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Her family will have to listen to it, read about it, and his family will have to soak up a pack of lies about Gary all over again, because it's Antony's version of Gary.
La familia de ella tendrá que oírlo, leer sobre ello y la familia de él, se tragará un montón de mentiras sobre Gary de nuevo, porque es la versión de Antony sobre Gary.
- if you lived in new york Or los angeles, you know, You'd hear whatever's hot And have to listen to it, And in athens, you know, It kind of all drifts by
Si vives en Nueva York o Los Ángeles escuchas lo que esté de moda, pero en Athens todo pasa y puedes elegir lo que desees escuchar.
- good. - yeah, we gave him a copy And gave him three days To listen to it
- Le dimos una copia y le dimos tres días para escucharla, nos reunimos con él, nos tomamos un par de botellas de vino y lo discutimos.
I mean, I can listen to it as a fan.
Puedo escucharlo como un fanático. Puedo venir y decirles :
You got to watch the visualizer and listen to it.
Tienes que mirar el visualizador a la vez que escuchas.
Okay, let's listen to it.
Ok, vamos a escucharlo.
Sara and Jason Funderberker are gonna start dating, and then they'll hear that tape, and then they'll just sit and listen to it and laugh and laugh
Sara y Jason Funderberker empezarán a salir se sentarán a escuchar la cinta, y reirán y reirán...
Let's go listen to it.
But listen, you don't have to talk about it with me.
Pero escucha, no tienes que hablar de ello conmigo.
Charlie, listen, you know, I know that it's very hip these days to shit all over Horsin'Around, but at the time, I can tell you...
Charlie, escucha, ya sabes, sé que en estos días está muy de moda cagarse en Horsin'Around, pero en esa época, te diré...
Um... I don't think I'm gonna be able to get together with you tomorrow, but, listen, I will make it up to you.
No creo que vaya a poder quedar contigo mañana, pero, escucha, te lo compensaré.
It means... we'll be able to listen in on Mount Weather.
Significa que... podremos espiar Mount Weather.
Listen, if reading a book you wrote is anywhere near as great as it is to actually spend time with you, I'm sure it's gonna be wonderful.
Si leer un libro que tú escribiste es tan genial como lo es pasar tiempo contigo, será maravilloso.
Listen, I know what it's like to feel alone and different.
Escucha, sé lo que es sentirse sola y diferente.
Listen, if something is bothering you and you want to talk about it, I will listen.
Escucha, si algo te preocupa y quieres hablar sobre ello, escucharé.
Listen, this may not be your kind of thing, but a body was found here this morning, and something had gone to chow town on it.
Escuchad, puede que no sea vuestro tipo de cosa, pero un cadáver fue encontrado esta mañana aquí, y algo había ido a la ciudad a comer.
I know how it sounds crazy, but you need to listen to him.
Sé que parece cosa de locos, pero tienes que escucharle.
Listen, I know what it's like to be innocent, and have a bunch of circumstantial evidence, you know, stacked against you.
Sé lo que es ser inocente y que haya pruebas circunstanciales apilándose en tu contra.
Now it's your turn to listen to me.
Ahora te toca escucharme tú a mí.
It's almost impossible for hackers to listen in.
Es casi imposible para los hackers escuchar.
You listen to any tape from 1991, it'll sound like that.
Oyes cualquier grabación de 1991 y suenan como esa.
It pays to listen to them.
Merece la pena escucharles.
He won't even listen to you, so, you know, I'll do it.
No te va a escuchar, así que lo haré yo.
Bring it Listen to me carefully
Escuchenme atentamente
Listen, if you think that cactus is going to get you a better schedule, forget it.
Escucha, si crees que ese cactus te va a conseguir un horario mejor, olvídalo.
All right, listen, Rodney, I'm gonna get right to it.
Está bien, Rodney, voy a ir directo al grano.
Listen, if you want to go back to it, you do it, but don't drag me back with you, all right?
- Escucha si quieres volver a hacerlo, hazlo, pero no me arrastres contigo, ¿ de acuerdo?
Listen, Alex, you gotta get them to treat him for that at the hospital, and go to the accident site and tape it off or something because it might not be safe, there's no way of knowing how big the spill was
Mira, Alex. Necesito conseguir un tratamiento que el hospital no tiene, visitar el lugar del accidente, el precinto o algo así, además podría no ser seguro, no hay manera de saber como de grande fue el vertido, o incluso si fue limpiado correctamente.
Because wether you get it on the download, buy a hard copy, or just listen to the audio version, I promise you, it'll keep you hooked till the very last word.
Porque ya sea descargada... en la edición impresa o escuchando el audiolibro... les prometo que los tendrá enganchados hasta el final.
And you can pick out What you want to listen to. So it's--we just have This real amalgamated style.
Nuestro estilo es muy amalgamado.
And you're going to listen. - he enjoys it. He enjoys the kind Of challenge of, you know,
Él lo disfruta, disfruta el reto de manipular a los medios y esas cosas.
Has a real kind of Different vibe to it. - well, we listen to music.
Escuchamos música.
- i've been a fan From the very, very beginning, and it's--if you listen To chronic town then you listen to up, It's such a huge departure,
Si escuchas a Chronic Town y luego a Up, tienen una diferencia enorme, han pasado por tremendo viaje a través de los años.
All right, listen Will, I don't want to fight with you, it's Christmas Eve.
Bien, escucha Will, yo no quiero pelear contigo, es la víspera de Navidad.
I just think it's funny to be told to listen and learn by a man who never listens and never learns.
Me resulta gracioso que me diga que escuche y aprenda un hombre que nunca escucha y que nunca aprende.
Listen, I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it.
Escucha, no sé cómo decirlo esto, así que sólo voy a decir que
Listen, if anyone's going to do the ordering around in here, it's gonna be me.
Oiga, aquí las órdenes las doy yo.
We come up against it so you know only guy I listen to is you.
Si tenemos problemas para que lo sepas al único que escucharé, será a ti.
~ Press that button to speak, let it go to listen. ~ Will do.
- Pulsa el botón para hablar, suéltalo para escuchar. - De acuerdo.
Listen, I know it's a lot to ask, Ellie, but if I had another option, I wouldn't be here.
Escucha, sé que es mucho pedir, Ellie, pero si tuviera otra opción no estaría aquí.
But listen, you're telling me that it's important to you and I really appreciate that.
Pero escucha, me estás diciendo que es importante para ti y lo aprecio de verdad.
Just listen to the same voice that guided you to that tree. Damn it, Melanie, I was trying to avoid that.
Escucha a la misma voz que te guió a ese árbol.
I listen and learn what people want so I can give it to them.
Escucho y descubro qué quiere la gente para poder dárselo.
Listen to me, it's over.
Escúchame, se acabó.
Listen, is it possible to get into a serious relationship with someone without even realising it?
Escucha, ¿ es posible embarcarse en una relación seria con alguien sin ni siquiera darte cuenta?
You know what he's saying, Madam Secretary, so now it is your turn to listen to me.
Usted entiende lo que dice, señora Secretaria, Ahora es su turno para escucharme.
Used to routinely get into it with inmates and guards, and then get sent to me, and I'd have to listen to his twisted fantasies.
Solía pelear con internos y guardias... me lo mandaban a mí y yo tenía que escuchar... sus retorcidas fantasías.
And it only makes sense... when you listen to the "pocket" and the groove the Meters had.
Y sólo tiene sentido... cuando escuchás la sintonía y el groove que tenían los Meters.
Listen, i-i know i don't have the best track record When it comes to women.
Miren, yo no tengo el mejor record cuando se trata de mujeres.
Listen to me, where I come from, it was our tradition to give birth in a red tent, and all the women in the camp, they would gather, they would be holding hands and chanting softly.
Escúchame, de donde yo vengo, nuestra tradición era dar a luz en una carpa roja, y todas las mujeres del campamento, nos reuníamos allí, pasando de manos en manos y cantando suavemente.
Listen, if Charlotte can study it, she might be able to create a vaccine against the contagion.
Escucha, si Charlotte puede estudiarlo, quizás sea capaz de crear una vacuna contra el contagio.
listen to me 9369
listen to your heart 36
listen to the music 21
listen to me carefully 119
listen to your mother 43
listen to me now 51
listen to your father 24
listen to me very carefully 119
listen to my voice 41
listen to yourself 211
listen to your heart 36
listen to the music 21
listen to me carefully 119
listen to your mother 43
listen to me now 51
listen to your father 24
listen to me very carefully 119
listen to my voice 41
listen to yourself 211
listen to this one 27
listen to her 124
listen to him 223
listen to them 53
listen to you 160
listen to what i'm saying 18
listen to this 734
listen to reason 18
listen to us 43
listen to me for a second 21
listen to her 124
listen to him 223
listen to them 53
listen to you 160
listen to what i'm saying 18
listen to this 734
listen to reason 18
listen to us 43
listen to me for a second 21
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listen to 20
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to it 19
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it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
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to it 19
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it's friday 105
item 93
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it's warm 139
it's over 4654
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it's ok 4874
itchy 49
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it's warm 139
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itch 25
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itself 24
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items 25
it's about damn time 34
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itch 25
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items 25
it's about damn time 34