The self перевод на испанский
6,892 параллельный перевод
The Canadian car overtakes the self-driving car.
El auto canadiense rebasa el vehículo auto-conducido.
I forgot to put the handle back up on the self-serve.
Me olvidé de soltar la palanca en el autoservicio.
And every orphan isn't Oliver Twist. Some, like the Menendez brothers, are self-made orphans.
Algunos, como los hermanos Menéndez, son huérfanos por mano propia.
What is a man, anyhow, if he's not the master of his own self, toe-to-tip?
¿ Qué es un hombre, si no es el dueño de sí mismo, de los pies a la cabeza?
What is the first rule of self-defence?
¿ Cuál es la primera regla de la auto-defensa?
So the second rule, really, of self-defence is...
La segunda regla, de hecho, de la auto-defensa es...
You are young and your self-confidence is bordering on the impertinent.
Eres joven y tú confianza en ti misma está al borde de la impertinencia.
But if Gino Leone doesn't have the same right to privacy and self-incrimination as the rest of us, sooner or later, none of us will have those rights.
Pero si Gino Leone no tiene el mismo derecho a la privacidad y a no autoinculparse que el resto de nosotros, tarde o temprano, ninguno tendríamos esos derechos.
Given the slightest instinct for self-preservation, could he not have just mailed those beads from somewhere else?
Solo por un ligero instinto de autoconservación, ¿ no pudo haber enviado esas cuentas desde cualquier otra parte?
Once all the smart-arsed sneering from the bottom-feeders in the press gallery loses its gloss, you'll realise that the only reason anything gets done in this bloated, lazy, self-satisfied country of ours is because there's people here in this building who are prepared to do what it takes.
Una vez que todo el desprecio inteligente... de los limpia fondos en la galería de prensa pierdan su brillo, te darás cuenta que la única razón por la que nada se hace... en este hinchado, perezoso y satisfecho de si mismo país nuestro... es porque hay gente aquí en este edificio... que está preparada para hacer lo que es necesario.
The only obstacle is your own self-doubt.
El único obstáculo son tus propias dudas de ti misma.
We want to tackle the real issues teens are dealing with, the ones that are living in the shadows, like, uh, low self-esteem or bulimia.
Queremos abordar los verdaderos problemas que enfrentan los jóvenes... los que viven en las sombras... como, baja autoestima o bulimia. No sé.
Right, but, so if your self-interest is to live in a world in which there's maximum privacy, doing something that could put you into prison, in which your privacy is completely destroyed, is sort of the antithesis of that.
Bien, pero si tu propio interés es vivir en un mundo en el que haya máxima privacidad hacer algo que pueda llevarte a la cárcel donde tu privacidad estaría completamente destruida es una antítesis de eso.
And we've seen, uh, the chilling of that and the cooling of that and the changing of that model, toward something in which people self-police their own views, and they literally make jokes about ending up on "the list"
Y hemos visto el deterioro de eso y el cambio de ese modelo hacia algo donde la gente autocensura sus propios puntos de vista.
I recall recently that Gina Rinehart called the working class people of Australia lazy and without self-control.
Recuerdo recientemente que Gina Rinehart llama el trabajo gente de la clase de Australia perezosos y sin auto-control.
This is a test of character to see if we're the kind of people with self-control or the kind who just grab at any piece of cheese that's put in front of them.
Esto es un test de carácter... Para ver si somos de la clase de gente con autocontrol o de la clase de gente que trata de coger cualquier trozo de queso que le pongan delante de sus narices.
It's tough enough to raise your children here, to teach them self-respect, without them being falsely accused every time they walk down the street.
Ya es difícil criar a tus hijos aquí... enseñarles lo que es el respeto hacia uno mismo... sin que se les acuse falsamente cada vez que caminan por la calle.
Officer Taylor acted in self-defense in the performance of his duty, and will not be disciplined.
El agente Taylor actuó en defensa propia... en el desempeño de su deber, y no será disciplinado.
Well, the theory is, we're residual self-images from our last happiest moment, usually with someone you love.
Bueno, la teoría es, que somos la imagen residual de nuestro más feliz momento, normalmente con alguien que amas.
But you see, I had the advantage, because I always knew you were an entitled playboy with a tendency to self-sabotage.
Pero verás, yo tuve ventaja, porque siempre supe que eras un playboy con tendencia al auto sabotaje.
They also claim that if a race does take place, they would have no choice but to enter their completely self-driven prototype Lexus into the conflict.
También dijo que si la carrera se realiza, los demás no tendrán oportunidad si participa el prototipo completamente auto-conducido Lexus en el conflicto.
Next we have the handicar with Timmy Burch, and there's the completely automated self-driving car from Japan.
En seguida tenemos el discapacimóvil con Timmy Burch, y este es el completamente automatizado vehículo auto-conducido japonés.
With the race nearly over, it's the taxi out in front, followed by self-driving car, and then
Con el fin de la carrera cerca, está el taxi adelante, seguido por el auto-conducido
And all you peasants trust it, and then the machine becomes self-aware and destroys you all.
Y todos ustedes lo han hecho, y luego la máquina cobra vida y los destruye a todos.
Self-pleasure is the only thing that relaxes me.
El auto-placer es la única cosa que me relaja.
There's an unfortunate number of people who attach their self-worth to the amount of "friends" following them online.
Hay un desafortunado número de gente que vincula la valía propia con la cantidad de "amigos" que los siguen en internet.
And she writes her own blog, and last year she self-published a novel about the Zodiac killer.
Y escribe su propio blog, y el año pasado ella auto-publicó una novela sobre el asesino del Zodiaco.
Yes, well, in the heat of any moment, we all have an instinct for self-preservation.
Sí, bueno, en el calor del momento, todos tenemos un instinto de autoconservación.
Tripp Cook has somehow decided to become the eastern seaboard's self-proclaimed vampire hunter.
Tripp Cook ha decidido de alguna manera convertirse en el cazador de vampiros de la costa este proclamado por sí mismo.
You're a self-published conspiracy theorist who was breaking the law.
Publicas tus propias teorías de la conspiración y violas la ley.
He has the patience and self-possession to wait for something worthwhile.
Tiene la paciencia y autodominio para esperar por algo que valga la pena.
TACO : Wow, I thought the only disease that was good for sex was low self-esteem.
- Pensaba que la única dolencia que era buena para el sexo era la baja auto-estima.
I'm even teaching a self-defense self-defense class where I teach the guys how to defend themselves against the defense techniques that I've taught the girls.
Incluso estoy enseñando autodefensa para la autodefensa, donde le enseño a tios a defenderse contras las técnicas de defensa que le he enseñado a las chicas.
To be fair, I didn't teach you the final move in self-defense self-defense.
Para ser justos, no te he enseñado el movimiento final de autodefensa.
I was teaching my self-defense class and one of those girls, she really caught me with a shiv. Right at the base, too.
Estaba enseñando la autodefensa a una chica y me ha pinchado de verdad.
- At the time, I thought so too. I figured she was just being her normal, cranky self,
Pensé que es que ella es así de cascarrabias.
You're just a stubborn, self-involved bastard who won't even visit his sick mother in the hospital.
Eres un bastardo terco y egocéntrico que ni siquiera visita a su madre enferma en el hospital.
Took every bit of self-control to walk over and slap the rice To walk over and slap the rice dishes out of their hands and Dishes out of their hands and say, gierkses this is my camp,
Y decirles : "Saben qué, este es mi campamento, este es mi arroz, aléjense de él".
The publishers got together and set up a self-censorship organization.
Los editores se unieron y crearon una organización de autocensura.
What if it meant that you were on the cusp of a great self-revelation?
¿ Y si significaba que estabas en la cúspide de una gran auto-revelación?
So I forgot to put up the posters, and no one came, but don't worry, because I donated 5 pints all by me-self.
Resulta que se me ha olvidado colgar los carteles y no ha venido nadie, pero no se preocupe, porque yo he donado cinco veces para compensar.
We are capable of self-balancing, and it doesn't have to be left up to someone else to do it after the fact, you know?
Somos capaces de auto-equilibrarnos, y no tenés que dejárselo a alguien más para hacer después del hecho, sabés?
He was not afraid of being self-conscious with the camera. He did it with such conviction and with such brilliance that you began to realize, "Ah, I see, the camera moves."
Experimentaba con la cámara con tanta convicción y brillantez, que te empezabas a dar cuenta.
There's this complete sort of self-knowledge and almost the arrogance of an athlete, like, the ownership of his body on camera before he got to be, you know, the size of a Buick.
- Tenía toda la seguridad y casi la arrogancia de un atleta, un dominio absoluto del cuerpo delante de la cámara antes de ponerse del tamaño de un Buick.
I mean, I did murder or heavily maim most of my immediate family, but after a long period of self-reflection, I've come to the conclusion that I could have handled my anger better.
Quiero decir, he asesinado a la mayor parte de mi familia más cercana, pero después de un largo tiempo de auto-reflexión, he llegado a la conclusión que podría haber manejado mejor mi ira.
He ruled out the possibility of self-infliction.
Ha descartado la posibilidad de que sean auto-infligidas.
The DINO hiding his true self.
El dinosaurio oculta su verdadero yo.
Where he can see for his self the change that has happened for you.
Que pueda experimentar el cambio que has dado tú.
I walk into the light of self-actualization.
Me dirijo hacia la luz de la auto-actualización.
( All ) I walk into the light of self-actualization.
Me dirijo hacia la luz de la auto-actualización.
In the 1940s, the mathematician John von Neumann thought about the possibility that we could build self-replicating machines - he called them Universal Constructors.
En los 40, el matemático John Von Neumann pensó acerca de la posibilidad de que pudiéramos construir máquinas autocopiadoras las llamó Constructores Universales.
self 1323
selfie 24
selfish 202
selfridge 69
selfishly 18
selfless 16
the simpsons 168
the sun 236
the sun is shining 35
the show must go on 78
selfie 24
selfish 202
selfridge 69
selfishly 18
selfless 16
the simpsons 168
the sun 236
the sun is shining 35
the show must go on 78
the same goes for you 21
the s 152
the sky's the limit 40
the storm 50
the spectator 98
the same to you 32
the sun is out 17
the same thing happened to me 16
the sound 24
the same as you 50
the s 152
the sky's the limit 40
the storm 50
the spectator 98
the same to you 32
the sun is out 17
the same thing happened to me 16
the sound 24
the same as you 50
the same 389
the song 78
the same one 32
the sword 66
the stairs 24
the singer 51
the sex 65
the show's about to start 17
the star 53
the shoes 52
the song 78
the same one 32
the sword 66
the stairs 24
the singer 51
the sex 65
the show's about to start 17
the star 53
the shoes 52