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What he means is перевод на испанский

344 параллельный перевод
What he means is, if you two ever quarrel and you decide... not to go on some night, Dinah.
Es decir, si ustedes dos se pelean y decides... faltar alguna noche, Dinah.
What he means is he wants you to do it in the show this afternoon.
Lo que intenta decir es que quiere que lo hagas en el show de esta tarde.
What he means is, the baby's already been born.
Lo que quiere decir que el niño ya nacio.
What he means is that no two people have ever been so in tune
Dice que no hay dos personas que se lleven tan bien
When he says something is adequate, what he means is, it is entirely inadequate.
Por "adecuada" debe entenderse "completamente inadecuada".
What he means is... the sun comes through here and paints a rainbow.
Él quiere decir que el sol pasa por aquí... Y pinta un arcoíris. ¿ Ves?
What he means is, you're to be thrown to the lions in the arena.
Lo que quiso decir es que te van a echar a los leones en la arena.
What he means is, while there's life there's still hope.
Lo que significa es que, mientras hay vida hay esperanza inmóvil.
What he means is... What do you mean?
- ¿ Qué quiere decir?
What he means is...
Quiere decir que...
What he means is, it was a made-up story, and he was put here by the police to spy on us.
En realidad es una historia que se ha inventado y la policía lo trajo aquí para que nos espiara.
No, no, I suppose what he means is I spoke to his missus.
No, lo que él quiso decir es que hablé con su señora.
What he means is not engaged in killing people.
Lo que quiere decir que no se dedica a matar gente.
What he means is, you would be dead if it wasn't us.
Significa que ustedes estarían muertos si no fuéramos nosotros.
What he means is he just joined the team.
- Acaba de entrar en él.
Oh, I think what he means is, he's gonna stay here for a while and then he'll be moving on.
Se quedará un tiempo, y luego seguirá su rumbo.
What he means is. You can do well just being a hooker.
Lo que él quiere decir es que con un cuerpo como el tuyo, la puedes hacer de oro, incluso como prostituta.
What he means is, we need to discuss it.
Lo que quiere decir es que queremos hablarlo.
You know what that means? Did you forget you've told me before the sort of man he is?
Sabes lo que quiere decir en un tipo de su calaña.
What Horace means to say is... that he'd like to make a clean breast of the whole thing.
Lo que Horace quiere decir es que desea confesarlo todo.
He means so much to you? What is it about him?
¿ Tanto te interesa?
What he means to say is "egg".
Éste quiere decir "el huevo".
What it means is I've never had a real good look at you.
Lo único que hay es que nunca te he visto bien.
What I think he means is that he'd like to see you
Creo que quiere decir que le gustaría verla.
What Mr. Henshaw means is, we'll be waiting on him... while he cools off in our comfortable jail.
Sr. Henshaw, le está diciendo que les estaremos esperando... en cuanto se calme, va a pasar una noche confortable en la cárcel.
It sometimes means that there was a man named Napoleon... but that any similarity between what he did in life... and what he's going to do in this movie is strictly miraculous.
A veces significa que sí hubo un hombre llamado Napoleón, pero todo parecido entre lo que hizo en vida y lo que va a hacer en la película es puro milagro.
Anders is my brother, and you know what he means to me.
Pero Anders es mi hermano y significa mucho para mí
And this is the God's truth. I want him to have what he wants. Even if it means you instead of me.
Le digo la verdad, quiero que tenga lo que quiera, aunque sea usted y no yo.
- What he means to say is he's been dying to meet you, haven't you?
- Lo que quiere decir es que el ha estado muriéndose por conocerte, ¿ no?
What Larry means is he's been getting the work- -
Lo que Larry quiere decir es que...
Lindsay means or what he's trying to say is that a local radio station was broadcasting recordings of some of the old programs. They didn't have tape back in those days.
Creo que el Sr. Lindsay se refiere, o trata de decir que... una estación de radio local estuvo transmitiendo grabaciones... de algunos de los antiguos programas.
What was he supposed to do? Ok, in Spoleto the director fell in love with him, and committed suicide. No, this means that he is an interesting guy.
El director se enamoró de él y se suicidó, pero no quiere decir que es un chico que interesa, pobrecito eso lo provocó un agotamiento nervioso no debemos ser malos.
I have no other means to communicate the seriousness of what is about about to happen in the city
" No he encontrado otro medio para comunicarte la gravedad de lo que va a ocurrir en la ciudad.
What is? They say "115 guerrillas," and it means nothing to us. But each one is a man, and we don't even know who he is, if he loves a woman, if he has kids, if he prefers movies or plays.
¿ Cómo? no sabemos si... si tienen hijos si prefieren el cine o el teatro.
I think what Mr Tinkham means is that he figured anybody too yellow to fight wouldn't mind making a couple of dollars off the war.
Creo que el Sr. Tinkham señala... que a los que son demasiado cobardes para pelear... no les importaría ganar dinero con la guerra.
General, what he really means is...
- General, lo que quiere decir es...
Proof is to him as he sees it, which means that what may be proof to you is not necessarily proof to us. There's alien machinery at the amusement park.
Lo que es una prueba para usted no necesariamente lo es para nosotros.
See, if he ain't for sale, what that means is that he ain't gonna sell him to you.
Verá, si no está en venta, es que no se lo va a vender.
Since he seems to like it so well where he presently is, I shall give him a taste of what it truly means.
Ya que le gusta tanto el lugar donde esta... le hare darse cuenta de lo que significa.
One thing you've got to learn around here is to affect what Dr Pritchard calls a happy countenance, which means he likes to see people with smiles on their faces, he does.
Tienes que aprender a adoptar lo que el doctor Pritchard llama un "aspecto alegre". Quiere ver a la gente sonriendo.
It's terrific what he did, but what Cathie means is, what do you do?
Lo que él hizo es increíble, pero Cathie dice : "Y tú qué?"
What Mr. Lewis means is he shot six robots scientifically programmed to look, act, talk and even bleed just like humans do.
Lo que el Sr. Lewis dice es que disparó a seis robots científicamente programados para actuar, hablar e incluso sangrar como los humanos.
What the master means is that there was no one left to work here, so he had to rent new machines which he paid grain for, as he does with you all.
Lo que el patrón quiere decir, es que no había gente para trabajar, y ha tenido que alquilar las maquinas modernas, maquinas que como Uds. cuestan una cierta parte de granos.
What the colonel means is that he'd like you to join us. Become one of our team.
Al coronel le gustaría que formaran parte de nuestro equipo.
He is good, and you know what that means.
Es un excelente director, no sé si entiendes lo que quiero decir.
But it is also a weakness because it means that he is the only one who can defend what is his.
Pero también es una debilidad, porque es el único que puede defender lo suyo
I've heard that Eden refers to paradise, but if this place is really like what the name means, there shouldn't be anyone committing suicide.
He oido que Edén es un Paraíso, pero si éste lugar es realmente como su nombre lo indica, No debería haber tantos suicidios.
Whatever that means. Actually, what it means is that he's not easy to find.
Aunque eso suele querer decir que no es fácil de localizar.
What he means, Quayle, is this is your chance for redemption.
Lo que él quiere decir, Quayle, es que ésta es tu oportunidad de reivindicarte.
I don't know what that means. All I know is, this Lo Pan character comes out of thin air in the middle of an alley, while his buddies fly around, cutting'everybody to shreds, and he stands there, waiting for me to drive my truck straight through him,
Sólo sé que ese tal Lo Pan salió de la nada en medio del callejón mientras sus amiguetes volaban por Ios aires haciendo trizas a todo Dios.
Mark, what I'm trying to say is what your father means to say is, dear, even though he seems like a real shithead sometimes, he loves you very much.
Lo que quiero decir... Lo que él quiere decir... es que aunque parezca un imbécil a veces... él te ama mucho.

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