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I never did that перевод на испанский

1,241 параллельный перевод
- I never did that.
Oh, oh... Laura.
If I did that, I might never see them again.
Nunca lo hice, y espero nunca volver a verlo.
I did never think that lady would have loved any man.
Jamás creí que esa dama amara a ningún hombre.
I did something that day that I'd never done in my life.
Aquel día hice algo que no había hecho nunca.
Or that I'm just another one... of those guys that never did what he said he was gonna do?
Porque sólo soy uno más de esos tipos que nunca consiguen lo que se proponen.
It did not matter that I'd never touched, someone had to pay.
Nada importó, nunca le puse un dedo encima.
I think we can be proud... that we never did a bad show... except for that week Ray Jay Johnson was my co-host.
Nunca hicimos un programa malo. Excepto esa semana con Ray Jay Johnson.
Snap your wrists. Take your time. I never did get that right.
dobla la muñeca, tómate tu tiempo nunca lo hice bien
I don't believe it was quiet, nothing he ever did was quiet... but that's what the newspaper writer said... and we all know writers never lie.
No creo que haya estado tranquilo, nunca hizo algo tranquilo... pero eso dijo el escritor del periódico... y sabemos que los escritores no mienten.
She said that if my health did not improve, I could never see the Hulmes again.
Si mi salud no mejora, No iré nunca más donde los Hulme.
That's when I started to think about blokes and blokes. Never did it, of course.
Fue entonces cuando comencé a pensar en el amor entre hombres.
They tried to tell me that shit when I first went home... and it never did me a damn bit of good. - When you first went home?
Intentaron decirme esa mierda cuando volví a casa la primera vez, y nunca me hizo ningún bien.
And all of my life I will never know what that did to her.
Y en toda mi vida, nunca sabré por qué le hice eso a ella.
They tried to tell me that shit when I first went home... and it never did me a damn bit of good.
- No, no. Intentaron decirme esa mierda cuando volví a casa la primera vez, y nunca me hizo ningún Bine.
I never did like that guy.
Nunca me gustó ese tipo.
But, pumpkin, my job as a parent is not to be famous but to do the best that I can so that my children can have the things I never did.
Sin embargo, calabaza, mi trabajo como padre no es ser famoso sino hacer lo mejor que pueda Para que mis hijos puedan tener las cosas que nunca yo nunca tuve.
And I did something that I never thought I'd do.
Y yo hice algo que nunca pensé que haría.
I mean, I would never kill anybody on purpose or like, in cold blood. Hey, did you ever see that movie?
o | a sangre fría. ¿ Viste esa película?
- I may hate the idea that I'm gonna be a grandfather, but never for one millisecond of one day... did I ever not wanna spend the rest of my life with you.
Si? - Y que odie la idea de ser abuelo, pero en ningun momento... he deseado dejar de vivir el resto de mi vida contigo.
Since this must be done and that I could contribute, I did, and I have never regretted to have done.
Y como tenía que hacerse y yo podía contribuir así lo hice, y nunca me arrepentí de haberlo hecho.
Never thought she looked like that! I'm sure she did it un purposed!
Nunca me imaginé la cara su fin.
Well, I never said I did that neither, did I?
Tampoco he dicho eso, ¿ no?
If I did that, the message might never be delivered.
Si hiciera eso, el mensaje podría no ser enviado nunca.
The Montreal police have been contacted, but nothing has come through yet, although the one guy that I did talk to in the Montreal office said that this guy was never known to be violent.
Hemos contactado con la policia de Montreal, pero no hay nada aún, salvo que este tio nunca ha sido violento.
I had a pre-trial meeting that never did stop.
Tuve una junta de antes del juicio interminable.
You never read that book I gave you, did you?
No leíste el libro que te presté, ¿ verdad?
And I realized that not only did I not want to answer that question... but I never wanted to answer another water-sports question... or see any of these people again for the rest of my life.
Me di cuenta de que no sólo no quería contestar esa pregunta... sino tampoco ninguna otra pregunta sobre deportes acuáticos... y tampoco quería ver a esta gente por el resto de mi vida.
I never thought I'd be the kind of guy that did something like this.
nunca pense que seria el tipo de persona que haria algo asi.
But I did something that I never should have done, I made an enemy of someone I love,
Pero hice algo que nunca debí haber hecho... hice una enemiga de alguien a quien amo.
I never did get that Johnny Seven O.M.A
Ha aguantado nueve segundos.
I never did one thing right in my Iife. You know that?
Nunca he hecho ninguna cosa bien en mi vida, ¿ sabe?
By Him that raised me to this careful height from that contented hap which I enjoy'd I never did incense his majesty against the Duke of Clarence.
Por quien me hizo subir a tanta altura de la región feliz en que me hallaba juro que contra Clarens nunca dije nada a su majestad.
Never told you what happened right after that, did I?
Nunca te dije que fue lo que pasó después de todo, no?
Boy, I tell ya, I spent that whole summer just cringin'every time she got mad... thinkin'she'd found out or was gonna call the school, but she never did.
Chico, te digo, me pasé todo el verano con miedo cada vez que se enojaba... pensando que lo había descubierto o que llamaría a la escuela, pero nunca lo descubrió.
I always thought that you would come back and rescue me, but you never did.
Siempre creí que regresarías a rescatarme pero nunca lo hiciste.
Well, he took out all his frustrations on me, the way I did on you, and things were never the same between me and him after that.
Bueno, sacó todas sus frustraciones en mí, como lo hice contigo, y las cosas nunca fueron iguales entre él y yo después de eso.
I just did that to make you feel better. I never cared for her.
Sólo lo hacía para complacerte, pero nunca me cayó muy bien.
I got to tell you, man, I just stood there my heart thumping through my chest hoping that he would morph into something else or just vanish into thin air, but he never did.
Debo admitir que me quedé allí parado, con el corazón saltándome en el pecho, esperando que cambiara a otra cosa o que se desvaneciera, pero nunca lo hizo.
It never occurred to me that I could fail, but I did and I never wanted anyone to know the truth... that seven years ago
Nunca imaginé que podia fallar, pero asi fue y no queria que nadie jamás llegara a saber la verdad : que hace siete años dejé morir a tres hombres inocentes.
I did? Oh, yes. You never knew that, did you?
- No lo sabías, ¿ verdad?
I never did anything like that for Jean-Luc, but I feel very close to you.
No hice nada igual para Jean-Luc. Pero me siento muy unido a ti.
You will never persuade me that one of my boys did what I saw in that cell.
Nunca me convencerá de que uno de mis muchachos hizo lo que vi en esa celda.
I never did quite believe that there was anything wrong with my lungs, but the seclusion and quiet of Karlsbad were all helpful to me.
Nunca creí que hubiese algo malo con mis pulmones, pero el aislamiento y la tranquilidad de Karlsbad me ayudó.
I never did find out where we were that day.
Nunca supe donde estuvimos aquel día.
- No, that I never did.
- No, nunca.
I never did anything like that before.
Nunca había hecho algo así.
Then she met my girlfriend and said I'd done stuff that I never did.
Entonces conocio a mi novia y dijo que habia hecho cosas que nunca hice
And I'm sorry for never spotting the human being that did this for us.
Y lamento no haber visto nunca en la mesa a un ser humano con la compasión suficiente para ayudarnos de esta manera ".3
For that, I liked you as I never did anyone.
En aquel tiempo te amaba como no había amado a nadie
She never did give me that number. But I got it out of the bin.
Y un día que mamá estaba trabajando, la llamé.
I never in all his life, did anything like that to him before.
Nunca jamás le había hecho algo así hasta ahora.

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