Which i don't перевод на испанский
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I don't care on which side were you during the war, Aziz Aga. It seems we look at honor differently.
No sé de qué lado estabas durante la guerra, Aziz Aga... pero no estoy seguro que tengamos el mismo sentido del honor.
I don't know if you've noticed, which you probably haven't'cause you've been mostly AWOL around here lately- - not that I'm complaining...
No sé si te has dado cuenta, que es probable que no porque has estado mayormente ausente sin permiso por aquí últimamente... no es que me queje?
'Cause I don't know which is worse.
Porque no sé qué es peor.
Your honor, this blood test will confirm that there was sexual contact between Blake Rickford and Kendra Murphy... A fact that he denied on the record to a Federal Agent, which, I don't have to tell you, is a felony.
Su Señoría, esta prueba de sangre confirmará que hubo contacto sexual entre Blake Rickford y Kendra Murphy un hecho que negó al declarar a un Agente Federal, lo cual, no tengo que decirle, es un delito.
I don't think many Americans know that Europe is bigger, economically, than the United States, and if Europe were to have a real economic meltdown, which is linked to a political meltdown in a way, it's gonna blow up... and, boy, we would feel it.
No creo que muchos americanos sepan que Europa es más grande, económicamente, que los Estados Unidos, y si Europa tuviera una verdadera crisis económica, que está vinculada a un destrozo político en cierto modo, va a estallar... y, vaya si lo sentiremos.
Which I really don't mind.
Y de verdad que no me importa.
Yes, I've known him since we were 5 years old, which is why I really don't want to tell you about last night...
Sí, le conozco desde que teníamos cinco años, por eso no quiero hablaros de anoche...
And then the rest of the day, they're spying me like I'm a celebrity, which I know I am, but a lot of toddlers don't know that.
Y el resto del dia, me espian como si fuera una celebridad, lo cual se que soy, pero muchos niños pequeños no lo saben.
I don't know what you think you're doing, Mr. Burke, but you just made a very serious mistake, which you'll pay for, I promise you.
No sé qué piensa que está haciendo, Sr. Burke, pero acaba de cometer un gran error, y pagará por ello, se lo prometo.
Well, I'm not in the mood for a bloodbath, which is what's coming, if you don't help us
No estoy de humor para una carnicería. Ocurrirá si no nos ayuda. Gainsley está detrás de esto.
Which makes it a long commute to New York, so I don't really see how that's a solution to your problem because I know you're not gonna do that.
Lo que lo hace un largo viaje a Nueva York, así que no veo cómo es que tienes una solución a tu problema porque sé que no vas a hacerlo.
I'm running for village council and in support of Chewy's expansion, which, I don't know if you know, but it's been thwarted again and again...
Me presento para el consejo de la villa y en apoyo de la expansión de Chewy, que, por si no lo sabes, se ha frustrado una y otra vez...
Better yet, why don't I sign Graham up for hockey, he does both, and we let him decide for himself which one he likes best?
Mejor aun, ¿ por qué no inscribimos a Graham en hockey y haría ambos? Dejemos que decida por sí solo cuál le gusta más.
No, I don't drink, which you should know about me. Hmm. Any other surprises?
No, yo no tomo, lo cual deberías saber sobre mi. ¿ Alguna otra sorpresa?
I don't think it's really what you want, you've got one foot in the relationship and one foot out, which leaves you in total conflict, so
No creo que realmente sea lo que tú quieres, tenemos un pie en la relación y otro fuera, lo que te deja en un conflicto total, así que
Which is why I don't think you should come back to Haiti.
Por eso creo que no deberías volver a Haiti.
And even if I wanted to, which I don't, I have to go to Mobile with a patient.
Y aunque quisiera, que no lo hago, Tengo que ir a Mobile con un paciente.
I don't think it matters which you wear.
Creo que no importa que uses.
I don't know. They called him Rayo, which means "lightning bolt."
Le llaman "Rayo", como el fenómeno metereológico.
He's got two plates out, which I don't understand what's up with that.
Él se puso dos placas de fuera, que no entiendo ¿ Qué pasa con eso.
They kind of contrast the texture, which I don't like.
Contrastan demasiado con la textura, lo que no me gusta.
Why don't we just get a bottle of the house white, which I'm assuming you've got some of, and we'll just make do with that.
Por que no nos traes una botella del vino de la casa, estoy asumiendo que tenéis alguna, y nos conformamos con eso.
... which helps keeps my period from becoming a question I don't want to have to answer.
Que ayuda a evitar que mi periodo se convierta en una cuestión que no quiero tener que responder.
We saw the potential in Mav and Goose and we sent them to Miramar, which I don't think the Air Force would have done.
Vimos el potencial en Mav y Goose y los enviamos a Miramar. No creo que la fuerza aérea lo hubiera hecho.
I don't even know if I'm gonna get in, which is exactly why I didn't want to have this conversation.
Ni siquiera sé si voy a entrar, que es exactamente porque no quería tener esta conversación.
And then I keep knocking the covers off the bad guys, which is what I do, and I don't bat.385, I bat a thousand.
Y entonces sigo golpeando las cubiertas de los chicos malos, que es lo que hago, y no bateo 385, bateo mil.
Actually, I met three wonderful guys just walking here from my office. I just don't know which one to call first.
En realidad, conocí a tres chicos maravillosos... sólo mientras caminaba desde mi oficina.
I don't know which one, but I need one. "
No sé cuál, pero lo necesito. "
There's a service charge which includes the gym which I don't even use.
Hay un cargo de servicio que incluye el gimnasio, que ni siquiera utilizo.
I don't make the call about which, if any, of these charges hold water.
Yo no hago la llamada sobre la cual, en su caso, de estos cargos sostiene.
Okay, I don't know which I hate more, the fact that you're moving away or the fact I'm the only one that knows about it.
Vale, no sé qué odio más : El hecho de que te marches o el hecho de que soy la única que lo sabe. ¿ Por qué no se lo dices a nadie?
I know which border crossings are understaffed, which airports aren't on the map, and which rivers don't have enough inspectors.
Sé los pasos fronterizos que no tienen personal suficiente, que aeropuertos no están en el mapa, y que ríos no tienen suficientes inspectores.
I don't know. I had a sort of pet theory that they do vowels, which are sort of warm and loving and feeling, and we do consonants, which are sharp and intelligent and thinking.
Tenía una teoría de las mascotas, ellas hacen las vocales, que son cariñosas y amorosas y tiernas, y nosotros hacemos las consonantes, que son afiladas, inteligentes y racionales.
Well... if I believed in God, which... I don't... I would say it's for my sins.
Bueno... si creyera en Dios, cosa... que no hago... diría que por mis pecados.
God, I don't know which is worse... having a terrorist on the loose or accusing one of our own.
Dios, no sé que será peor... tener a un terrorista en libertad o acusar a uno de los nuestros.
Which I don't even consider that speeding.
Ni siquiera creo que eso sea ir rápido.
I don't want any trouble, which means no witches.
No quiero ningún problema, lo que significa que no hay brujas.
Which means I don't trust you. When I looked into this,
Lo que significa que no confío en ti.
I don't even think I know which teacher this is.
Creo que no sé ni qué profesora es.
The only thing we don't have is time, which is why I need both of you.
La única cosa que no tenemos es tiempo, y por eso os necesito ambos.
Plot 200 is vacant, which means I don't have to stay in it. Yes!
Parcela 200 está vacante, lo que significa Yo no tengo que permanecer en él. ¡ Sí!
Which is why I don't have any.
Por eso yo no tengo ninguno.
Yes, aboard my ship, which would require some form of magic to create a portal, which... I got from Pan in a deal I don't think he's ready to repeat.
Sí, a bordo de mi barco, lo que requeriría una forma de magia para crear un portal, la cual... obtuve de Pan a cambio de un trato que no creo que él esté listo para repetir.
And I possess a lemat revolver, and two bullets which I am confident, don't care either.
Y tengo en mi posesión un revólver Lemat, y dos balas que guardo, que tampoco me importan.
She was recast on "NCIS," which obviously sucks, but I just don't want to have to deal with that on my Friday night.
Le han cambiado el papel en NCIS, lo cual es obviamente una mierda, pero no quiero tener que enfrentarme a ello en mi viernes noche.
Which I guess you don't really cook.
Así que supongo que no sabes cocinar.
I just don't think you want to wander this world filled with anger and regret for the rest of eternity, which is what will happen if you don't leave soon.
Es que no creo que quieras vagar por este mundo llena de odio y arrepentimiento por el resto de la eternidad, lo cuál es lo que pasará si no te marchas pronto.
Date x With x Palm I don't know which nation sent you. you must now die painful deaths.
Cita x Con x Palm sufrirán muertes muy dolorosas.
Which means I'm bound to report it and derelict if I don't.
Lo que significa que tengo que informar de ello y sería negligente si no lo hiciera.
Oh, God. I don't know which one.
No sé cual de los dos labios.
I wish I could track down the actual address she sent it from, but for that I would need access to the ISP, which, you know, I obviously don't have.
Desearía haber podido rastrear la dirección actual desde donde lo envió, pero para eso necesitaría acceso al ISP, lo cual, sabes, obviamente no tengo.
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which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which i did 99
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which i did 99
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
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which is nice 40