It was about tradutor Turco
14,218 parallel translation
It was about a family coming together.
Bu ailenin yeniden biraraya gelmesiyle ilgiliydi.
It was about the spy planes that were always flying over our community in Dearborn.
Dearborn'daki halkımızın üstünde uçan bir casus uçağı hakkındaydı
It was about stirring up the tribes.
Başkanınızı öldürüp kabilenizi kışkırtmakla ilgiliydi.
And they'd sum up what it was about And all they'd learned.
Neyle ilgili olduğunu ve öğrendiklerini özetlerlerdi.
I thought it was about time we started celebrating Mother's Day.
- Anneler Günü'nü kutlamaya başlamanın vakti gelmişti.
And that speech wasn't about convincing us. It was about convincing you. Didn't work, did it?
Tüm o konuşma bizi ikna etmek için değil seni ikna etmek içindi ama işe yaramadı, değil mi?
Again, it was a private moment with a person that I cared about.
Tekrar söylüyorum, değer verdiğim biriyle özel bir an yaşıyorduk.
It was so loud If someone cared about the Bronx
Öyle gürültülüydü ki Bronx kimsenin umurunda olsaydı Buna izin verilmezdi
How about maybe you ask Zeke whose idea it was to rob Les Inferno last night.
Dün akşam Les Inferno'yu soymak kimin fikriydi Zeke'e bir sorsana?
It was all about Who could bust that ass
Kıçımızı yırtarak uğraşırdık
I picked up something about Julian, but the rest of it was just muffled to the point of incomprehensibility.
Julian dediğini duydum, ama söylediğin diğer şeyler pek anlam ifade etmedi.
Did she think it was a mistake when she was sucking that guy's measly cock and telling you all about it so you could have a big laugh behind my back?
O herifin pis çükünü nasıl ağzına aldığını anlatırken... ve siz arkamdan gülerken de hata yaptığının farkında mıydı?
That name rings a bell, was someone talking about it?
Tanıdık gibi geliyor, sanki birisi oradan bahsediyordu?
Did you tell him about Josh? No, I just told him it was getting awkward around here, which it is.
Hayır sadece buralarda işlerin biraz tuhaflaştığını söyledim ki öyle.
Dude, it was not good, and I don't want to talk about it right now.
Dostum, hiç iyi şey olmadı, ve bunu şu an konuşmak istemiyorum.
But... when you get bigger, every year there's someone there to punch you in the gut and tell you, " No, it ain't about you. It never was about you.
Ama büyümeye başladığında her yıl biri karnına yumruğu patlatıp sana " Hayır, seninle alâkalı değil.
I was about to say it's lovely being together.
Bir arada olmamızın çok hoş bir şey olduğunu söylemek üzereydim.
It was never about that.
Hiçbir zaman değildi.
It absolutely is my job, and I was just about to leave, so, um, thank you guys so much.
Kesinlikle benim işim ve ben de ayrılmak üzereydim zaten. Çok teşekkür ederim, çocuklar.
You know, my mama died when I was about your age, so I know how tough it can be.
Senin yaşlarındayken annem ölmüştü yani bu durumun ne kadar zor olduğunu biliyorum.
- Thank God he was better at writing about music than actually writing it.
- Tanrıya şükürler olsun ki müzik hakkında yazmakta, söz yazmaktan daha iyiydi.
What Richie said about our music, how it's a mirror to our lives or whatever the fuck it was.
Richie'nin müziğimiz hakkında söyledikleri hayatımızın bir aynası oluşu ya da her neyse.
And I was so worried about that Y2K thing, I couldn't even enjoy it.
Bu 2000 olayı için çok endişeliydim, eğlenememiştim bile.
If it was up to me, you'd be working on your tan right now, but my lieutenant's got a bee in his bonnet about jurisdiction.
- Bana kalsa şu an güneşleniyor olurdun ama amirim şehir kesim paylaşımına kafayı takmış gidiyor.
It's a brief to Paul about an incoming weapons shipment that was a part of something called Desert Rain.
Çöl Yağmuru denilen bir şeyin parçası olarak gelecek silah sevkiyatıyla ilgili Paul'a geçilen bir bilgi.
If all this was about the kid needing the truth about his brother, why not just give it to him?
Madem çocuk ağabeyiyle ilgili gerçeği öğrenmek istiyordu, direkt söyleseydin ya?
It was just a voice, but he knew everything about me.
Sadece sesti. Ama hakkımda her şeyi biliyordu.
I think it was warning us about what he might do to them.
Sanırım Makine Harold'un onlara yapabileceği şeyler konusunda bizi uyarmak istedi.
It was all he cared about.
Eskiden en sevdiği şeydi.
And it was all about how cultures that have survived more loss, like harsh weather or earthquakes, they have more totems.
Kötü hava koşulları, depremler filan yüzünden büyük kayıplar yaşayan kültürlerin daha fazla totemi vardı.
But I was thinking about it last night as I was falling asleep, the darkness.
Ama dün gece uykuya dalmadan bunu düşünüyordum, karanlığı.
Did you care about Alicia before you thought it was connected to me, or only after? Why does that...
Alicia'ya değer vermen, olayı bana bağlamadan önce miydi, sonra mıydı?
The raps must not have known about it, or it was too deep.
Ya kimsenin haberi olmadı ya da çok derindeydi.
I'm so sorry to hear about Nicole, you know, it was never gonna work though.
Nicole'le olanlara üzüldüm ama yürümeyeceği belliydi.
I was finally about to gel laid, and you ruin it by being a fuckin'huge cockblock!
Sonunda bir kızla sevişebilecekken geldin ve tüm her şeyi mahvettin sik kafalı herif!
I mean, she was so sensitive about it, and it was really, really sad because cheerleading meant everything to her.
Bu konuda o kadar hassastı ki. Çok üzücüydü çünkü ponpon kız olmak onun her şeyiydi.
- It was all about oil. - Mmm.
Her şey petrol içindi.
Yeah, it was all about a pure bloodline, wasn't it?
Soyunu korumak için yapmamış mı?
I dropped Seol from the course and was about to register in it.
Seol'ün des kaydını sildim tam kendim giriş yapacaktım.
Hey, um, I was actually thinking about it and you don't need to read my script.
Düşünüyordum da senaryomu okumana gerek yok.
Your story... the part about the estate sale... was true, wasn't it?
Şu hikaye emlak satışıyla alakalı kısım doğruydu değil mi?
I was real busy, I was like all over the place, but I thought about you a lot and whatever you want, you got it.
Cidden yoğundum. Başımı kaşıyamıyordum. Ama hep aklımdaydın, ne istersen, emrine amadeyim.
Tara was talking about it in her sleep, I think.
Tara rüyasında bunu sayıklıyordu sanırım.
Look, I was gonna tell you about me and Michonne, but it just happened.
Michonne'le olan durumumuzdan bahsedecektim sana ama birden oldu.
Would it make a difference if I said I was sorry about that?
Bu konuda özür dilesem bir şey fark edecek mi?
The paint was about eight layers thick and hard, but I scratched it.
Boya sekiz kat yapılmış ve sertti ama kazıdım.
It smelled like... I had a tooth out when I was about 14. It was the same smell.
Kokusu sanki... 14 yaşlarımdayken diş çektirmiştim.
He knew there was something in the food and he kept quiet about it!
Yiyeceklerde bir şeyin olduğunu biliyordu...
♪ that's what it's all about ♪ Sorry, it was, uh...
Kusura bakma.
And yet, when she called me today, she was just as passionate about this clinic as she was when she first brought it up to me ten years ago.
-... istemeyenlere defalarca karşı çıktı. Yine de, bugün beni aradığında, klinik hakkında tıpkı on sene önce konudan ilk bahsettiğinde olduğu kadar tutkuluydu.
But from what I can gather, it was snatched up by this ancient that you're badgering me about... after the Kree were killed or driven out or whatever.
Öğrendiğim kadarıyla, sorup durduğunuz o kadim tarafından kapılmış. Kree onu öldürdükten, sürgün ettikten ya da her neyse ondan sonra.
it was about you 16
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it was fun 381
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it was great 632
it wasn't that bad 112
it wasn't my fault 280
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't hard 37
it was fun 381
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it wasn't fair 35
it was amazing 310
it wasn't a date 37