Things would be different tradutor Português
106 parallel translation
When I went out, things would be different. That's what those boys are doing out there.
Mas quando saísse, estava, à minha espera.
I Thought, if I'd met you earlier... I could have waited on you and care for you and served you... and things would be different.
Pensava que se te tivesse conhecido antes... poderia ter-te servido, atendido, cuidado, e tudo seria E tudo seria diferente agora
If the younger men did the selling on the dock... maybe things would be different.
Talvez os jovens regateiem...
The whole of the Eastern Empire was his. If he'd been a proper husband to my sister, things would be different.
Teve nas mãos todo o Império Oriental e se tivesse sido bom marido para a minha irmã as coisas teriam sido diferentes.
You think if I'd married, things would be different?
Pensas que se eu fosse casado, as coisas seriam diferentes?
Things would be different... if we're late about 10 minutes
Tu apanhaste-os em menos de 10 minutos.
It ´ s why I swore things would be different with my kids.
Por isso jurei que as coisas seriam diferentes com as minhas crianças.
And if I work with you, I suppose things would be different.
E se colaborar consigo, as coisas serão diferentes.
Maybe if I hadn't been so selfish... maybe if I could have told her I loved her... maybe things would be different now.
Se não tivesse sido tão egoísta... Se lhe tivesse dito que a amava... Talvez as coisas tivessem sido diferentes.
If I had $ 50,000, things would be different, but I don't.
Se tivesse $ 50.000, tudo seria diferente, mas não tenho.
Things would be different.
Seria diferente.
I was sure that afterwards, things would be different between us.
Tive a certeza que, depois disto, tudo seria diferente.
I told myself things would be different.
Disse a mim mesma que as coisas iam ser diferentes.
How could I have let myself believe things would be different the second time around?
Como podia ter acreditado que tudo seria diferente da segunda vez?
You said things would be different this time.
Pensei teres dito que as coisas iam ser diferentes desta vez.
I told her that things would be different that I would change but I wouldn't have.
Disse-lhe que as coisas iam ser diferentes e que eu ia mudar, mas não o fiz.
If I was a security guard around here, things would be different.
Se eu fosse segurança, as coisas seriam diferentes.
Do you think things would be different now?
Achas que tudo seria diferente agora?
You might have gotten her parents'money... and things would be different.
Terias ficado com o dinheiro dos pais dela... e tudo seria diferente.
I mean, if i were in charge, things would be different.
Se eu mandasse, as coisas seriam diferentes.
Of course, if we got married then things would be different.
Claro que, se "casássemos", tudo seria diferente.
We have spent so much time preparing her... for the day things would be different, we've never prepared her for the day that they're not.
Passamos muito tempo preparando-a... para quando as coisas fossem diferentes. Nunca a preparamos para quando não fossem.
If he was still here, things would be different.
Se ele ainda estivesse aqui, as coisas seriam diferentes.
Don't you ever think how things would be different?
Sabes como tivesse sido tudo diferente?
A lot of things would be different.
Muitas coisas seriam diferentes.
This time, things would be different.
Desta vez, as coisas ião ser diferentes.
Then, last Saturday I went over to his place, thinking things would be different.
Depois, no sábado, fui ter com ele, a pensar que as coisas seriam diferentes.
I know I said things would be different...
Eu sei que disse que as coisas seriam diferentes...
This time, Buddy knew things would be different.
Desta vez, Buddy sabia que as coisas seriam diferentes.
Guys, maybe things would be different if the public knew what we know, but that's not the case.
Talvez fosse diferente se soubessem o que sabemos, mas não é o caso.
Maybe if i'd helped him... Things would be different.
Se o tivesse ajudado, talvez as coisas tivessem sido diferentes.
Maybe things would be different now.
Talvez fosse diferente, agora.
And if Jenny wasn't in the picture, maybe, you know, things would be different.
E se eu não estivesse com a Jenny, talvez... percebes, as coisas seriam diferentes.
Things would be different from now on.
Que as coisas seriam diferentes a partir de então.
Things would be different from now on. "
As coisas seriam diferentes a partir de então.
- Maybe things would be different now.
- As coisas podiam ser diferentes.
Of course, we'd all like to think it would be different if we saw things differently.
Claro, gostaríamos de poder mudar isto mudando a nossa percepção.
If I showed up here with a high-priced attorney... things would be a damn sight different, wouldn't they?
Se eu aparecesse aqui com um advogado caro... as coisas iam ser bem diferentes, não iam?
It would be no good if I leave, because I got the swamp fever... a lot of them got a rash, different things like that.
Não seria bom se eu desaparecer, porque tenho paludismo pois muitos têm erupções cutâneas entre outras coisas.
we just thought, instead of going far away, it would be more fun to stay home, where things are not so different... and, do... the things we do every day.
Mas às vezes gosto de ficar em casa e ver a família. Desculpa! Estou a ocupar o teu tempo com a tua família.
But how different things would be if only we could stop fearing death!
Mas quão diferente seria se parássemos de ter medo da morte!
Things are just different here than I thought they would be.
Acho que as coisas säo diferentes do que eu pensava.
Do you think things would be the same or different for you, if Italy were ruled by the Right or by the Left?
Quanto a ti é o mesmo, ou alguma coisa pode mudar em Itália, para vocês, se o governo for de Direita ou de Esquerda?
How would America be today if things had been different?
Como seria a América hoje se os fatos fossem diferentes?
Things would really have to be different though, Keith.
Mas tudo teria de ser diferente, Keith.
It's good to see you, Sam. If we had met first, you and I things would be a lot different, you know.
Se nos tivéssemos conhecido antes, tu e eu... as coisas seriam muito diferentes.
Would things be different?
Teria sido diferente?
If things were different... If we lived in a place without duty, would you be with me?
Se as coisas fossem diferentes se vivêssemos num lugar sem obrigações, estarias comigo?
That if things has gone different, Then I would be done lying cold on the street right now.
Se tivesse sido diferente e estivesse estirado morto, na rua lá hoje.
If things were different, I would probably be marrying you.
Se as coisas fossem diferentes, provavelmente casaria contigo.
It would seem to be of a different order then LSD and mescaline and some of the other things that were around.
Parecia ser de uma ordem diferente do LSD, da mescalina e de algumas outras coisas que havia por aí.
things 422
thing 1205
thingy 49
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
thing 1205
thingy 49
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16