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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Put her through

Put her through tradutor Português

357 parallel translation
Ah, put her through.
Ah, ligue.
She put her through a cross-examination
Fez - lhe um interrogatório
I cannot allow you to put her through the torture of your inquisition.
Não posso permitir que a arrastes para a tortura do teu inquérito.
But I've put her through a lot.
- Ela sofreu muito.
How could you do this to her, put her through this?
Como é que foram capazes de a fazer passar por tudo isto?
Well, you've probably never quite put her through anything like this before.
Talvez nunca a tenha feito passar por nada assim.
After what you put her through, I had to give her some sedation.
Depois do que a fez passar, tive de lhe dar sedativos.
May I put her through?
Pode passar?
( Thornton ) PUT HER THROUGH.
Yeah, OK, put her through.
Sim, está bem, faça a ligação.
Put her through.
Ponha-a em linha.
Put her through.
Pode passar. - Está bem.
Put her through.
Pode passar.
I just couldn't put her through that.
- Não posso sujeitá-la a isso.
Maybe he doesn't want to put her through the ordeal.
Talvez ele não queira fazê-la passar por este sacrifício.
Put her through?
Could you put her through?
Posso falar com ela?
I'll put her through. Leo, it's for you.
É para ti, Leo.
Put her through please, I need to talk to her.
Diga-lhe que quero falar com ela.
Put her through.
Transfira a ligação.
Put her through.
Transmita a ligação.
We were looking for a suitable partner, but under these stressful conditions, I didn't want to put her through it.
- Estávamos à procura de um parceiro, mas com estas condições desgastantes, não a quis colocar em tal situação.
Yes. put her through.
Sim, passe a ligação.
Put her through.
Passa a chamada.
How dare you come here and put her through this.
Como te atreves a vir até aqui e a fazeres-me passar por isto?
I'd really have to put her through all that?
Tinha de fazê-la passar por tudo isso?
Put her through.
Coloque-a na linha.
Put her through.
Ponha-a na linha.
Her own men put her through a gauntlet of death.
Os seus próprios homens submeteram-na ao ritual de morte.
She put her through A cross-examination
Fez-lhe um interrogatório
I really don't wanna put her through this.
Não quero fazê-la passar por isto.
I put her through a lot of pain.
Fi-la sofrer muito.
They'd put her through the wringer... and, brother, the things they would squeeze out.
As coisas que descobririam.
I couldn't possibly allow her to be put through to such an ordeal.
Não posso deixá-la passar por tal provação.
Anyone touches her, I'll put a bullet through their God-fearing gut!
Se alguém lhe tocar, enfio-lhe uma bala nas goelas.
That's where Ella put her foot through, and I mended it with plywood.
Foi aqui que a Ellen enfiou o pé e eu remendei-o.
Yes, we'll put her right down through there over that ridge.
Sim, vamos fazê-la passar por aquela cordilheira.
My wife should be there. Could you put me through to her?
A minha mulher deve estar aí.
She never would have put her mother through suffering!
Ela nunca faria a mãe dela sofrer assim!
Put her through.
Passe-me a chamada.
Why don't you just put me through to her?
Porque não lhe passa a chamada?
Only way I get through it is to put a little TV on the pillow next to her so I can watch Get Smart.
Só aguento isto porque ponho a TV pequena na almofada ao lado dela para eu poder ver Get Smart.
Misery Chastain put braces on your daughter's teeth and is putting her through college, bought you two houses and floor seats to the Knicks.
Misery Chastain pagou o aparelho nos dentes e a Universidade da tua filha, comprou-te duas casas e bilhetes para os Knicks.
I can't believe that Margaret, after all she's put you through that she would have the nerve to call you up and ask you to take her back.
e... sem querer tomar partido... "A minha Mãe, o Carro". Sim!
I do not want to put an arrow through her beautiful throat.
Não queria disparar uma flexa contra a sua linda garganta.
Put her through.
Pode passar
Put the weapon down... or I'll run her through!
Larga a arma... Ou espeto-lhe a flecha.
You don't know what they put me through... No. Look at her.
Nem imaginas o que me fizeram passar...
Put a sword through her and see if she's telling the truth!
Espetem-lhe uma espada e verão se eu estou a mentir!
You put a bullet through her head, by the time it comes out the other side... you're going to have five in you.
Pões uma bala na cabeça dela, o tempo que leva a sair do outro lado... Vais ter cinco cravadas em ti.
Put her through.
Passe a chamada.

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