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You still love him tradutor Português

190 parallel translation
- You still love him.
- Ainda o ama.
- You love him, don't you? You still love him.
O senhor ainda o ama!
You loved him before, you still love him.
Tu, tu já o amaste. Ainda o amas?
You still love him, Miss Brice?
Ainda o ama, Miss Brice?
Mrs. Arnstein, do you still love him?
Mrs. Arnstein, ainda o ama?
You still love him?
Ainda o amas?
Do you still love him?
Ainda o ama?
Our lines are open. Let the Lee Baby know that you still love him.
As linhas estão abertas para mostrarem que ainda gostam do Lee Baby
You still love him?
- Gostas dele? - Sim, à minha maneira.
A : you still love him and B : he still loves you.
A-ainda o amas e B-ele também te ama.
Maybe you can't answer. Do you still love him?
Ainda o ama?
But do you still love Him?
Mas ainda o ama?
You still love him.
Voce ainda o ama.
You still love him.
Ainda o ama.
Yes. If you still love him, why marry John?
Se continuas apaixonada, como podes casar com o John?
Do you still love him?
Ainda o amas?
Do you still love him?
Você ainda o ama?
You say that because you still love him.
Dizes isso porque ainda o amas.
Somers : Do you still love him?
Ainda o ama?
Valerie : Do you still love him?
Ainda o ama?
But you still love him.
Mas ainda o amas.
You still love him!
Ainda o ama!
Do you still love him?
Já não o amas?
Do you still love him?
Ainda estás apaixonada por ele?
Do you still love him?
Ainda me amas?
You're still in love with him.
Ainda estás apaixonada por ele.
... I believed you didn't still love him?
Sim, fala!
Listen, since he abandoned me, forgot me, although I still love him. I won't cheat you...
Ouve, como ele me abandonou e esqueceu, embora ainda o ame, não te vou enganar.
If you still can push him out of my heart... if you still love me... as much as you do, today, then... then...
Se apesar disso ainda puderes expulsá-lo do meu coração, se tu ainda me amares, tanto quanto tu me amas hoje, então... então...
Are you still in love with him?
Ainda está apaixonada por ele?
You know, I still love him very much.
Sabe, ainda o amo muito.
And you runnin'from him for your life. Now, honey, my calculus may not be up to snuff, but I can still put two and two together, and what I get is love.
Querida, posso não ser muito boa a fazer contas mas ainda sei quantos são dois mais dois.
You'd still love him.
Continuarias a amá-lo.
You're still in love with him!
Todos sabem que continua apaixonada por ele.
That you love only him and still you want him.
Que o ama só a ele e ainda o quer.
Do you still love him?
- Ainda o amas?
You're still in love with him.
Ainda está apaixonada por ele, não está?
What I need from you is to make Raymond believe that you're still in love with him, then we can end this whole thing.
Preciso que faça Raymond pensar que ainda o ama. Então poderemos dar um fim nisto.
I guess you're still in love with him.
- Ainda o amas, só isso.
In your heart of hearts, you must still love him.
No fundo do teu coração ainda o deves amar.
Well, ultimately I was trying, you know, I wanted to tell him that I'm still in love with him.
No fundo, eu estava a tentar... Sabes, queria dizer-lhe que ainda gosto dele.
Do you think it would be a good idea if I told Ross that I was still in love with him?
Achas que seria uma boa ideia, se dissesse ao Ross que ainda gosto dele?
The scene is, you're not sure if you still love Keith but you offer yourself to him in order to save the planet.
Não tens bem a certeza se ainda amas o Keith... mas ofereces-te a ele para salvar o planeta.
You don't still love him, do you?
Não me digas que ainda gostas dele!
Look, I know better than you... the hurt he can cause, but still... l- - l love him.
Eu sei melhor que vocês a dor que pode causar, mas igual... amo-o.
If you hadn't set me up with Todd, I'd still be in love with him.
Se não arranjasses o encontro, ainda gostaria do Todd.
It means that, even though you loused up your marriage, we still love him.
Quer dizer que, apesar de teres arruinado o teu casamento, ainda gostamos dele.
- are you in love with him still?
- Ainda estás apaixonada por ele?
But you do still love him, you're just...
Mas ainda o ama.
Sometimes one good thing is enough... so whatever love you still feel for him... you owe to her.
Às vezes, uma coisa boa é suficiente, por isso, o amor que ainda sintas por ele, deve-lo a ela.
I think you were still in love with him.
Acho que ainda estavas apaixonada por ele.

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