Believe what you want перевод на испанский
581 параллельный перевод
You ´ re free, believe what you want.
Eres libre de creer lo que se te antoje.
Believe what you want. I don't care.
Cree lo que quieras, me da igual.
- Believe what you want.
- Piense lo que quiera.
Believe what you want.
Créelo si quieres.
Always believe what you want to believe.
Siempre crea lo que quiera creer.
Believe what you want.
Cree lo que quieras.
Now, you can believe what you want to about me.. But you're keeping the books.
Puede creer lo que quiera sobre mí pero usted lleva los libros de cuenta
Believe what you want.
Crea lo que quiera.
Believe what you want, but she's his.
- Piense lo que quiera, es de él.
Believe what you want, I do not care.
Cree lo que te parezca, no me importa.
You can believe what you want, but the one thing I want you to know is that I am ready to die for you. Do you see?
Puedes creer lo que quieras, pero lo único que quiero que sepas es que estoy lista para morir por ti. ¿ Lo ves?
You believe what you want.
Crea lo que quiera.
Well, believe what you want,
Lo crean o no,
You're free to believe what you want
Vuestro corazón es libre.
Mr Hoover, you can believe what you want, but please don't involve my family.
Puede creer lo que quiera, pero no meta a mi familia.
Now if that's what you want, believe me, you're going to get it!
¡ Si es eso lo quieres, espera y verás!
That's what I want you to believe, Lester.
Eso es lo que quería.
But I do believe that's what you want. Am I right, Regina?
Pero sí creo que eso es lo que tú quieres. ¿ Tengo razón, Regina?
Of course you can't flinch from what you believe to be your duty. But certainly, you don't want to act hastily in the same spirit of lawlessness that begot this foul crime.
No pueden vacilar en el cumplimiento de lo que Uds. Creen es su deber... pero sin duda no quieren precipitarse... con el mismo espíritu de anarquía que engendró este vil crimen.
What do you mean? They want us to believe that they found the document and therefore have no further use for Grayson.
- Quieren que creamos que tienen el documento y que por lo tanto ya no necesitan a Grayson.
Believe me, I only want what's best for you.
Créeme, sólo quiero lo mejor para ti.
You want me to make a money settlement on you, so that he can support you in what is called, I believe, the style to which you are accustomed.
Quieres que llegue a un acuerdo económico contigo, de tal manera que él pueda mantenerte, de la forma en que estás acostumbrada.
I believe i know what you want to tell me... Kate.
Creo que sé que quieres decirme, Kate.
- You may not believe me, Lufton I want to tell you what you're up against. Then it's up to you.
Puede no creerme, Lufton... pero debe saber contra lo que se enfrenta.
If that's what you want to believe.
Si quieres creer eso.
I want you to believe that I am more ashamed for what has happened... and for the part I played in it, than I've ever been in my life before.
Quiero que crea que me siento avergonzado por lo que ha ocurrido... y por el lugar que he tomado en ello, que no hice antes en toda mi vida.
You may not believe me, Sidney, but I want what's best for you.
Tal vez no me creas, pero quiero lo mejor para ti.
- Is that what you want me to believe?
- ¿ Pretendes que me lo crea?
She didn't believe my eagle was real. I said, " What do you want him to do?
.. dije : " ¿ Qué quieres que haga?
I do not believe you have done much pining for what you want.
No creo que usted haya suspirado mucho por lo que desea.
What do you want to make me believe?
¿ Qué me quiere hacerme creer?
I believe I can tell you what you want to know, without violating my patient's confidence.
Creo poder decirles Io que desean... sin violar Ia confianza de mi paciente.
And I want you to take a long look at her... because I believe that maybe you`ve forgot what an American girl looks like.
Y quiero que la mires muy bien porque creo que te olvidaste qué aspecto tienen las chicas americanas.
- If you don't believe it then do what you want
- Si no me crees, haz lo que te parezca.
That's what you want to believe.
Eso es lo que quieres creer.
And that's what you really want to believe, isn't it?
Y eso es lo que realmente quieres creer.
Especially when you want to believe what you see and hear.
Especialmente cuando quieres creer lo que ves y lo que oyes.
What you want to believe, that's the only truth.
La única verdad es lo que quieres creer.
Is that what you want to believe?
¿ Es eso lo que quieres creer?
David, you must believe that I hate them both, that I'm only doing what they want because I have to.
David, debes creerme cuando te digo que los detesto a ambos, que solo hago lo que quieren porque no tengo elección.
Well, if that's what you want to believe, pal, you go right ahead.
Si es lo que quieres creer, adelante.
It only shows what we want to make you believe.
Ella muestra lo que se quiere hacerte creer.
What else? You want me to believe that some emergency happened on the Silver Carrier.
Quieres que crea que ha ocurrido alguna emergencia en la Silver Carrier.
What do you want me to believe?
Qué quieres decirme?
You have made up a story because it's what you want to believe, because of me.
Quieres creer esa historia por mí.
I know what you say she was, what you want me to believe she was.
Sólo sé lo que tú me dijiste, lo que quisiste hacerme creer.
I believe in what you seek. But there is a tragic difference between what you want and what he wants.
Creo en lo que busca pero hay una diferencia enorme entre lo que usted quiere...
- Well, I want to believe her, too, but that's not what I asked you.
– Pues, yo también le quiero creer, – pero no fue lo que te pregunté.
When we heard from you that Gishiro was dead she didn't want to believe it, no matter what I said.
Cunado nos contó que Gishiro había muerto no se lo podía creer, no importaba nada de lo que le dijera.
You want us to believe what you've told us.
Quieres que creamos lo que nos has contado.
I believe you could kill me right now, and if that's what you want to do... then, uh, go ahead... but you've got enough heat on you already, and we can help you.
Podrías matarme ahora mismo. Si quieres hacerlo... entonces, adelante. Pero tienes demasiados problemas y podemos ayudarte.
believe what 32
what you want me to do 22
what you want to do 20
what you want 233
what you wanted 21
you want some tea 39
you want me to come 17
you want to see me 30
you want to talk to me 36
you want something 175
what you want me to do 22
what you want to do 20
what you want 233
what you wanted 21
you want some tea 39
you want me to come 17
you want to see me 30
you want to talk to me 36
you want something 175
you want to die 96
you want some 400
you want to kill me 68
you want to play 93
you want it 343
you want more 86
you want me to stop 34
you want me to leave 56
you want to go home 38
you want some of this 80
you want some 400
you want to kill me 68
you want to play 93
you want it 343
you want more 86
you want me to stop 34
you want me to leave 56
you want to go home 38
you want some of this 80