Party people перевод на испанский
1,502 параллельный перевод
Yes, party people, let's get this bitch in the ground!
¡ Sí, chicos fiesteros, vamos a enterrar a esta perra! ¿ Verdad?
Party people gather around!
¡ Vengan todos acá!
Hey, party people.
Hola, amigos.
... you tried to start a limbo contest, a poker game, and a secret club for super-cool party people only.
Trataste de empezar un concurso de limbo, una partida de poker, Y un club secreto sólo para las personas superlindas de la fiesta.
Super-cool party people bid you super-cool adieu!
Excelente. La gente superlinda de la fiesta te dice adiós superlindo!
We got a lot of party people around here.
Tenemos mucha gente de fiesta por aquí.
Break it down, sexy party people.
Break-it-down, sexy party people.
More than a hundred thousand people have gathered to be at the largest block party in the history of Los Angeles.
Más de cien mil personas se reunieron en lo que será la mayor fiesta de la historia de Los Ángeles.
There's people in that party that want to kill you.
Hay gente en esa fiesta que quiere matarlo.
What use is a Party that does nothing when I betray a woman of the people?
¿ Para qué vale el Partido si no significa nada traicionar a una mujer del pueblo?
A Party like that can never lead the people in their uprising.
Un Partido como ese no puede conducir al pueblo al alzamiento.
But show that you mean it when you say that this Party will lead the people in the battle against all oppressors everywhere.
Pero demuestren que saben lo que significa guiar al pueblo en la lucha final contra el opresor.
Our organization must build a truly revolutionary Party by destroying the revisionist clique of communists and unions that betrayed the Italian people to sell out to the bourgeoisie and the government.
Nuestra organización necesita construir un partido realmente revolucionario... destruyendo los panfletos revisionistas de comunistas y sindicatos... que traicionan al pueblo italiano... para venderse a la burguesía y al gobierno.
They throw a party so rich people like me can spend $ 1 0,000 on a table and then they give it to the sick people.
Hacen una fiesta para que la gente rica como yo pueda gastar 10.000 dólares en una mesa y luego se lo dan a los enfermos.
Ever wonder why kitchens are the first place people gravitate to when they first get to a party?
Siempre me he preguntado porqué las cocinas son el primer lugar para conocerse en una fiesta
There were so many people I didn't know it was a surprise party
Había tanta gente que no conocía... Ha habido un momento que he pensado que le estábamos preparando una fiesta sorpresa.
You know people always ask me why I throw this party every year...
¿ Saben? Siempre me preguntan por qué doy esta fiesta todos los años.
But there will be... There'll be hundreds of people at a party.
Pero habría cientos de personas en una fiesta.
Doesn't look like people are too happy that we've crashed their party.
La gente no parece muy contenta de que les hayamos aguado la fiesta.
Some people say we need a third party,
Algunas personas dicen que necesitamos un tercer partido,
Party time, people!
Hora de divertirse, amigos.
I ´ ve been to a party before where people ´ s heads were actually on the balloons.
Yo he ido a una fiesta donde las cabezas de la gente estaban en los globos.
To this party with these people?
¿ A esta fiesta con esta gente?
I think the Black Panther party probably was dangerous, but not dangerous in the way that most people assume it might have been.
"ACTIVISTA REVOLUCIONARIO" Los Panteras Negras eran peligrosos pero no como la gente piensa.
I'd invite all the people I love to a big party.
Invitaría a todas las personas que amo a una grande fiesta.
They're responsible to the people, not party loyalties - and definitely not lobbyists.
Su deber es con el pueblo, no con quienes ayudan a los partidos ni con los grupos de presión.
The Boston Tea Party wasn't people going, "Oh, hello."
En la Fiesta del Té de Boston, la gente se opuso a los ingleses.
- Certainly. It will be diverse and include Republicans and Democrats and people of no party affiliation.
Será diverso e incluirá republicanos, demócratas y gente sin filiación política.
The Democratic People's Party is claming that this is nothing but a political act to influence the election.
Fiscal OH Jin-woo arrestó al Sr. YOO Kang-jin esta tarde por asesinato y por un crimen organizado.
The party, all the people...
La fiesta... tanta gente.
Let's party, people!
¡ A disfrutar, amigos!
There were at least a few hundred people invited to the party.
Había cientos de invitados en la fiesta,
How did someone walk out of a party of hundreds of people with a bow and arrow...
Cómo logró salir de la fiesta ante cientos de personas, llevando un arco y flechas,
Oh yeah, he does cartoons of people at the Christmas party!
Sí, hace caricaturas de la gente en la fiesta de Navidad.
Most people I know just had a clown at their birthday party.
La mayoría de la gente que conozco sólo tenía un payaso en su fiesta de cumpleaños.
- Talked to who? Usual suspects. Party people, experienced campaign types.
La gente de siempre, del partido, experimentados en campañas, y... estamos de acuerdo porque California es mucho más cara que Ohio.
Now, let's get you on the phone and let's people this party.
Ahora, vamos al telefono y que empieze a llegar la gente.
Just the woman I broke up with is a castmember and it would be ankward if I went to the party and killed her on front of all those people.
Pero la mujer con quien rompí está en el elenco y sería incómodo si fuera a la fiesta... -... y la matara frente a todos.
She and Daddy are going to a party with people Mommy went to school with.
Ella y papá van a una fiesta... con personas con las que mamá estudió.
I went to a party with some people and did some stuff.
Fui a una fiesta con una gente e hicimos unas cosas. Bien.
You wouldn't believe howmuch people pee at a party like that.
Es increíble la cantidad de veces que la gente necesita mear en una fiesta.
If we try to make a real party out of this with a DJ so that people actually hang around this time so that we really do our best to make something great out of this.
Por qué no hacemos una fiesta de verdad con un diyei para que la gente se quede aquí. Esforzarnos por hacer algo realmente bueno.
People always compare Sensation to a normal party, but but there are parties, and there is Sensation.
La gente siempre compara Sensation con una fiesta normal pero Sensation es algo distinto.
Well, you throw a party for yourself, what do you expect people to do?
Bueno, has hecho una gran fiesta para ti mismo, ¿ qué esperas que haga la gente?
People I hope I never hear from. It's my party.
Algunos de los que espero no tener noticias nunca.
Party's over, people.
La fiesta se acabó, chicos.
There were tons of people with feathers on them at that party.
Había cantidad de gente con plumas en......esa fiesta.
I'm logged on to an MMORPG with people from all over the world and getting xp with my party using teamspeak!
Estoy conectado a un "MMORPG" con gente de todo el mundo, ganando experiencia con mi "party" y usando "teamspeak"!
- How did two people beat you out for "Life of the Party"?
- ¿ Sí? ¿ Cómo es que te ganaron en votos para "El Alma de la Fiesta"?
[Alex] You seem like a smart guy, because, you know, only the smartest people in the inner party know how to engage in double think and double speech where you don't even notice the cameras that are there, in fact, if you say they aren't there, THEY AREN'T THERE!
[Alex] Pareces un chico listo, porque, sabes, solo los más listos del grupo selecto saben de doble pensamiento y discursos dobles, donde tu ni siquiera notas las cámaras que están allí, de hecho si dices que no están allí, NO ESTÁN.
But I thought in Elmo, maybe people would come to my party to see me.
Pero pensé que en Elmo, tal vez la gente vendría a mi fiesta a verme.
people 5151
people like me 81
people don't change 46
people of earth 28
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people like me 81
people don't change 46
people of earth 28
people change 205
people screaming 74
people can change 59
people like you 105
people are scared 36
people are talking 31
people talk 81
people are dying 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people make mistakes 71
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people do 54
people go 25
people are dying 81
people get hurt 32
people are watching 31
people make mistakes 71
people were killed 27
people will die 36
people are dead 47
people do 54
people go 25