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And come back перевод на испанский

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Like he had died and come back to life once before.
Como si hubiera muerto y hubiera revivido.
Just measure it and come back and tell me.
Sólo midelo y vuelve a decirme.
And come back quickly.
Y regresa rápidamente.
We keep things on hand so that if, in the future, the CDC wants to come back and do studies, we'll have those archives available for their use.
Tenemos todo a mano, por si el día de mañana el centro CCPE desea volver a llevar a cabo los estudios. Así, tendrán los archivos a su disposición.
And that way, researchers can continue to come back and look at them.
De esta forma, los investigadores pueden volver a analizarlas.
I'll just come back and get him.
Regresaré por él.
We can rent this house out until you turn 18, and then you can come back and stay if you want.
Podemos alquilar esta casa hasta que cumplas 18 años y luego puedes regresar y quedarte si quieres.
and spend the rest of my life with, and maybe if we can just find a way for me to remember her, then, bam, it'll all come rushing back to me, and the hairs on the back of my neck will stand up, and I can save you.
y quizá si pudiera hallar el modo de recordarla, entonces lo recordaría todo de golpe... y el cabello en mi nuca se erizaría y podría salvarte.
Do it, come back and see me in a week, and we will marvel together at the improvement.
Hazlo y regresa en una semana y nos maravillaremos juntos de los resultados.
Well, actually, we just got back from Cabo and normally, we would about spend two weeks there, but Bob had to come back early, because we had to oversee the construction of the lake house.
Acabamos de regresar de Cabo. Normalmente vamos dos semanas, pero Bob debía venir antes A supervisar la construcción de la casa del lago.
- Why don't you, and come on back here, tell me what's wrong with it.
Bueno, miralo, y vuelve aquí de nuevo. Dime cuál es el desperfecto.
And she's going to come back here empty-handed!
Y va a volver aquí con las manos vacías.
Come on. You can have an escort there and back.
Vamos, tendrá escolta a la ida y a la vuelta.
I'm gonna come back here and cut all their throats myself, starting with him.
... volveré a degollarlos yo en persona, empezando por él?
So that more guys like Ty and Glen have to come back here?
¿ Para qué más hombres como Ty y Glen tengan que volver aquí...?
I'd rather be run through by a British bayonet and have my body buried in an unmarked grave than turn back after we have come this far!
¡ Prefiero ser atravesado por una bayoneta británica y tener mi cuerpo enterrado en una tumba sin nombre antes que dar la vuelta después de haber llegado tan lejos!
I sent you to hell... and you come back with superpowers.
Te envié al infierno y regresaste con superpoderes.
Well, on Thursdays... my father, he would come back from the chicken market... he'd dump all the chickens in a pile... and people would come in and pick whatever chicken they wanted for the weekend.
Los jueves mi padre, que volvía del mercado de los pollos, volcaba todos los pollos en una pila... y la gente escogía el pollo que querían para el fin de semana.
When we get all good and settled, we'll come back and visit.
Cuando nos instalemos, vendremos de visita.
He concluded Bourne is still a patriot at heart, and that leaving the program could come back to haunt him.
Determinó que Bourne sigue siendo en el fondo un patriota y que abandonar el programa podría atormentarlo.
Made a bargain with a guy in a dark suit and now he's come back to take my soul.
Le vendí mi alma a alguien de traje negro. Y ahora, está de regreso para llevarse mi alma.
I'm gonna leave this garage, you idiots, and never come back.
Voy a dejar este garaje, idiotas, y nunca vuelvas.
I never had one of my kids leave and not come back.
Nunca me pasó que uno de mis chicos se fuera así.
The curtain drops and memories can come flooding back.
El telón cae y los recuerdos te inundan.
And so I asked him if he was 100 % certain because... 'Cause I didn't want to come back unless he was right.
Y le pregunté si estaba 100 % seguro... porque yo no quería regresar a menos que estuviera bien.
And we come back healthy!
Y volvemos sanos!
We reached out and asked everyone to come back in. Mm-hmm.
Les pedimos a todos que regresaran.
Sir, I just want to come back and finish my studies.
Señor, solo quiero volver y terminar mis estudios.
I told her to come back to me, and she snapped right out of it.
Le dije que volviera a mí y se despabiló.
If I don't watch over you, Father's ghost will come back and murder me.
Si no cuido de ti, el fantasma de padre volverá para matarme.
I didn't think I'd ever come back here after my father made me renounce my title and inheritance and, well, threaten to kill me if I didn't.
Yo no creo que nunca iba a volver aqui despues de que mi padre hizo yo renuncio a mi titulo y la herencia y, ademas, amenazan con matarme si no lo hacia.
Now he's come back and taken Riverrun.
Ahora que ha vuelto y llevado Aguasdulces.
As soon as I find them, we'll come and help you get Genewen back.
Tan pronto como las encuentre, regresaremos y te ayudaré a recuperar a Genewen.
You just go home, get your money, then come back and get your coffee.
Ve a casa, coge el dinero y vuelve a por el café.
Come back and die with your own heart.
Vuelve y muere con tu propio corazón.
You turn your ass around and you walk through that door and don't you ever come back here, so help me God.
Da media vuelta, atraviesa esa puerta, y te juro por Dios que no quiero volver a verte jamás.
- You're gonna get help and you're gonna come back, okay?
Ve por ayuda y luego regresas aquí, ¿ de acuerdo?
And when we finally get it, we're going to come back here and ring that victory bell.
Cuando por fin lo tengamos, vendremos aquí y sonaremos la campana de la victoria.
♪ and begs you please ♪ ♪ come back to me ♪ ♪ please return to me ♪ ♪ now go away again ♪
Y te ruega, por favor Regresa a mí, mi amor Por favor, regresa a mí
♪ and begs you please ♪ ♪ come back to me ♪ ♪ please return to me ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ you whisper in my earyou ♪
Y te ruega, por favor Regresa a mí, mi amor Por favor, regresa a mí
Come back here and give me some money.
Regresa y dame dinero.
I'll go and I'll come back.
Me iré y volveré.
And johnny boy, if I were you, I'd come back here tonight later on.
Y, Johnny, si yo fuera tú, esta noche volvería aquí.
And if you come back here again, you'll have to deal with me.
Y si vuelves aquí otra vez, tendrás que vértelas conmigo.
Pimento's gonna come back, we're gonna get married and we're gonna have sex on Figgis's grave just like we planned.
Pimento volverá, nos casaremos y tendremos sexo en la tumba de Figgins como lo planeamos.
Legend has it that anyone who goes out there and tries to find them doesn't come back.
La leyenda dice que cualquiera que vaya ahí afuera e intente encontrarlos, no regresa.
Because I spit on her, right before I was going to New York and I thought I was never gonna come back.
Porque yo le escupí a ella antes de irme a Nueva York cuando creí que nunca regresaría.
Can I... can I come back and see my mommy?
¿ Puedo... puedo volver a ver a mi mamá?
I gotta go to work. Ugh. But I'm gonna leave that door open and if Grandpa doesn't come back by tonight, we'll just make flyers and we'll go search the neighborhood, okay?
Debo ir a trabajar, pero dejaré la puerta abierta, y si Abuelo no regresa esta noche, haremos volantes y buscaremos en el vecindario.
And he may come back.
Y puede que vuelva.
And they won't come back.
Y que no van a volver.

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