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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / It was nothing

It was nothing tradutor Português

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It was nothing.
Não foi nada.
It was nothing personal.
Não foi pessoal.
- No, no, no. it was nothing.
- Não, não foi nada, está bem. Está tudo bem.
I thought it might be a hallucination but of course I knew that it was nothing of that sort.
Pensei em uma alucinação, mas sabia que não era nada do tipo.
If your mom was one of those people who went to see a psychic because, um- - her stomach was bothering her and the psychic told her that it was nothing, that it was just a- - a touch of gastritis.
Se a tua mãe fosse daquelas que vai à vidente por andar com dores de estômago e o vidente lhe dissesse que não é nada, que é apenas uma crise de gastrite,
It was nothing personal.
Não era nada pessoal.
- Well, it was nothing.
- Não há necessidade.
It was nothing.
- Não foi nada.
I mean, she and I this thing. It was nothing major.
Eu e ela tivemos uma coisa, nada importante.
The doctor said it was nothing.
O médico disse que não era nada.
We all have our own private wars, every era... but it was nothing like... it really brought people together, the war.
Cada era tem as suas próprias guerras privadas. Mas não foi nada como... A guerra uniu muito as pessoas.
- It was nothing.
- Nada.
It was nothing.
Não era nada.
- It was nothing.
- Não foi nada.
You're afraid that it was nothing, that he's forgotten it already, tossed you like yesterday's paper, and moved on without another thought, and if he's forgotten, then it's almost as if it never happened,
Está com medo que não tenha sido nada, que ele já se tenha esquecido de tudo, que a deixou de lado como o jornal de ontem e partiu para outra sem pensar. E se ele se esqueceu, é como se nada tivesse acontecido.
It was nothing like that.
Não é isso.
Bank manager said it was nothing, didn't lose a dime.
O gerente do banco disse que não foi nada, não perdeu nem um cêntimo.
Randall, he'll shoot you down like it was nothing.
Randall, ele vai abater-te como se não fosses nada!
- She's fine, Alo, it was nothing.
- Ela está bem, não foi nada.
Led him on and then broke his heart like it was nothing.
Iludiu-o e depois partiu-lhe o coração como se não fosse nada.
Oh, it was nothing. Glad you're okay.
Não foi nada, fico feliz por estares bem.
I was drunk, and you resembled someone else... so there's nothing like it.
Estava bêbedo e confundi-te com outra pessoa. Não foi nada de especial.
It was not bomb the whole neighborhood for nothing!
Não bombardeámos todo o quarteirão para nada!
Once my major source of pride was to lead such a life, but in the pasture it suddenly struck me as pathetic and absurd, an over-inflated nothing.
Outrora minha fonte de orgulho foi viver tal vida. Mas na montanha passou a me parecer patético e ridículo. Um nada inflado.
So it was all for nothing?
Então foi tudo para nada?
There was no green screen. There was no nothing to say... that they didn't actually do it.
Não há uma tela verde, não há nada a dizer... que eles sejam umas farsas na verdade.
- It was NOT nothing!
- Há sim, há necessidade!
No. It was an act of savagery, committed by animals who know nothing more.
Foi um acto de selvajaria cometido por animais, que não sabem mais nada.
It meant, when it was given, that whoever had this house would want for nothing else.
Isso significava, quando esta casa foi doada, quem a recebeu gostava de nada mais.
Absolutely nothing was done about it.
E adivinhe... Nada foi feito sobre isso.
Nothing astounding but it was heartfelt, and then...
Nada de espantoso, mas era muito sentido e... Querido.
There was nothing wrong with that case when you took it out of the purser's office.
Não havia nada de errado com a caixinha quando a foste levantar ao cofre central.
There was nothing wrong with that case when you took it out of the Purser's office.
Não havia nada de errado com a caixinha quando a foste levantar ao cofre central.
Mr. Sartoni says I broke his two teeth for no reason, he was doing nothing, and someone seems to believe it.
O Sr. Sartoni diz que eu lhe parti dois dentes sem razão, que não fez nada. E vocês acreditam nele.
It was nothing.
It was probably nothing, but Louis, he said to keep our eyes open.
- Não devia ser nada. O Louis só disse para estarmos atentos.
You said it was a dead end, that it had nothing to do with Rosie.
Diz-me tu. Disseste que era um beco sem saída, que não tinha nada que ver com a Rosie.
She got down in the seat like she didn't want to be seen, but it wasn't like she was scared or nothing.
Abaixou-se no banco, como se não quisesse ser vista, mas não parecia assustada.
When internal affairs makes the rounds after this- - and they will- - how do think it's gonna look that you sat on your hands and did nothing while one of your cops was dying out in the field?
Quando os Assuntos Internos investigarem isto, e eles fá-lo-ão... O que acha que parecerá o facto de não ter feito nada, enquanto um dos seus polícias estava em perigo?
There was nothing official about it.
Não existe nada oficial sobre isso.
All this time and energy that I've wasted hating him. It was for nothing.
Todo este tempo e energia que eu gastei a odiá-lo foi em vão.
There was nothing I could do to stop it.
Não consegui fazer nada para evitar.
I had a search warrant for that house, but by the time I got to use it, there was nothing there, because your people took whatever there was to find. Hello, David.
Eu tinha um mandado de busca para a casa, mas quando cheguei lá, não havia nada, porque o teu pessoal chegou lá primeiro.
Nothing, it's just, I got some bad news last night and I was hoping you'd help me deliver it.
Nada, é que... A noite passada recebi más notícias e gostava que me ajudasses.
Look, I'm sure it was probably nothing serious.
Olha, tenho certeza de que não era nada sério.
And, of course, there was nothing to it.
E claro, não havia nada.
It was complicated and it has nothing to do with us and I promised your mother that I would help you lead Boston, so....
Isso foi complicado e não tem nada a haver connosco. E eu prometi à tua mãe que te ia ajudar a gerir Boston, por isso...
Talk as if it was not for nothing.
Tratas tudo de um modo tão natural.
If'n he was here, I'd say it to his face. Jim swears he had nothing to do with Harmon's death.
O Jim jura que não teve nada a ver com a morte do Harmon.
It was during the civil war, so there was no training, no physicals... nothing.
Foi durante a guerra civil, portanto não havia treino, exames físicos, nada.
Exactly where you said it would be.But there was nothing inside it.
- De mão? De canhoto para destro.

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