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Send it back перевод на испанский

924 параллельный перевод
But you told them you were gonna send it back, didn't you?
¿ Has dicho que ibas a devolverlo?
- You can read it when they send it back.
- Podrás leerlo cuando me lo devuelvan.
You must stay here. - But the coach, monsieur - Send it back.
- Pero el conductor, monsieur- -
It isn't your fault, you send it back.
No es tu culpa, devuélvelo.
I will not send it back.
No lo devolveré.
Well, you can send it back to Mr. Miller with our compliments.
Puede devolvérsela al Sr. Miller con nuestros saludos.
And well, then again, it'll cost me 10 rounds to send it back.
Ahora tendré que gastar dinero para devolvérselos.
- Why did you send it back? - I didn't want the driver to know where I went. Or with whom.
- No quería que el chófer supiera a dónde iba ni con quién.
- Send it back. - Wait a minute.
- Envíalo de vuelta.
I'll send it back.
Lo devolveré.
He promised to send it back.
Él prometió enviarlo.
Wipe it down and send it back at the next opportunity.
Límpienlo y envíenlo de vuelta en la primera oportunidad.
Send it back to Cinncinnatta.
Envíelos a Cincinnati.
You can't send it back now. You bent it.
No aceptamos devoluciones.
Oh, well, I'll send it back to her.
Se la reenviaré.
Send it back and write on it, " Unopened.
Vamos, escribe al dorso.
You should send it back.
Debería devolverla por correo.
I can send it back.
Puedo devolverla.
I promise, you won't send it back, not with the scarf on it.
Te prometo que no vas a devolverla cuando la hayas visto con la tela.
I thought we might find somebody to send it back by.
Pensé que encontraríamos a alguien que la llevara de vuelta.
You want to change your mind and read it, or shall I send it back?
¿ Te decides a leerlo, o lo devuelvo al remitente?
Better send it back.
Prefiero que lo devuelvas.
- Send it back as soon as I'm through.
- Lo haré en cuanto haya terminado.
- Send it back unopened.
- Devuélvela sin abrir.
No! Send it back!
¡ No, devuélvela!
Supposing she puts the story in her pocket first thing Monday. She can take it home, muck it about and send it back by last post.
Podría poner la tira en su bolsillo el lunes, llevarla a su casa, cambiarla y enviarla a la noche.
That pin must have cost $ 1,000. All right, I'll send it back.
¡ Ha debido de costar 1000 dólares!
It seems to me high time, King Gunther, that you send Siegfried back home to Xanten!
Rey Gunther, me parece que es hora de que concedas permiso al señor Sigfrido para regresar a Xanten.
If you don't like that dress when you get back to Salt Lake... You send it right back to me, and I'll exchange it for another one.
Si no te gusta ese vestido cuando vuelvas a Salt Lake, devuélvemelo y te lo cambiaré por otro.
I intend to, but it isn't safe to send you back by rail.
Lo intento, pero no es seguro enviarla de vuelta en tren.
I want the lot sent back to the tannery. And if they make any trouble about it. Send the matter to my uncle to take care of.
Envíelos a la tañería y si protestan, confíe el asunto a mi tío.
We'll send them back 10,000 like it.
Les responderemos con 10.000 iguales.
I'm sorry I can't send you back in the car, but it's William's night off.
Siento no poder ofrecerte el coche para que regreses, pero es la noche libre de William.
Well, it's very nice, but will you promise to send back those plans?
Pues, es muy bueno. Pero ¿ prometes devolver los planos?
So, I'll suppose we all go back to work. If you're getting enough money for too many hours send your delegate up and we'll fix it.
Si queréis una subida, lo hablaremos.
It would be like taking their lives if we send them back without their guns.
Dejar que se fueran sin las armas, sería matarlos.
Youll tell her that if Hopper dontt get it back hell call the police to send his partner and his partnerss wife to jail.
Le dirás que si Hopper no recibe su dinero hará que la policía detenga a su socio y a la esposa de su socio.
Iré a por el negativo y se lo hare llegar con un botones.
It's a good thing he promised not to send back any more statues.
El prometió algo bueno : no enviar de nuevo más estatuas.
Don't do it. Send him back.
- ¡ No lo haga!
Mr. Norton wants to back it, sponsor clubs all over the country. He wants to send you on a lecture tour.
El Sr. Norton desea apoyar todos los clubes Juan Nadie del país y quiere que haga una gira dando conferencias.
But I implore you, call Blackwood and Trowbridge back... And send the fleet where it's ordered to.
Pero os suplico que llaméis de nuevo a Blackwood y Ball y enviéis la flota donde se os ha ordenado.
I can't help it if you send me back.
No puedo impedir que me mandes de vuelta.
If we like it, we buy it, if not, we send back.
Si gustan, se compran, si no gustan, se devuelven.
And don't forget to send it straight back.
Y mándalo de vuelta.
* send the word, send the word to beware * * we'll be over, we're coming over * * and we won't come back * till it's over over there *
"El General Pershing".
It don't take up much room, and someday when I get the $ 15, I'll send back for it.
No ocupa mucho espacio, y algún dia, cuando consiga los $ 15, busco de vuelta.
I hope it won't be long before you can send back for it.
Y espero que no pase mucho tiempo para que mande a buscarlo.
If it were possible, I'd send you back to Mojave.
Si fuera posible, lo devolvería a Mojave.
If you send me back, it means my death.
Si me envían de regreso, me matarán.
I'll send the cab back when I'm through with it.
Le enviaré el taxi cuando no lo necesite más.

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