Minutes out tradutor Português
2,878 parallel translation
Uh, we're about 20 minutes out of town.
Onde estão? A cerca de 20 minutos fora da cidade.
S.R.T.'s about 20 minutes out.
O Esquadrão de Reacção Especial chega dentro de 20 minutos.
FBI's Render Safe unit's 15 minutes out.
A Unidade de Remoção do FBI saiu há 15 minutos.
Two minutes out.
Dois minutos.
They're still 20 minutes out. 20 minutes?
Ainda estão a 20 minutos.
Tac team's six minutes out.
- A equipa tática demora 6 minutos.
Check this out, Wurtsboro is only 20 minutes from Monticello, where Tony's legitimate son lives.
Vê isto, Wurtsboro é só a 20 minutos de Monticello, onde o filho legítimo do Tony vive.
I would have thought most engaged women could count out the minutes.
Quanto a mim, as noivas contam todos os minutos.
I'll give you a few minutes to figure it out.
Dou-te mais alguns minutos para descobrires.
Well, if by "together" you mean, did I observe them slip into the men's room for about 20 minutes and come out half undressed?
Se "juntos" você quer dizer se eu os vi indo de fininho ao banheiro, ficarem lá por vinte minutos, e saírem com a roupa toda amassada?
Deb would've passed out minutes after ingesting it.
A Debra teria desmaiado minutos após a sua ingestão.
Oh, good. If we get out of here in the next ten minutes, we don't have to pay for the second hour.
Boa, se sairmos nos próximos dez minutos, não temos de pagar a segunda hora.
I go in there, I work my magic, I come out - - two minutes, tops.
Entro, faço minha magia e saio. Dois minutos no máximo.
Naomi bought a day pass there the night that she was killed, and the clerk said she was in and out in three minutes.
A Naomi comprou um passe do dia na noite em que foi assassinada, e o rececionista disse que ela entrou e saiu em três minutos.
Well you've got five minutes to figure it out.
Tem cinco minutos para decidir.
If I'd have had five more minutes I would've found out who hired him
Mais cinco minutos e teria descoberto quem o contratou.
- Anyway, man, Well, I will see what I can do, if you can block this shot. I need to get out of here in 30 minutes or less.
Preciso de sair daqui a 30 minutos ou menos.
Yeah, I'll get you out in 30 minutes.
Sim, eu tiro-te daqui dentro de 30 minutos.
"Power to the local union building out 90 minutes Thursday night" "
"A energia do prédio do sindicato será desligada durante 90 minutos na quinta à noite".
Okay, can everyone just stop freaking out and just give me, like, two minutes?
Muito bem, podem parar todos de se passarem e me darem dois minutos?
Steven showed up for all of two minutes, slipped out.
O Steven apareceu por dois minutos e saiu.
You ever been at Sardi's on opening night of a Broadway show five minutes after word gets out the Times panned it?
Já foi ao Sardi's, em noite de estreia na Broadway, cinco minutos depois de se espalhar que o "Times" deitou a peça abaixo?
I'm five minutes away from getting fired if anyone finds out she's really my baby.
Estou a cinco minutos de ser despedido se alguém descobre que a bebé é minha.
You got two minutes to come out ready to play or you're disqualified.
Tem dois minutos para ir para a arena ou vão ser desqualificados.
I had five minutes before the safeguard kicked me out.
Consegui apenas cinco minutos antes de ser barrado outra vez.
My upstanding character will give you 5 minutes to get out.
O meu lado bonzinho vai dar-te 5 minutos para sair.
She got there at 10 : 05- - damn, she checked out like 4 minutes ago--10 : 37.
Chegou às 10h05. Bolas, saiu há 4 minutos. Às 10h37.
It also appears the King is in charge of the money-grabbing operation while the Queen keeps track of time making sure they're in an out in under two minutes.
Também parece que o Rei é o encarregado de apanhar o dinheiro enquanto a Rainha se certifica de que saiam, em menos de 2 minutos.
Has he come out of the Earle house? About 20 minutes after he went inside.
- Entrou à uns 20 minutos.
Precisely 22 hours and 18 minutes to get to Richerenches, find the artifact, figure out what it does, and go back far enough to stop the warehouse from being destroyed.
Exatamente 22 horas e 18 minutos para chegar a Richerenches, encontrar o artefato, descobrir o que faz, e regressar a tempo de impedir que o Armazém seja destruído.
I've spent this week letting you kick my ass from here to the Chrysler Building because you were selling out every 15 minutes to get your hands on something you didn't get. And you were embarrassed by it in front of me.
Passei esta semana a deixar-te fazer-me de gato-sapato porque te vendeste para conseguires algo que não conseguiste e sentiste-te envergonhada na minha frente.
I've been filling out this damn thing for the past ten minutes.
Estou a preencher esta porcaria há dez minutos.
That means they'll toss the whole thing out in five minutes.
Eles acabariam contigo em cinco minutos.
10 minutes after they started trying to rebuild it. Yeah, well, I didn't say I had everything worked out.
assim que começarem a tentar reconstruir.
Lights out in 10 minutes.
As luzes apagam-se em dez minutos.
We still haven't ruled out ISS structural blockage, and we're two minutes away from loss of signal.
Ainda não excluímos a hipótese de bloqueio estrutural e estamos a dois minutos da perda de sinal.
It won't knock it out, it will paralyze it for about 30 minutes.
Não o vai adormecer. Vai paralisá-lo durante 30 minutos.
So she was probably pushed out into the water within minutes of her death. Which would suggest she was killed in the park, quite close to the pond. Taylor :
Ela foi provavelmente atirada à água minutos depois de morrer.
Okay. Five minutes, but then I'm out of here. No, no, no, no, no.
Cinco minutos, depois vou-me embora.
I come home, shut my eyes for a few minutes then head out to my night job.
Chego em casa, durmo um pouco e vou para o meu trabalho nocturno.
I'm going to need a few minutes in the kitchen to figure out "Dad."
Vou até à cozinha um minuto para entender o "Pai".
A few minutes later, that dude came out.
Poucos minutos depois, o homem saiu.
You've been staring at this girl for five minutes. I hope you're checking her out.
Winston, estás a olhar para a rapariga há cinco minutos.
Not unless we want a thousand news vans out on the front lawn within minutes.
A não ser que queiras a imprensa aqui em minutos.
You're smart. And you got 10 minutes to figure it out.
És inteligente e tens 10 minutos para pensares em algo.
Did they? In and out of a charity dinner in 36 minutes.
- Entrou e saiu do jantar de caridade em 36 minutos.
Oh, he stepped out about 45 minutes ago.
Ele saiu há uns 45 minutos.
She just went racing out the door a couple of minutes ago.
- Acabou de sair. Porquê? - O que se passa?
You ever ask yourself why the Illinois tried to blow us out of the water 30 minutes after we picked you up?
Já te perguntaste porque o Illinois tentou explodir-nos meia hora depois de os apanharmos?
That only leaves us about ten minutes to sneak maw maw out of here.
Só temos cerca de 10 minutos para tirar a Vó daqui.
He cut out her aneurysm and interposed a graft in under 30 minutes.
Ele retirou um aneurisma e fez o enxerto em 30 minutos.
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out now 39
out of context 16
out of curiosity 82
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out now 39
out of context 16
out of curiosity 82
out of my mind 17
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of interest 20
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
out of order 40
out of the blue 171
out of interest 20
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of my sight 38
out of respect 50
outside of work 17
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
out like a light 17
out of 299
out loud 97
out of mind 55
out of my house 22
out of love 16
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191