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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ P ] / Put him on

Put him on tradutor Português

3,095 parallel translation
Put him on the fucking car.
- Vê o Miranda. Ponham-no em cima do carro.
Do you want to talk to him? - Yeah, put him on.
- Sim, coloque na linha.
Put him on board the ship.
Coloquem-no a bordo do navio.
Put him on speaker.
- Coloca-o em alta voz.
Put him on speaker.
Põe-o no altifalante.
- Just put him on the line.
- Ponha-o em linha.
You find him. You put him on.
Encontre-o e passe-lhe o telefone.
Why, you looking to put him on the payroll?
Porquê? Pretende pô-lo na folha de pagamentos?
Looks like you bred that dog to put him on the fighting circuit and make some cash.
Parece que criou o cão para lutar e ganhar dinheiro.
You yank him out of that rack, and you put him on a plane.
Arrasta-o dessa cabine e põe-lo num avião.
Put him on suicide watch.
Vigie-o para evitar o suicídio.
Put him on.
Passa-lhe a ele.
What about the fact he was allowed on the plane in the first place, 10 hours after the Feds put him on a no-fly list?
E o facto de ter sido autorizado a entrar no avião, dez horas depois de o FBI o ter posto numa lista de impedidos de voar?
I didn't want to put him on the spot when I gave it to him. So I had a PA put it in his car.
Não quis que fizesse uma cena quando o desse, então, mandei um funcionário pô-lo no seu carro.
Knew his way around the water, so I put him on the dredging project. Doing what?
Conhecia bem as águas, o coloquei-o no projecto de dragagem.
Your lies helped put him on death row.
As tuas mentiras puseram-no no corredor da morte.
Hey, put him on ice for me, huh?
Põe-no de molho.
Put him on the phone with me.
Coloca-o no telemóvel.
That's something they put on Morgan Freeman when they let him out of Shawshank. Look at that.
Isso é algo que põem no Morgan Freeman quando o deixam sair do Shawshank.
Put him on.
Põe-no ao telefone.
- Right. But now the opposing attorney intends to put another witness on the stand to contradict him.
Agora o outro advogado colocará uma testemunha para depor,
He put me on his service, I told him not to, and he gives me an arachnoid cyst.
Pôs-me no serviço dele, quando lhe disse para não pôr e deu-me um quisto aracnoide.
I'm gonna put a tail on him 24 / 7 until his travel visa expires.
Vou colocá-lo sob vigilância até o visto dele expirar!
The kind who hunted your friend down and strapped him to a board... and put a plastic bag on his head... and crushed his skull with a fire extinguisher.
Sou do tipo que perseguiu o seu amigo, o atou a uma maca, lhe pôs um saco de plástico na cabeça e lhe esmagou o crânio com um extintor.
I mean, I don't know what's in there, but on the off chance it might have made you think of him, in case it put a smile on your face...
Não sei o que está ali dentro, mas havendo a possibilidade de te fazer pensar nele, de te fazer sorrir...
Take him on foot down this alley. We'll put him in the car here and take him directly to the airport.
Levamo-lo a pé pelo beco, colocamo-lo no carro e levamo-lo directo para o aeroporto.
With his cervical fusion, lying him down on an operating table is gonna put pressure on the base of his spine.
Com a fusão cervical, deitá-lo na mesa de operações irá pressionar a base da coluna.
Put him back on the transplant list.
Ponham-no novamente na lista de transplantes.
He can tell him we're alive, and he can put bull's-eyes on our foreheads!
Ele diz-lhe que estamos vivos e coloca alvos em nós.
I came to you to put him away for good. Come on, now.
Procurei-te para o afastar para sempre.
Take my cuffs, put them on him.
Tira-me as algemas e algema-o.
Put an apron on him.
Põe-lhe um babete.
So how do we put him in Charlie's house on Saturday night?
Então, como o colocamos em casa do Charlie, no sábado à noite?
I knew I'd lost, but I had him put Kensi on the phone anyway.
Sabia que a tinha perdido, mas precisava que ele pusesse a Kensi ao telefone na mesma.
Go easy on him, he just got a pacemaker put in.
Tem calma com ele, acabou de colocar um pacemaker.
- My mom had a friend who was on the subcommittee for nuclear safety, and I'll reach out to him and tell him to put his ear to the ground.
A minha mãe tinha um amigo no subcomitê de segurança nuclear. Vou dizer-lhe para ficar atento.
I figure, put hers in a Nellis'box, pass it on to him, maybe it curries some favor.
Pensei que se colocasse o bolo na caixa, e lhe desse, talvez ele me fizesse um favor.
Okay, tie him up, put him in the pantry, get Dillon on the phone.
Amarra-o, põe-no na dispensa, põe o Dillon ao telemóvel.
You think you can go in, put this on his finger, and tell him I'm thinking about him?
Achas que podes ir ali pôr isto no dedo dele, e dizer-lhe que estou a pensar nele?
Put an ad on Craigslist, this guy Carlo wanted us to help him with a couple crates.
Colocámos um anúncio na Craigslist, e este homem Carlo, queria ajuda com umas caixas.
If you don't give him what he wants, he'll put Atley on the market, and he'll sell him to the highest bidder.
Se não lhe derem o que ele quer, vai colocar o Atley no mercado e vende-o pela maior oferta.
What'd you use to put the dirt on top of him?
O que usou para pôr em cima dele?
And I put that on top of him.
Coloquei por cima dele.
And I can't put the doctor on the stand and have him contradict the story that I've already established.
Eu não posso chamar o médico a depor para ele contradizer a história que eu já estabeleci.
Every time he put this song on he always got up and danced, and we'd always used to dance behind him?
Todas as vezes que colocava esta música ele levantava-se e dançava, e nós costumávamos sempre dançar atrás dele? .
Put him back on tenting houses, setting up the lab and so forth.
pomo-lo a montar o laboratório e tal.
He's been throwing every tail we put on him.
Despistou todos os homens que pusemos atrás dele.
He went on Maya's website, and he knew I was keeping something from him, so he put two and two together.
- Foi ao site da Maya e sabia que eu estava a esconder-lhe alguma coisa, por isso somou 2 mais 2.
He'll learn young to put all the rough stuff behind him and move on with life.
Ainda novo, ele vai aprender a superar as coisas e seguir em frente, não é?
I fed him. Put on a fresh diaper.
Já o alimentei e troquei-lhe a fralda.
As a child, I put a lot of pressure on him to become famous.
Quando era criança, pressionei-o em demasia para ser famoso.

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