and you was going to catch it and you did didn't you?
Eu disse-te antes de te casares que o Leroy era um inútil que era um "palhaço" e que te ias dar mal.
I told you it was always been between us.
Disse-te que foi sempre entre nós.
Sabem, foi sempre um dos meus objectivos de morte abrir o meu próprio salão de frieza.
It's like I was telling you, celebrities always die...
- A gente célebre morre...
I always thought it was good what you did.
Sempre pensei que tinhas feito a coisa certa.
Arnold, I'm not so sure that the sex we had was always as good for me as it was for you.
Arnold, Não estou certo se o sexo que tivemos era sempre bom para mim como era para ti.
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
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it wasn't 1008
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it was good 635
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it was a long time ago 376
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it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
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it was fun 381
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it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
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it was just 358
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was just 358