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But she chose it. I wasn't to tell anyone about the upcoming visit to Bosnia, not even the Embassy, not even the ambassadors.
Mas ela escolheu ir. nem embaixadores.
Diana's Bosnian visit was part of a wider campaign. Behind the scenes, she was pushing for a global landmine ban. About a month ago, I found a whole series of letters, er, letters that she was supposed to top and tail that were, er, dated 31st August.
A visita à Bósnia fazia parte de uma campanha maior ela preparava uma proibição mundial das minas. cartas que faltavam ser revistas datadas de 31 de Agosto.
And it's only recently, over the years, that I've actually really understood the effect that she was having in those areas, and on an international scale as well. Three months after Diana's visit to Bosnia, an international treaty was signed outlawing landmines.
E só recentemente eu percebi verdadeiramente o efeito que ela tinha naquelas áreas e também à escala internacional. foi assinado um pacto a proibir minas.
I mean, this was, this was it, 20 years ago. This is a reunion.
Isto é uma reunião.
Well, you saw my mother more recently than I did, I guess.
... mais recentemente que eu.
I remember her sentence, er, before she left.
TRADUTORA : Lembro-me do que disse antes de ir embora.
Whenever I had hard times, I remember that sentence. On the 20th anniversary of Diana's visit to Bosnia, Prince Harry is finishing the work his mother began.
( TRADUZ ) recordo essa frase. o Príncipe Harry está a terminar o trabalho que a sua mãe começou.
A very last memory that I have is a phone call at Balmoral.
WILLIAM : A última memória que tenho dela é um telefonema em Balmoral.
At the time, Harry and I were running around, minding our own business, playing with our cousins and having a very good time. As a kid, I never enjoyed speaking to my parents on the phone, erm, and we spent far too much time speaking on the phone rather than speaking to each other, because of just the way the situation was.
Na altura o Harry e eu andávamos a brincar divertidos. em vez de falar uns com os outros por causa da situação.
The phone rang and off he went to go and speak to her for five minutes. I think Harry and I were just in a desperate rush to say goodbye, you know, "See you later," and we're gonna go off, and... if I'd known now, obviously, what was gonna happen, I wouldn't have been so blase about it and everything else.
fomos lá falar com ela 5 minutos. e fomos logo... não teria sido indiferente com isso e o resto.
Do you remember what she said? I do. I do.
And then "Harry, Harry, Mummy's on the phone." Right, my turn, off I go, you know, pick up the phone and... and, you know, and it was... and it was her speaking from... from Paris.
é a mãe no telefone é a minha vez de pegar no telefone... e... era ela a falar de Paris.
And, you know, she... I can't really necessarily remember what I said, but all I do remember is probably, you know, regretting for the rest of my life how short the phone call was. If I'd known that that was the last time I was gonna speak to my mother, the things that I would...
E ela... mas lembro arrepender-me para o resto da vida como a chamada foi curta. as coisas que... que diria a ela.
the things I would have said to her. Looking back on it now, it's incredibly hard.
Recordar isso é muito difícil.
I have to sort of deal with that for the rest of my life.
Tenho que lidar com isso para o resto da minha vida.
Not knowing that that was the last time I was gonna speak to my mum, and how differently that conversation would... would have panned out if I'd had even the slightest inkling that was, you know... that her life was going to be taken that night.
Sem saber que era a última vez que falava com a mãe e que diferente que seria a conversa... tivesse eu uma pequena ideia que a vida dela iria ser tomada nessa noite.
According to British sources... The strangest thing was the thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of people, that spontaneously gathered in central London. I've never seen anything like it, and I don't expect to see anything like it.
Segundo fontes britânicas... que espontaneamente se juntaram no centro de Londres. e não espero ver mais.
And I think that was because her humanity spoke to their humanity, regardless of... of the difference in class, the difference in life experience.
E penso que isso foi porque independentemente de... de experiência de vida.
And there was William and I walking around Kensington Palace Gardens and the sea of flowers all the way from the Palace gates all the way back to Kensington High Street. And I was thinking to myself, "How is it that so many people that never met this woman, my mother, can be crying and showing more emotion than I actually am feeling?"
E estávamos o William e eu a andar à volta dos jardins de Kensington Palace e o mar de flores até aos portões do palácio até ao fim da rua. pode chorar e mostrar mais afeto do que o que sinto?
I think it sort of really spins you out. You don't quite know where you are, what you're doing and what's going on. The family came together, erm, and Harry and I tried to talk as best we could about it, but... being so small at that age, it's very difficult to... to communicate or understand your feelings.
Perdes o controlo. o que fazes e o que se passa. eu e o Harry tentámos falar o melhor que podíamos mas... naquela idade é difícil de... comunicar ou entender os sentimentos.
The first time I cried was at the funeral on the... on the island.
A primeira vez que chorei foi no funeral... na ilha.
Slowly you try and rebuild your life and you try and understand what's happened, and... I kept saying to myself that, you know, my mother would not want me to be upset ; She'd not want me to be down, she'd not want me to be like this.
Tentas reconstruir a vida lentamente tentas perceber o que aconteceu e... não me queria ver assim. mas permite passar o choque da fase inicial. estámos a falar de cinco a seis anos depois.
I was so young, I grew up sort of thinking that not having a mum was normal.
cresci a pensar que não ter mãe era normal.
I think it was a classic case of,
É um caso típico de
People deal with grief in different ways... and my way of dealing with it was... was by, basically, shutting it out, locking it out. The ten years that I was in the Army, I just sort of dug my head in the sand and was just...
As pessoas lidam com a dor de formas diferentes... e a minha forma foi... tapar tudo. enterrei a cabeça na areia e era como ruído branco.
It was just white noise. And I went through a whole period of having to try and sort my... sort myself out.
E andei por um período a tentar orienta-me.
Good afternoon. I hadn't made many speeches, I was really nervous, and so she helped me with my speech.
Boa tarde. e então ela ajudou-me com o discurso.
And, actually, I see that with the Duke of Cambridge.
vejo isso no Duque de Cambridge.
He has a depth of understanding through his own experience that connects with other people. Prince William has continued his mother's relationship with the charity, becoming Patron of Child Bereavement UK. I strongly believe that everyone wants to help, they just don't know how to.
Tem um entendimento profundo pela sua experiência que liga com as pessoas. tornou-se patrono da "Luto Infantil UK". só não sabem como.
And they usually end up stumbling a bit and then staying quiet, which is sometimes the worst thing you can do. I was pregnant with our second daughter, erm, and I went to a routine 38-week antenatal appointment erm, and, erm, they found no heartbeat. Erm...
E acabam um pouco atrapalhados o que pode ser o pior que se possa fazer. numa consulta pré-natal de rotina com 38 semanas e... eles não encontraram batimento cardíaco... já começou. ( RISO )
It's very hard to let go. I always think that how you come out of a bereavement, how you come out of grief is a defining moment. Yes.
É difícil seguir em frente. é uma momento determinante.
We're all very lucky to, er, to know her, work with her and be here at that time. For me, personally, this is where I'll always remember her.
Fomos todos sortudos por... trabalhar com ela e estar aqui nessa altura. aqui é onde sempre a irei recordar.
And they've got taller than I thought... You can see we've got the foxgloves coming into flower now, which are wonderful.
Cresceram mais do que o que pensava... são fantásticas.
I'll always look back on those days with really great, happy memories.
Vou sempre recordar aqueles dias com memórias felizes.
And my answer is, " Of course I was in love with Diana.
amava a Diana.
I mean, every person of every age group of any sex or denomination or anything that knew of her was in love with her.
de todas as idades ou tudo o que sabia da existência dela a amava.
I think constantly talking about Granny Diana. Erm, so we've got more photos up around the house now of her, and we talk about her a bit and stuff. It's hard because, obviously, Catherine didn't know her, so she cannot really provide that...
Falando constantemente da vóvó Diana. ( RISOS ) e falámos dela ali e acolá. por isso não consegue dar...
that level of detail. So I do regularly, putting George or Charlotte to bed, talk about her and just try and remind them that there are two grandmothers, there were two grandmothers in their lives, and so it's important they know who she was and that she existed.
aquele nível de detalhe. falo dela e faço que se lembrem que tinham duas avós nas suas vidas e isso é importante sabem quem foi sabem que existiu.
I wanna make as much time and effort with Charlotte and George as I can because I realise that these early years, particularly, are crucial for children, erm, having seen, you know, what she did for us.
Quero dedicar o máximo de tempo com a Charlotte e o George vendo o que ela fez por nós.
I found these ones here, which I thought was quite sweet.
que acho muito doces.
Believe it or not, you and I are both in this photo.
Estámos os dois nesta fotografia.
I mean, you potentially look excited that you've got a... at that point, a brother or sister coming.
Pareces contente que vais ter... um irmão ou irmã a caminho.
I think I was looking forward to beating you up, maybe you're right. I thought it was a funny photograph. Quite sweet.
Estava ansioso por te dar uma coça deves ter razão. foi doce.
Time spent with her, the feeling of having her around and being loved as a family or as a son, I think those are the most precious, special memories to me.
a sensação de são as minhas memórias mais preciosas e especiais.
There's not a day that William and I don't wish that she was... we don't wish that she was still around, and we wonder what kind of a mother she would be now, and what kind of a public role she would have, and what a difference she would be making.
Não passa um dia em que o William e eu não desejamos que diferença estaria a fazer.
I think she'd be proud that. Harry and I have managed to come through everything that's happened, having lost her, and that gives me positivity and strength to know that I can... I can face anything the world can throw at me.
Estaria orgulhosa e isso dá-me optimismo e força que eu... consigo enfrentar tudo o que o mundo tenha. e sou muito grato que esse amor ainda... mesmo 20 anos depois.
We felt, you know, incredibly loved, Harry and I, erm, and I'm very grateful that that love still... still feels there, even 20 years on. And I think that's a huge credit to her, that I...
E isso deve-se muito a ela...
I can... I can still feel that now.
Eu ainda... ainda o sinto agora.
* Swingin'while I'm singin Givin'what ya gettin'* * Knowin'what I know *
I don't think Public Enemy ever thought someone would be dancing Persian... to "Fight the Power."
Acho que os Public Enemy nunca imaginaram alguém a dançar persa ao som desta canção.
I am excited to be here. This is a dream come true.
Estou empolgado por aqui estar.
i don't care how long it takes 27
ines 33
i mean 97485
i know 63170
i lost my mind 16
i love my sister 16
it's fine 7136
i love you 17750
irene 487
i don 542
ines 33
i mean 97485
i know 63170
i lost my mind 16
i love my sister 16
it's fine 7136
i love you 17750
irene 487
i don 542
i'm fine 13072
i am 12154
i do 17590
i don't think so 6892
i just 13298
ivan 848
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
iris 595
irma 94
i am 12154
i do 17590
i don't think so 6892
i just 13298
ivan 848
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
iris 595
irma 94
imbecile 102
i'm too old for this shit 16
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idea 68
internet 115
india 252
it's friday 105
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invite 16
it's done 1271
i'm too old for this shit 16
in fact 10253
idea 68
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