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I heard screaming перевод на испанский

350 параллельный перевод
I was on the yard getting my motorbike into the outhouse, when I heard screaming. I ran here, and she was lying there on the ground.
Yo estaba en el jardín guardando la moto,... cuando oí gritar.
- I heard screaming.
- Te oi gritar.
Then... once when they were... doin'stuff to me... I heard screaming.
Entonces cuando ellos estaban haciéndome cosas escuché un grito.
Y entonces oí que gritaban que le habían robado.
I heard Emily, the maid, screaming, so I came up.
Oí gritar a Emily, la criada, y subí.
I've heard him wake up in the middle of the night, screaming.
Oí que se despierta a los gritos en medio de la noche.
I heard her screaming, " Guillermo, husband, wait.
La oí gritar : " ¡ Guillermo, marido, espera!
- I was just where you left me waiting for her when I heard the screaming.
Estaba aquí esperando.
That's what they was doin'when I heard the screaming'from the river and run back.
Eso es lo que hacían cuando oí los gritos desde el río y volví corriendo.
I saw what happened, I heard him screaming.
Vi lo que pasó. Lo oí gritar.
La escuché gritar esa noche.
That night... I was comin'from the woods with a load of kindling'... and I heard Mayella screaming as I got to the fence.
Esa noche... venía del bosque con una carga de leña... cuando llegué a la cerca oí a Mayella gritando.
When I came to, I heard someone screaming.
Cuando regresaba, escuche a alguien gritando.
I heard some screaming and I follow the sound and it came from the old cistern.
- Señor Max, es necesario que venga.
Hablé con todos los demás ocupantes del piso y no oyeron ruidos extraños solo las corridas, disparos y gritos usuales.
I heard a man screaming.
Oí gritar a un hombre.
I was coming along the corridor and I heard him screaming.
Venía por el pasillo y le oí gritar.
I guess he must've heard her screaming.
Creo que la oyó gritar.
I heard a man who spoke the truth Screaming in pain
Oí el grito de dolor de un hombre Que decía la verdad
And then I heard all those people screaming!
¡ Y luego he oído a toda esa gente gritar!
Well, I didn't want to say, but just not so long back now... I heard her screaming like a stuck pig.
Bueno, no quería decirle, pero hace no mucho... lo escucho gritar como un cerdo.
Margaret, I heard you screaming.
Margaret, te oí gritar.
What I wanted to ask you is, you heard Dr. Hunter screaming.
Lo que quería preguntarle Cuando escucho gritar al Dr. Hunter
Well, only half asleep because... I dreamt I heard the voice of a soprano And in reality it was the woman screaming like crazy
Bueno, me quedé medio dormida, porque soñaba que escuchaba una voz de una soprano y, en realidad, era la mujer que gritaba como una loca y que pedía que con la aguja no, por favor, con la aguja no, gritaba.
I've never seen you before. - We heard a screaming.
Pero si yo no te he visto nunca.
I heard them screaming, they couldn't have gotten out without me seeing them.
Oí gritos, y no pudieron salir sin que los viéramos.
I heard him screaming!
¡ Lo oí gritar!
I heard this screaming, and they had a guy pinned down for maybe 10 seconds, screaming like it was 100 years. And...
Oí unos gritos, y tuvieron a un tipo acorralado durante 10 segundos, gritó durante lo que pareció un siglo.
But I heard you screaming.
Pero te escuche gritando.
Last I heard there were a billion screaming Chinamen.
Tenía entendido que existían mil millones de chinos gritones.
I started to ring the bell, and I heard a terrible fight inside. A woman's voice was screaming at Carol.
Llamé al timbre... y oí una tremenda discusión.
I heard him screaming my name in the ambulance.
Lo escuché gritar mi nombre cuando se lo llevaba la ambulancia...
♪ When I heard him screaming ♪ I fainted dead away
Al oírle gritar, del miedo me desmayé
because the walls were shaking and I heard Dad screaming.
Las paredes temblaban y oí gritar a papá.
I heard you screaming.
Le oí qritar.
... and I heard somebody screaming', and it was me.
.. oí gritar a alguien, y era yo.
And I heard this girl screaming and pounding on the door.
Y oi una chica gritando y golpeando la puerta.
I've heard a lot of fucking screaming!
¡ He oído un montón de jodidos gritos!
I couldn't sleep, and then I heard you screaming.
No podía dormir y te he oído gritar.
I heard her screaming.
La oí chillando.
I mean, a good loud party where the music is playing too loud and everybody is talking too loudly, and in order to be heard even by the person standing right next to you, you've got to be screaming at the top of your lungs.
¿... y todo el mundo habla fuerte, y para que te oiga, incluso la persona que tienes al lado...? ¿... tienes que gritar a pleno pulmón?
I heard this woman screaming from the bathroom.
Escuché a esta mujer gritando desde el baño.
I was eight years old, listening at the door, and I heard her screaming.
Escuché detrás de la puerta. Ella gritaba.
Well, there, my clever puppy. We've had the men and I think I even heard the ecstatic screaming.
Ya ves graciosa, hemos encontrado a los machos y hasta oí gemidos de placer...
I heard him screaming at Cheryl.
Oí cómo gritaba a Cheryl.
You know, I heard her screaming from my apartment.
La oí gritando desde mi apartamento.
I heard him screaming one night at Bob.
Le oí gritarle una noche a Bob.
And then I heard all the noise, and I heard Mr Lee screaming.
Y entonces oí aquel ruido. Y oí gritar al señor Lee.
He Was taking his nap, and I heard him screaming.
El tomaba su siesta, y lo oí gritar.
I heard them screaming into the bunker above us.
Les oí gritar en el búnker de arriba.
I heard the soldiers screaming.
Oí gritar a los soldados.

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