Through the door tradutor Português
2,135 parallel translation
Those kids get labeled the second they walk through the door freshman year... geek, punk, jock, queer.
Marrão, punk, atleta, maricas.
All you need to do is get his keys and et yourself n through the door.
Só precisas de conseguir as chaves e entrares pela porta.
Get her through the door.
Passa-a pela porta!
'Now Saul, get her through the door.'It's not my door!
-'Agora Saul, trá-la pela porta.' - Essa porta não é minha!
Who did he think was coming through the door?
Quem é que ele esperava à porta?
Through the door.
Passa pela porta.
They just spotted Lara walking right through the door.
Eles acabaram de ver a Lara a entrar.
Pass me your id through the door.
Passa-me a tua identificação pela porta.
Let's try walking through the door.
Vamos tentar entrar.
You don't burst through the door.
Não era para arrombar a porta.
Why do you bring trouble through the door?
Porque nos trazes problemas?
- I saw him walk through the door.
- Eu vi-o transpor a porta.
So, while your squad is out looking for leads, your main suspect just walked through the door.
Assim, enquanto a sua equipa procura pistas, o seu principal suspeito saiu pela porta.
That's when you, Esposito and Annie Oakley come bursting through the door.
Foi quando você, Esposito e Annie Oakley destruiram a porta.
Why was Jack through the door alone?
Porque é que o Jack entrou sozinho?
Their story is that Arkin came through the door first and then was shot by a meth dealer, Randy Gorman.
A história deles é que o Arkin foi o primeiro a entrar e foi morto por um traficante de droga, Randy Gorman.
Gorman was lying in wait, gun in hands. And within seconds of Arkin coming through the door, Gorman was firing.
O Gorman estava à espera, com a arma na mão, e uns segundos depois do Arkin entrar, o Gorman disparou.
The Task Force knew Arkin was the first one through the door.
O grupo sabia que o Arkin seria o primeiro a entrar.
You answer a phone like that, and you'll have a SWAT team banging through the door before you hang up.
Está a parecer que vais saltar de uma ponte. Se atender o telefone assim, vai ter a SWAT a estourar com aquela porta antes de desligar o telefone.
You don't approve, and she's got a body that would make the pope walk through a sliding glass door.
Tu não aprovas e ela tem um corpo que faria o Papa espetar-se contra uma porta de vidro deslizante.
Well I'm sure I can get you through the front door alright and keep Peggy Haplin properly distracted.
Estou certo de que a consigo fazer passar pela porta da frente, e manter a Peggy Haplin convenientemente distraída.
And through this DNA, brought in through the back door skin cells transform themselves back into pluripotent stem cells.
E através deste DNA, que entra pela parte de trás, as células da pele voltam a ser células estaminais pluripotentes.
Any minute now the FBI SWAT team will come through that door.
A equipa de intervenção do FBI vai entrar pela porta a qualquer momento.
Same way Danny was going in- - right through the front door.
Da mesma forma que o Danny... Directamente pela porta de entrada.
I had to get a uniform just to make it through the front door.
Tive que ir buscar o uniforme, para poder passar pela portaria.
When you walked through the spiderweb. When we were playing with the Ouija board and the wind blew the door shut.
Quando atravessaste a teia de aranha, quando estávamos a jogar com o Tabuleiro Ouija e a porta fechou-se com o vento.
We walk in through the front door.
Entramos pela porta da frente.
A prisoner out through the front door.
Temos um prisioneiro a sair pelo portão principal.
Checking out security tapes to see if Neal vamoosed through the front door?
A verificar as cassetes de segurança para ver se o Neal se escapou pela porta da frente?
Well, thanks to her, the only thing that could ruin a surefire hook-up was about to walk through that door.
Bem, bem, graças a ela, a única coisa que podia arruinar um engate certo estava prestes a entrar por aquela porta.
Right. Jeff goes through the red door first.
O Jeff foi o primeiro a entrar.
All right, so, you go through the red door,
Então, passa para lá da porta.
So you come through the red door.
Então, atravessou a porta vermelha.
"Come on in through the front door."
"Então entre pela porta da frente."
You come in through the back door, Slash my throat, walk out.
Entra pela porta de trás, corta a minha garganta, sai.
- If I wanted to kill youse, you wouldn't have made it through the front door.
- Se vos quisesse matar, nem teriam passado da entrada.
Because... you came in through the back door.
Porque... entraste pela porta das traseiras.
You have to sleep with the next guy that walks through that door.
Tens de dormir com o primeiro tipo que entrar por aquela porta.
So, once all the alarms are down, we just have to force our way through the front door, and the house is ours.
Então, quando todos os alarmes estiverem desligados, apenas temos de forçar a entrada pela porta da frente, e a casa é nossa.
Mm, what about the inner door? Can we get through?
Podemos ir por essa?
This will get you through the first door.
Isto faz-te passar a primeira porta.
You can go ahead and exit through the front door.
Podes sair pela porta principal.
But the minute he walked through that door, I knew it was over.
Mas mal entrou pela porta, eu sabia que era o nosso fim.
The minute he walked through that door, I knew it was over.
Mal passou da porta, soube que era o fim.
She won't let me through the front door, Eddie.
Ela nem me deixava passar da entrada da porta, Eddie.
Meet me through the staff door, Carmen
"Meet me through the staff door. Carmen."
"Encontra-te comigo na porta do pessoal, Carmen."
And then the real deal showed up, so you faked Carmen's message, and when Brava walked through that service door, you killed him.
E depois apareceu a Carmen verdadeira, por isso inventou a mensagem da Carmen e quando o Brava entrou por aquela porta de serviço, matou-o.
Does that have anything to do with why you always Leave the house through a different door?
Tem a ver contigo sempre saíres de casa por uma porta diferente?
From now on everyone comes and goes... - through the front door so we can keep an eye on things. - Is that...
Desculpe, a partir de agora, todos vêm e vão pela porta da frente para podermos vigiar.
He'll head down this hallway and go out of the building through that door.
Vai até ao fim deste corredor e sai por aquela porta.
through the window 42
through the woods 16
through there 98
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door is open 55
the door was open 152
the door is closed 18
the door was locked 29
the door was unlocked 33
through the woods 16
through there 98
the doors 46
the door is locked 37
the door is open 55
the door was open 152
the door is closed 18
the door was locked 29
the door was unlocked 33
the door 306
the door opened 17
the door's open 68
the door's locked 54
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
the door opened 17
the door's open 68
the door's locked 54
doors 63
door 437
doorbell 96
doorman 19
door opens 1163
door closes 936
door was open 50
door slams 187
doorbell rings 420
door open 23
doors closing 23
door closed 19
doors open 18
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
doorbell ringing 46
door slams 187
doorbell rings 420
door open 23
doors closing 23
door closed 19
doors open 18
door opens and closes 57
door closing 46
doorbell ringing 46
door shuts 99
doors opening 23
door neighbour 16
door neighbor 57
door opening 118
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door's open 45
door squeaks 18
door to door 18
doors opening 23
door neighbour 16
door neighbor 57
door opening 118
door creaks open 16
door bangs 17
door's open 45
door squeaks 18
door to door 18