Just as well перевод на испанский
4,729 параллельный перевод
It's just as well.
Pues eso.
In a way, it's just as well... since we can't ever really know each other, can we?
En cierto modo, da igual puesto que ni siquiera podemos conocernos mutuamente, ¿ no?
Just as well.
Solo así.
'Which is just as well, since we got a last minute entry.'
Me parece bien, porque tenemos una inscripción de último momento.
- You should just as well confess.
- Es lo mismo que confesar.
May be it's just as well we are landing.
Igual puede ser solo porque estamos aterrizando.
If we don't get something on Reston, something that sticks, we may just as well pull all of our ads, pack up camp.
Si no conseguimos algo de Reston, algo que dure, igual podríamos quitar los anuncios, hacer las maletas.
Just as well.
Mucho mejor.
Just as well.
And just as well'cause I think this guy's the one.
Además, pienso que este es el indicado.
Well, I... as much as I like being the other woman to your little women, I... I just wonder if maybe we should -
Bueno, yo... aunque me gusta ser la otra mujer para tus mujercitas, yo... me pregunto si quizá deberíamos...
When it finally did come out, you know, a lot of the buzz that had been going on on the Internet had kind of died down, and whether it was deserved or not, I think there was a bad smell to it, and it just didn't perform as well as it could have.
Cuando finalmente se estrenó, el montón de rumores que decían que ya estaba colgada en Internet hizo mucho daño y, merecido o no, creo que olía mal.
Yeah, well, just, uh, imagine everyone in the audience as naked.
Sí. Solo imagina que toda la audiencia está desnuda.
You all might as well just quit while you're ahead because there are only two ways to spell Unique, and one of them is. D-I-V-A... Diva.
Podrían dejarlo mientras estén por delante porque sólo hay dos formas para deletrear Unique, y una de ellas es D-I-V-A, diva.
Well, sometimes doing nothing makes you just as guilty as if you did a whole bunch of things.
A veces no hacer nada lo vuelve tan culpable como haber hecho muchas cosas.
Well, they would've screamed just as loud if someone handed them a used tampon sandwich.
Bueno, habrían gritado tanto como yo si alguien les hubiera hecho un sándwich de tampón usado.
I might as well have just cut your balls off. [Fires] Hickman.
También podría haberte cortado las pelotas.
Look, if you're not here to get help, you might as well just leave. Happy to.
Feliz de hacerlo.
Well, our energy system and our agricultural system are just as top heavy and just as vulnerable.
Nuestro sistema de energía y nuestro sistema de agricultura son tan pesados y tan vulnerables.
It's as if the bricks just flew out. Well, yeah.
Es como si los ladrillos hubieran salido volando.
Ooh, well, let me tell you, something was sure as hell wrong in that woman's life, because for the past month, she was just distracted.
Bueno, déjeme que le diga que algo seguro que iba fatal en la vida de esa mujer, porque el mes pasado, estaba siempre distraída.
Well, I gotta talk to my boss, but after... what I just saw, I'd say you're as good as hired.
Bien, tengo que hablar con mi jefe, pero después de lo que acabo de ver, diría que eres tan bueno como para contratarte.
Look, I know you know I'm gay, so you might as well just post it on your blog, or make some stupid TV show about what a fraud I am.
Mira, sé que sabes que soy gay, así que podrías simplemente ponerlo en tu blog o hacer alguna serie estúpida sobre lo fraude que soy.
As a town council member who cares deeply about the safety and well-being of our citizens, I felt compelled to share information I've just discovered about our lawkeeper Joshua Nolan.
Como miembro del Ayuntamiento que se preocupa profundamente por la seguridad y el bienestar de nuestros ciudadanos, me veo obligado a compartir información que acabo de descubrir acerca de nuestro guardián de la ley Joshua Nolan.
We might as well just, you know, sit...
Podemos - solo, ya sabes, sentarnos...
You might as well just give yourself up and come along quietly.
Lo mejor sería que te entregaras tranquilamente.
- Well,'cause if she's as smart and pretty and intimidating as you, she'll just kind of crush it in life.
¿ Por qué? - Bueno, porque si es tan lista e inteligente e intimidante como tú, como que ya la tiene resulta en la vida.
Bruce decided to go on the Reunion Tour with the E Street Band just around the millennium and the boys, they hit Copenhagen as well.
Bruce decidió salir en la gira "Reunion" con la E Street Band justo a la vuelta el nuevo milenio, tocaban en Copenhague también.
So, I'm just ringing to say I may as well stay at Janet's again tonight.
Solo llamo para decir que podría ser que también me quede con Janet esta noche.
Now, just'cause he's a police chief - he could've been a terrorist as well.
- Bien, aunque fuera un jefe de policía, podría haber sido también un terrorista. Sabes que podría trabajar para ambos bandos.
You might as well just torture away hunny,'cause I ain't telling'you squat. Bo can feed, off multiple chi... at the same time?
Bo puede alimentarse de múltiples chi... ¿ Al mismo tiempo?
Rule number one, no talking, not just to her, but each other as well, unless it's essential.
Regla número uno, nada de hablar, ni a ella, ni entre vosotros, solo si es totalmente necesario.
Well, June, as it just so happens, one of my rules is no sex for the first five dates.
June, da la casualidad que una de mis reglas es nada de sexo antes de cinco citas.
Well, I was a tri delt, and she was a chi omega, so we were just never gonna work out as roommates, you know?
Bueno, yo era una tridelta y ella una kapa omega, así que nunca íbamos a funcionar como compañeras de habitación, ¿ entiendes?
Well, maybe you'd apologize because we were supposed to go in as a unified front and confront your mother and then right in the middle of it, you just pulled the ripcord and the chute deployed and you were gone.
Bueno, quizá te disculparías... porque se suponía que íbamos a ir... como un frente unido a enfrentarnos a tu madre... y justo a la mitad... tiraste de la anilla... y el paracaidas se abrió y tú no estabas.
I just think there should be retail radio as well.
Sólo creo que también debería haber venta por radio.
Well, we just sprung his nephew Estefan, as well.
Bueno, también acabamos de soltar a su sobrino Estefan.
Leopards have to make sure that these carcasses are extremely well hidden, or as we've just seen, there are countless scavengers in this habitat hungry and willing to eat anything they can find.
Los leopardos deben asegurarse de que estos cadáveres estén bien ocultos, o como acabamos de ver, hay innumerables carroñeros en este ambiente hambrientos y dispuestos a comerse todo lo que encuentren.
Well, no, but I would just like to have the odds in our favor as much as possible.
Bueno, no, pero me gustaría tener las probabilidades a nuestro favor tanto como sea posible.
I might as well just give in now.
Bien podría simplemente ceder ahora.
And Erik Hoffman just came to see as well.
Y Erik Hoffman acaba de venir para escuchar también.
Well, now that I know the truth, I still want you in my life, but just not as a boyfriend.
Bueno, ahora que sé la verdad, aún te quiero dentro de mi vida, solo que no como un novio.
Well, if they're gonna keep coming, then we may as well just make it one big brawl.
Bueno, si van a seguir viniendo, entonces bien podemos presentar una gran batalla.
Well, as I just said, right, she's a freelance worker.
Bueno, como acabo de decir, es una trabajadora independiente.
Those in bettershape, well... Just patients who do as they're told.
Los que están mejor, bueno... sólo los pacientes que hacen lo que se les dice.
Ooh. Well, just think of this as another pole.
Creo que esto es otra cosa.
Well, let's just say the convention wasn't as boring as I thought it would be.
Bueno, digamos que la convención no fue tan aburrida como pensaba que sería.
Well, if it would just do as it's told. Oh! ( Both exclaim and cough )
¡ Bueno, si sólo hace lo que dice! No te preocupes, arreglaré todo eso.
The mad priest isn't really mad, and, well, the count is no count but one Edmond Dantes, just as Laura Masters is really Sheila Parker,
El sacerdote loco no está realmente loco, y, el conde no es ningún conde pero un Edmond Dantes, como Laura Masters que es realmente Sheila Parker,
Well, I had a notion as to the Red Team's strategy, I just chose the most likely one.
Bueno, tenía una idea de la estrategia del Equipo Rojo simplemente elegí la más probable.
It looks as though your boy has lost the Rivers'affinity so he may as well just settle down in Brittany with a nice fat peasant girl.
Parece que tu chico ha perdido la afinidad de los Rivers y podría establecerse en Bretaña con una buena campesina grande.
just asking 127
just ask 167
just ask him 36
just as you are 21
just ask me 37
just ask her 22
just as you say 20
just as friends 26
just as i thought 141
just as a precaution 17
just ask 167
just ask him 36
just as you are 21
just ask me 37
just ask her 22
just as you say 20
just as friends 26
just as i thought 141
just as a precaution 17
just as you said 18
just as i suspected 36
as well 1566
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
just as i suspected 36
as well 1566
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well spotted 23
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well spotted 23
well hello 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16