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There's another thing перевод на испанский

294 параллельный перевод
And there's another thing I wanna know.
Y hay otra cosa que quiero saber.
And then there's another thing. He called me a billy-goat.
¡ Además, me trató como un viejo tonto!
And there's another thing I want you to do.
Y hay otra cosa que quiero decirte.
Now there's another thing.
Ahora, hay otra cosa.
There was another thing, someone's got scared and is clearing out and...
Había otra cosa, alguien tiene miedo y va a escapar.
Another thing, there's a price on my head in every state except in the Californy, and it ain't organized yet.
Otra cosa : tengo un precio en cada Estado excepto en California, que aún no lo tengo decidido.
Then, there's another thing.
Queda otra dificultad.
There's another thing we might just as well get straight.
Hay otra cosa que deberíamos dejar clara.
I don't think there's another thing to discuss.
Creo que no hay nada más que hablar.
And there's another thing... coming back to your own hometown in a dancing act.
Y hay otra cosa es vergonzoso volver a su propio pueblo con un acto de baile.
By dancing? And there's another thing... coming back to your own hometown in a dancing act.
Y hay otra cosa es vergonzoso volver a su propio pueblo con un acto de baile.
There's another important thing... that is, for me.
Me alegro de que ocurriera.
There's another thing to be considered.
Hay que considerar otra cosa.
Say, there's another thing.
Y hay algo más.
There's another thing you might as well know now.
Hay otra cosa que deberías saber ya.
You know, gentlemen, there's another thing about Habersville.
Saben, señores, Habersville tiene otros atractivos.
If there's another thing certain, The ladies all prefer me bark to their husband's bite.
Las mujeres prefieren mis ladridos que el mordisco de sus maridos.
There's another important thing, that is, for me.
Hay otra cosa importante, es decir, para mí.
There's another thing.
Hay aún otra cosa.
I guess there's a lot of things I should have said to you... advice and one thing or another.
Supongo que me han quedado muchas cosas en el tintero : Consejos sobre esto o lo otro.
It's a good thing there's room on your chest for another letter... "Q" for quitter!
Menos mal que tienes sitio en el pecho para otra letra :
There's another thing.
Y otra cosa.
Yes, but there's another thing, Holmes.
Sí, pero hay algo más.
- Yes, ma'am. There's another thing.
Ésa es otra cosa.
There's another thing.
Hay otra cosa.
So we close them and our boys sneak off to places in the Russian sector, or the British, or in the French, and there's another thing.
Si los cerramos, nuestros muchachos se pasarían a los del sector ruso o británico, o francés.
- And there's another thing. - What is it?
- Y hay otra cosa.
And there's another thing.
Y hay otra cosa.
And there's another thing.
Y sólo hay otra cosa.
Oh, yes, there's another thing, in case you're forgetting it.
Oh si, hay otra cosa, en caso de que estés olvidándolo.
Then there's another thing that clinches it.
Y para rematar...
- I must have another chance. - My boy, there's no such thing as another chance.
¡ Necesito otra oportunidad!
And there's another thing
Una cosa más.
Maybe there's another opening in the back of this thing.
Igual hay otra entrada al final.
I think of visiting you every day, but there's never time. It's always one thing or another.
Aunque yo intento venir todos los días, siempre surge algo.
But there's another thing.
Pero hay otro asunto.
And while we're about it, there's another little thing... I think you oughta think about we may not even own this house.
Y ya que estamos, hay otro tema... que creo que deberías tener en cuenta.
There's one thing saying "I'll throw a bomb", and another one throwing it, Sir.
Una cosa es decir "tiro una bomba" y otra tirarla, señor comisario.
Besides, there's another minor, relatively unimportant thing :
Además, hay otra cosa pequeña, y relativamente sin importancia :
Well, there's another funny thing...
Hay algo más.
Oh. and. Clint. there's another thing I forgot to tell you.
Y Clint, se me ha olvidado decirte otra cosa.
There's another thing we know for sure.
Hay otra cosa que sabemos con certeza.
But there's another thing.
Pero hay algo más.
There's another thing, now.
Y una cosa más :
There's another thing I can't quite analyze.
Hay otra cosa que no sé cómo entenderla.
And there's another thing.
Y hay algo más.
- And there's another thing.
Sí, señor. Y hay otra cosa.
There's another thing. If a ship comes near the island, they may not notice us.
Si se aproxima un barco, podría no vernos.
There's another thing here I cannot understand.
Aquí otra cosa que no entiendo.
There's only one truly precious thing in the world that one human being can give to another and that's love.
Sólo hay una cosa verdaderamente preciosa en el mundo que un ser humano puede dar a otro y eso es el amor.
There's another thing, your er, your hands. - They're very blistered, aren't they?
Otra cosa, sus manos tienen muchas ampollas, ¿ no?

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