To say перевод на испанский
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But as we now not only have a suspicious suicide note, but also a laptop that's gone missing, I'm sorry to say that we're treating Esther's death as murder.
Pero como ahora no solo tenemos una nota de suicidio sospechosa, sino también una laptop que ha desaparecido, siento decir que estamos tratando la muerte de Esther como un asesinato.
It's meant to say Congratulations.
Debería decir : "Felicitaciones".
I had to say that, didn't I, otherwise it'd be suspicious.
He tenido que decir eso, ¿ no? , de otro modo habrías sido sospechoso.
An early friend and mentor always used to say that a woman is like a tea bag.
Una vieja amiga y mentora solía decir que una mujer es como una bolsa de té.
Would it be fair to say that you would do anything for her?
¿ Sería justo decir que harías cualquier cosa por ella?
You don't need to say it.
No necesitas decirlo.
I imagine it wasn't quite so hard for Charlie to say goodbye to this place, having been absent for the last 20 years.
Imagino que no fue nada difícil para Charlie decir adiós... a este lugar, habiendo estado ausente los últimos 20 años.
What my husband is trying to say is that we did not kill Charlie.
Lo que mi esposo está tratando de decir es que él no mató a Charlie.
.. then there is nothing to say that they are not telling the truth.
entonces no se puede afirmar que no estén diciendo la verdad.
He had to say goodbye to the only woman he'd ever loved.
Debía decir adiós a la única mujer que alguna vez amó.
Well, "finder" suggests that it locates the Galra, whereas it would be more accurate to say that my model predicts their likeliest...
No, un "buscador" solo localiza. En realidad, mi modelo predice con exactitud...
[Coran] The course to the base will be quite treacherous, to say the least. You're walking a razor's edge between the gravitational pull of the black holes and the sun.
El camino a la base será muy peligroso debido a la fuerza de gravedad de los hoyos negros y del sol.
Bonnie, just because you think it, doesn't mean you have to say it.
Bonnie, sólo porque lo pienses, no estás obligada a decirlo.
I have to say, it's pure genius.
Para nosotros es totalmente genial. Entra al fuerte.
Well, I don't know what to say.
Sí, no sé qué decirte.
I never got to say good-bye.
Nunca pude despedirme.
I'm even embarrassed to say that I heard his horn.
Incluso me avergüenza decir que oí su bocina.
I wanted to say something that would make him feel so bad about what he did that he'd be like, " Oh, my God, I have to think before I speak and put myself in other people's shoes.
Quería decirle algo que lo hiciera sentir tan mal sobre lo que hizo que pensara : " Dios mío, debo pensar antes de hablar y ponerme en el lugar del otro.
He took me to a restaurant, I don't have to say Italian restaurant.
Me llevó a un restaurante, no tengo que decir que es italiano.
All we have to say is, "I don't feel like talking."
Sólo tenemos que decir : "No tengo ganas de hablar".
I just wanted to say I love your boots.
Sólo quería decirle que me encantan sus botas.
Oh, Jennifer's best friend at school was Japanese and she taught Jennifer how to say the word "hello."
La mejor amiga de Jennifer en la escuela era japonesa y le enseñó a Jennifer a decir "hola".
Well, I'm sure that wasn't easy for you to say.
Bueno, estoy seguro que no fue fácil para ti decirlo.
I mean, you don't... you don't have to say anything, just... just process it.
Quiero decir, no... no tienes que decir nada, solo... solo procésalo.
Let's see what they've got to say.
Vamos a ver lo que tienen que decir.
Well... I mean..... there are some things I-I want to say.
Bueno... quiero decir... hay algunas cosas que quiero decir.
I just... I wanted to say hello.
Solo... quería saludar.
You want to say "No."
Quieres decir "no".
Actually, I wanted to say that I think you're doing a terrific job.
En realidad, quería decir que creo que estás haciendo un trabajo excelente.
Who want a say over their body. Don't accept the prognosis. Or don't want to die alone as unwanted expenditure.
Que no llega a decidir sobre su propio cuerpo, que no aceptan el pronóstico, o que no quiere morir entre extraños y ser recordada como una estadística.
So, look, did Javi say anything else to you?
Escucha, ¿ te dijo Javi algo más?
You know, Manny used to always say that smurf would climb over her own kids just to keep from drowning.
¿ Sabes? , Manny nos solía decir que Smurf treparía sobre sus propios hijos con tal de no ahogarse.
# Then they say you've got to go, and "Get yourself a job!"
* Y te dicen que voy sobrando y : "Búscate un trabajo" *
# Listen to the words that you say
* Oigo lo que dices *
You know what they say. "When you get lost in space, the best thing to do is stay put and wait for people to find you."
"Cuando te pierdas en el espacio, permanece donde estás hasta que te encuentren".
You think you're going to get me to destroy our ship just because you say so?
¿ Crees que destruiré mi nave solo porque tú lo dices?
Which will come in handy if we ever needed to, say, I don't know, slice up a giant steak while getting beat up.
Es útil saberlo... por si queremos partir un filete...
Yeah, but I didn't say it to her face in a fertility clinic five minutes before she had her eggs extracted.
Sí, pero no se lo dije a la cara en una clínica de fertilidad cinco minutos después de que le sacasen los óvulos.
When you say that, I know you're about to lie to me.
- Cuando dices eso sé que estás a punto de mentirme.
All you had to do was say yes!
¡ Todo lo que tenías que hacer era decir que sí!
And I leaned over and I went, "What the fuck did you just say to me?"
Me incliné y le dije : "¿ Qué mierda me dijiste?".
When he was in the camps, he would say a prayer of gratitude to God and say, " I don't...
Cuando estaba en los campos, rezaba una oración de gratitud a Dios y decía : " No...
You guys, you're nice to comedians when we're on stage, but in real life, people say awful things to us.
Son amables con el comediante en el escenario, pero, en la vida real, nos dicen cosas horribles.
I didn't say you couldn't say'nice tits,'I said, please don't yell it to us.
No dije que no puedes decir'lindas tetas', dije que no lo grites.
You mind if I say something real creepy to you? "
¿ Le molesta si le digo algo aterrador? ".
♪ All I feel is something girl, I've got to say... ♪ Could have sworn he was going to win it for us.
Podría haber jurado que iba a ganar para nosotros.
Let's just say the AIC appear to be the answer to a lot of unsolved questions the home office has had the past few months.
Digamos que la AIC parece ser la respuesta a un montón de preguntas sin resolver que el Ministerio del Interior ha tenido en los últimos meses. Bien.
But those people want to strike, and they say if I don't, I'll be perceived as weak.
Pero esas personas quieren un ataque y dicen que si no lo hago, pareceré débil.
How can I say "No" to that?
¿ Cómo puedo decir "no" a eso?
Say hello to Cabe Gallo!
¡ Saluden a Cabe Gallo!
What would you say to voters who may be looking...
¿ Qué diría que los votantes pueden estar buscando...?
to say the least 206
to say good 30
to say goodbye 37
to say what 25
sayonara 114
saying 381
say hello to my little friend 37
says 221
say my name 79
sayid 267
to say good 30
to say goodbye 37
to say what 25
sayonara 114
saying 381
say hello to my little friend 37
says 221
say my name 79
sayid 267
sayuri 58
say it louder 17
say hi 185
say cheese 102
say it like you mean it 26
say what now 22
say it again 435
say your prayers 56
say something 1124
say it ain't so 28
say it louder 17
say hi 185
say cheese 102
say it like you mean it 26
say what now 22
say it again 435
say your prayers 56
say something 1124
say it ain't so 28