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You still have tradutor Português

6,368 parallel translation
It's all gonna be okay. You still have time.
Vai ficar tudo bem, ainda tens tempo.
You still have time.
Ainda tens tempo.
you still have to pretend you're listening.
ainda assim deves fingir que a estás a ouvir.
Um... do you still have that Schnapps?
Ainda tens aquela aguardente?
You still have feelings for him?
Ainda tens sentimentos por ele?
Do you still have the package?
Ainda tens o pacote?
While you still have one.
Enquanto ainda tens uma.
Do you still have your gift?
Ainda tem o seu dom?
Do you still have feelings for Gabriela?
Ainda tens sentimentos pela Gabriela?
You still have to pay for the papers and the chocolate. 26 euros 40.
Ainda tem 26,40 euros a pagar pelos jornais e pelo chocolate.
Mistreated though you were, you still have the blood.
Mesmo renegando como fizeste, ainda tens o nosso sangue.
Do you still have the cash?
- Ainda tem o dinheiro?
You still have yours!
Ainda tens as tuas filhas!
Hey, do you still have Jess'house key?
Ainda tens a chave da casa da Jess?
If you still have any humanity left in you, do yourself a favor and tell us.
Se ainda lhe resta alguma humanidade, faça-nos um favor e diga-nos.
Do you still have the geo coordinates to the tunnel?
Ainda tens as geo coordenadas para o túnel?
You still have this.
Ainda a tens.
Well, you're still here, so I have to assume you have a new understanding of the world we live in.
Se ainda estás aqui, deves ter uma nova visão do mundo.
But, you know, I still have to, uh, go back and get tested again in three months.
Mas eu ainda preciso voltar e testar-me em 3 meses.
I'm still the commander of this ship, Agent Morse, which means you have new orders.
Ainda sou o comandante deste navio, agente Morse. Portanto, tem novas ordens.
You have one sitting in the cargo hold of your ship, but I'm still willing to work with you.
O Robert tem um no porão do navio, mas eu aceito trabalhar consigo.
Well, you'll still have some memory gaps, obviously, but any part of the HYDRA indoctrination that was affecting your actions is gone.
- Ainda há falhas na memória, claro, mas a lavagem cerebral da HYDRA que a afetava desapareceu.
Should I go on or do you still think you have free time?
Devo prosseguir ou continuas a achar que tens tempo livre?
You still do have the opportunity to switch seats with someone else.
Ainda tens a oportunidade para trocar de lugares com outro alguém.
That still doesn't mean that you deserve to have steve's blood.
- Mesmo se limpares o meu nome. - Isso ainda não significa... que mereças o sangue do Steve.
I still have feelings for you, after everything you've done, the monster you've become?
Eu ainda tenho sentimentos por você, depois de tudo Você fez, o monstro você se tornou?
You'll still have 4,000 troops there.
Ainda terá 4000 soldados lá.
- I just have still work to do. - Yeah. Before you splinter tomorrow.
Tenho trabalho a fazer antes da desfragmentação de amanhã.
Or, wait, you still have it, so, duh, you haven't asked her yet.
Está contigo, então ainda não pediste.
A girl's body is still missing. A killer's walking free. There's families who don't have closure and you won't reopen it because of what?
Ainda falta o corpo de uma menina, o assassino está em liberdade, há famílias que não esquecem e tu não reabres o caso porquê?
While I'm still here, you're gonna have to teach me how to do that foam, squiggly-leaf thing.
Enquanto eu estiver aqui, vais ter que me ensinar como fazer essa coisa de espuma.
But we still have the issue of four murdered kids using that video to blackmail you, including Will Belmont.
- Farei isso. Mas ainda temos o assunto de quatro miúdos assassinados usando o video para o chantagear, incluindo o Will Belmont.
You still don't have a license?
Ainda não tens carta?
Even if you serve 20 years, you'll still have half your life to live on the outside.
Mesmo que cumpra 20 anos, terá uma vida para viver lá fora.
I have to slide the needle along the optic nerve, so I need you to hold him very still.
Tenho de passar a agulha pelo nervo ótico. Tem de o manter imóvel.
I still think what you did was wrong, but I should have been there.
Ainda acho errado o que tu fizeste, mas eu devia ter estado presente.
Have you forgotten the reason you're still alive?
Esqueceste-te da razão pela qual estás vivo?
If you, um... You'd have come here five years ago... Annabelle still be alive?
Se... tivessem vindo aqui há cinco anos atrás... a Annabel ainda estaria viva?
We still have this. You're still my family, Dre.
Ainda és a minha família, Dre.
- You believe that vampires have walked among us for thousands of years - and are with us still.
Acredita que vampiros andaram entre nós há milhares de anos e ainda continuam connosco.
You see, if I had never gotten involved, Nadia and her daughter would still be alive, and Henry would have a little...
Percebes, se eu nunca me tivesse envolvido, a Nadia e a filha ainda estariam vivas, e o Henry teria um pequeno...
You must still be on bail, or else you'd have told me.
Ainda deve estar sob fiança, ou ter-me-ia dito.
All the darkness you've seen, and still you have the heart to do what you do.
Viste tanta escuridão... e ainda tens coração para fazer o que fazes.
You'll still have access to the offices, in the meantime.
Voce ainda tem acesso aos gabinetes, no mesmo período.
But you..... still do have to recognise the unhappy ones, don't you?
Mas ainda tem de reconhecer as menos felizes, não tem?
Rome may not have all the bridges that you've got, but it's still got its own shit running through the city : an obsessive maybe, another sadist nihilist.
Talvez Roma não tenha tantas pontes como vocês, mas ainda temos a nossa própria merda a correr pela cidade, um obsessivo talvez, outro niilista sádico.
It's like she didn't have any friends. That's cute you think teenagers still print out photos.
Isso é fofo, pensares que os adolescentes ainda imprimem fotos.
I said, "No, thank you" and she ignored me, which is obviously what I should have done as it's been at least five ticks and still no Holly.
Disse'não obrigado', e ela ignorou-me, o que eu devia ter feito, e já passaram cinco minutos e nada da Holly.
You only have to come down far enough to still maintain radio contact on that cable I strung.
Só podemos ir até onde possamos manter contacto via rádio, pelo cabo que lancei.
You have to leave, now, while there's still time.
Tens de ir embora, agora, enquanto ainda há tempo.
You can easily order food and rent a movie and still have time to shoot a guy three times.
Pode facilmente pedir comida e alugar um filme e ainda ter tempo de atirar num tipo três vezes.

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