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Speak to us перевод на испанский

933 параллельный перевод
How dare you speak to us!
¡ Cómo se atreve a hablarnos!
Sir Charles can you speak to us?
Sir Charles, ¿ puede hablar con nosotros?
Speak to us, Sir Charles if you're here.
Si está aquí, comuníquese.
Sir Charles, can you speak to us?
Sir Charles, ¿ puede hablar?
Speak to us, Sir Charles, if you are here.
Hable, Sir Charles, si está aquí.
To those who will speak to us of living, we shall reply, dying.
A aquellos que nos hablen de vivir, les responderemos "morir".
Things speak to her that don't speak to us.
Ella comprende cosas que nosotros no sabemos.
Students, members of the faculty, our high school is honored in having as guest lecturer a man who will speak to us about the classical tradition of painting.
Estudiantes, miembros de la facultad, nuestra escuela se honra al presentar a este conferenciante que hablara de la tradicion en la pintura.
He's well-qualified to speak to us about painting because, in my opinion he is one of America's foremost exponents of painting.
Esta bien calificado para hablar de pintura porque en mi opinion es uno de los mayores exponentes modernos de la pintura.
You wish to speak to us?
¿ Desea hablarnos?
Contrary to wax, if you think we're alive, you ought to speak to us.
De lo contrario, si crees que estamos vivos, deberás hablar con nosotros
- Why do the enemy want to speak to us?
- ¿ Por qué querrá hablar el enemigo?
Won't you speak to us in Spanish?
¿ Quiere usted hablarnos español?
I thought it would be interesting if L.M. Gilbreth would speak to us.
Pensé que sería interesante que L.M. Gilbreth diera un discurso.
You must at least speak to us!
¡ Por lo menos tenemos que hablar!
Sentence on this is pending. You speak to us about the possibility of such an association.
Entre tanto, permitamos que los señores del jurado conserven su prerrogativa.
Colonizers of the world, we want everything to speak to us :
Colonizadores del mundo, queremos que todo nos hable :
We should go en masse and demand to speak to whoever's in charge and make them understand they can't just keep us here.
Tenemos que ir en masa y la demandar hablar con quien sea que esté a cargo y hacerlos entender que no pueden mantenernos aquí.
It ´ s pointless for us to speak anymore.
No tiene sentido para nosotros hablar más.
They have promised us to speak.
Han prometido dejarnos hablar.
It troubles us to hear you speak... of forsaking those that love you as we do.
Nos preocupa oírle hablar... de abandonar a los que la amamos.
Before we could speak to her, she rushed past us.
Y salió corriendo sin que pudiéramos hablarle.
If I have to sell this amazing, beautiful creature... the idea of joining the Burley family... sure I got to tell her lies about us that, heaven help me... no son should hear his mother speak.
Si debo convencer a esta hermosa criatura... de unirse a la familia Burley... deberé mentir sobre nosotros, y por Dios... que mi hijo no debe escucharme hablar.
Someone did not very much want us to speak to him.
Seguro que el que lo mató, ha querido impedir que habláramos con él.
Then, let's speak it to us what you know about nylon.
Cuéntenos qué sabe sobre el rayón.
Each one of us is pledged to speak the absolute truth.
Sólo se puede contestar la verdad.
The Comrade Garnier, our delegate to the central committee of the town hall, has just told us that as we speak our comrades of the French theatre section are standing by to give the signal.
Camaradas, el ciudadano Garnier, delegado del Comité Central en la Casa Consistorial, me comunica que nuestros hermanos del teatro Francés, darán la señal de partida.
We're not asking you to speak for us, Harden.
No te pedimos que hables por nosotros, Harden.
It's for us to speak, to tell him that we farmers thank our lucky stars every day in the year for what he's done for us. If anybody's gonna have corn in his crib, or hay in his barn, it'll all be due to our good friend and neighbor, Daniel Webster... who stood right up in Congress to protect us from loan sharks by a new law.
Los granjeros tenemos que decirle... que cada día agradecemos a nuestra buena estrella por todo lo que... él ha hecho por nosotros, porque si tenemos comida en la alacena... o el depósito, se lo debemos a nuestro buen amigo y vecino...
If you speak and fail to convince us... you too are doomed.
Pero le advierto señor Webster, que si con su discurso no logra convencerlos, usted también... se habrá condenado.
I would use it to speak for all of us.
Lo usaría para hablar por nosotros mismos.
- Who's going to speak for us?
- ¿ Quién es el portavoz? Mr Wilsford.
This is as painful for you as it for us. But it's as a mother, I speak to you.
Es una situación penosa, tanto para nosotros como para usted, pero le habla una madre.
We'll thank you to speak of us with more respect, Mr. Devlin.
Le agradecemos su respeto, Sr. Debling.
I ask of you a little of this childlike simplicity, and, to bring us luck, let me speak four truly magic words, childhood's'open sesame':
Les pido un poco de esta simplicidad infantil, y, para traernos suerte, déjenme decir tres palabras mágicas, el'ábrete sésamo'infantil :
None of us will speak to her if she keeps it up.
Ninguna de nosotras quiere hablar con ella.
Sklonklish. When I went to school they taught us to speak English.
Cuando yo era joven no se decian cosas tan raras.
Therefore, Ive entreated him along with us to watch the minutes of this night. That if again this apparition comes, he may approve our eyes and speak to it.
Por eso le he rogado que viniera esta noche, y si el espectro vuelve a aparecer confirme que lo vimos y le hable.
Break we our watch up, and by my advice let us impart what weve seen tonight... unto young Hamlet, for upon my life, this spirit, dumb to us, will speak to him.
Concluyamos la guardia. Y, es mi consejo, contemos lo visto esta noche al joven Hamlet, pues a fe que ese espectro, mudo para nosotros, - le hablará a él.
Since he wants to speak to me alone, please leave us.
Por supuesto.
Let us speak to Manue...
Déjenos hablar con Manue...
Come drink a glass of wine with us, I want to speak to you.
Vamos a beber un vino, quiero hablar contigo.
Why don't you let us speak to the child?
¿ Por qué no nos deja hablar con la Nina?
She dared to speak to the King about us.
Ella se atrevió a hablarle al Rey de nosotros.
She asked us to speak to the lady.
Nos pidió que habláramos con la señora.
Sister Cecile does not permit us to speak French in English class.
Sor Cecile no nos permite hablar francés en la clase de inglés.
I didn't get the opportunity to speak to you at the funeral, Sergeant... to tell you how hard your tragedy has hit us all.
No pude hablar con usted en el funeral, sargento... para decirle lo mucho que nos ha afectado a todos.
Since you want us to speak up, there was a man removed from this barracks last night. A Lieutenant Dunbar.
Anoche se llevaron a un compañero de este barracón.
It is not very useful for us to call it a religious object in a world where everything is religion, nor to speak of an art object in a world where everything is art.
No nos es muy útil llamarlo un objeto religioso en un mundo donde todo es religión, ni hablar de un objeto de arte en un mundo donde todo es arte.
I couldn't speak to you because everything separates us.
"No puedo contártelo porque todo se interpone entre nosotros".
Then let us say there are always so many guests... that I rarely get a chance to speak to those I didn't invite. - Where are you taking her?
- ¿ Adónde la llevas?

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