You tell it перевод на испанский
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And I'll tell you how to make it as soon as you relay a message to Jeff that goes a lot like this :
Y te diré cómo se hace en cuanto le pases a Jeff un mensaje que dice lo siguiente :
Hey, Sophie, at least tell me you sold it to a stud who will carry on my sexual legacy.
Oye, Sophie, al menos dime que se lo has vendido a un semental que seguirá mi legado sexual.
Did you tell him how long it's been?
¿ Le has dicho cuánto tiempo ha pasado?
Because to tell you the truth, I don't really see it.
Porque para deciros la verdad, yo no lo veo.
What you didn't tell me was that you were gonna do something about it.
Lo que no me dijiste es que ibas a hacer algo al respecto.
Because you're the fun uncle who likes to smokes weed, and tell him and his sister... Okay that it's okay to drink because you don't give a damn!
Porque eres el tío divertido que fume hierba y le dice a él y a sus hermanas.... bien... que está bien beber porque ¡ no te importa un demonio!
You know, sometimes... Sometimes it's okay to tell secrets, especially if... If you feel in your heart that you should.
Ya sabes, a veces... está bien contar los secretos, especialmente si... sientes en tu corazón que deberías hacerlo.
Do you want to tell me how you saw it?
¿ Quieres decirme cómo la viste?
Tell you what, I'll do it for just three piles of six carcasses each.
Te diré : acepto solo tres pilas de seis cadáveres cada una.
I got to tell you, Victor likes to have a little cognac before we do it.
Debo decírtelo, a Victor le gusta tomar un poco de cognac antes de hacerlo.
You went online, you read all the reviews, but here's something they don't tell you about Korean cars... no one'll ever steal it.
Ha buscado en Internet, ha leído todas las críticas, pero hay algo que nunca se dice de los coches coreanos... nadie los roba.
Then you tell her to hit the bricks, cut her loose, it's your way or the highway.
Entonces le dices que se largue, la echas, es a tu manera o la carretera.
But I'll tell you, I kind of want to see how it plays out.
Pero os diré algo, quiero ver cómo termina.
You got to constantly tell everybody what a good idea it is, and how important it is, and how wrong they are for having traditional desks.
Tienes que decirle a todos constantemente lo buena idea que es, y lo importante que es y lo equivocados que están de tener escritorios tradicionales.
Tell her it's your dream, and you deserve it.
Dile que es tu sueño y te lo mereces.
Tell her it'll make you a better father.
Dile que te hará un mejor padre.
And I'll tell you, I don't know why they call it a "sanitarium."
Y déjame decirte, no sé porque le llaman "sanatorio."
'It would be very disgraceful to me to tell you this'if I was a living woman.'
"Sería muy vergonzoso decirle esto si estuviera viva".
It's Thornton, but I can tell her that if you want.
Es Thornton, pero puedo decírselo si lo deseas.
If you tell anyone, I'll deny it, but I think I just learned something from you.
Si se lo cuentas a alguien, lo negaré, pero creo que acabo de aprender algo de ti.
Well, Riley, can you hack what's left of the computer and tell it...
Bueno, Riley, ¿ puedes hackear lo que queda del ordenador y decirle...?
I'm sure you'll tell us all about it.
Estoy seguro de que nos contarás todo sobre ella.
I said to them, "If you offer me the job, " I'm going to write an email to every parent in the school and tell them about it. " And that's exactly what I did.
Les dije : "Si me ofrecen este trabajo, escribiré un mensaje de correo electrónico a todos los padres para hablarles de esto".
He's not around, but I can probably help, if you tell me what it's about.
No está pero quizás pueda ser de ayuda si me dice sobre qué asunto se trata.
Hey, you're gonna vote how I tell you to vote, or I swear to God, I'm gonna put a cricket in your house, and you'll never know where it is, and it'll drive you crazy.
Oye, vas a votar como yo diga o te juro por Dios, voy a meter un grillo en tu casa y nunca sabrás dónde está y te volverás loca.
Listen, so, um, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but it's actually after 3 : 00, so if you quit now, they got to pay you for a full day.
Escucha, entonces, se supone que no debo decirte esto, pero son pasadas las 15 : 00, entonces si te vas ahora, ellos te pagarán por todo el día.
- I don't have to tell you about it.
No tengo que contártelo.
No, no, the... You know, I think there's a story, and, uh, I'd like you to try to get inside it and tell the story.
No, es que creo que hay una historia y quiero que intentes meterte dentro y contarla.
So when you tell people you can eat all you can have steak some include dairy but that's sounds good because it sounds less restrictive.
Cuando le dices que pueden comer toda la langosta que quieran, que pueden comer bifes, y huevos, y algunos leche, esto suena bien para las personas, porque suena menos restrictivo.
Damn it, Frank, how many times do I have to tell you?
Joder, Frank, ¿ cuántas veces tengo que decírtelo?
You tell me if it vibes with you.
Dime si te gusta.
Okay, then tell me, how do you want to do it?
Bueno, Entonces dime, ¿ cómo quieres hacerlo?
I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
No puedo decirte cuánto lo aprecio.
And don't tell me the cash was used to fund NSA investigations,'cause that balloon is gonna pop before you even start to blow it up.
Y no me diga que el dinero se usó para financiar investigaciones de la NSA porque ese globo va a explotar antes incluso de que empiece a inflarlo.
I mean, it would mean that I'd have to tell you my true identity, and then I'd have to kill you.
Eso significaría que tendría que descubrirte mi verdadera identidad y luego tendría que matarte.
Then I will tell it to you all another time, everything.
Entonces te lo contaré todo en otra ocasión, todo.
Don't tell me what my interest is unless it's hot sex and you're willing.
No me diga qué sería de mi interés a no ser que sea buen sexo y esté dispuesta.
Rohan, listen, I have your medication and I think you need it, so why don't you tell me where you are and I can come and pick you up, ok?
Rohan, escucha, tengo tu medicación y creo que la necesitas, así que ¿ por qué no me dices dónde estás y puedo ir y recogerte, vale?
Everything that you tell us, it helps us put the picture together.
Todo lo que nos digas, nos ayuda a tenerlo más claro.
Well, yeah. I mean, maybe I'm gonna look into it and see what I find out, but let me tell you, it's not gonna be easy.
Sí, es decir, quizá lo vea a ver qué hallo, pero te digo que no será fácil.
Did I forget to tell you it was going to be completely filmed
¿ Acaso olvidé decirte que íbamos a filmarlo
You tell me, and I will get it for you.
Dilo y te lo conseguiré.
Is it a polite way to tell me that you want to talk to me in private?
Es una manera educada de decirme que quieres hablar conmigo en privado?
It is not appropriate that you tell Millán that he has bad image.
No es oportuno que le digas al Millán que tiene mala imagen.
♪ It goes to show you never can tell... ♪
♪ te demostrara que nunca puedes decir... ♪
And I cannot tell you how good it feels.
Y no sabes lo bien que se siente.
... I gotta tell you, I lost track of how many queries I sent out, but this... this makes it all worth it.
Tengo que decirte, perdí la cuenta de cuántos ensayos envié, pero esto... hace que valga la pena.
You know, it's funny, cos you can't tell.
Sabes, es gracioso, Porque no puedes decirlo.
But, sadly, before I had the chance to tell you anything about it, Hammond arrived.
Pero, lamentablemente, antes de que pudiera contaros cualquier cosa de él, llegó Hammond.
I'll tell you exactly what this is. It's an abandoned mine.
Te diré lo que es, es una mina abandonada.
I tell you, it starts with a briefcase, then you put on a tie, you sit at a desk.
Así es, empiezas con un maletín, luego te pones una corbata y te sientas en tu escritorio.
you tell 24
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17
you tell the truth 18
you tell me now 18
you tell me that 18
you tell her 118
you tell me where she is 17
you tell him that 29
you tell me the truth 27
you tell me 1648
you tell me everything 17
you tell the truth 18
you tell me now 18
you tell me that 18
you tell her 118
you tell me where she is 17
you tell him that 29
you tell her that 18
you tell him 247
you tell us 95
you tell' em 46
you tell them 83
tell it to the judge 20
tell it 44
tell it to me 16
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
you tell him 247
you tell us 95
you tell' em 46
you tell them 83
tell it to the judge 20
tell it 44
tell it to me 16
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
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it's done 1271
item 93
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it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itis 22
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
itis 22
itchy 49
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italian 217
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itch 25
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
itself 24
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's only fair 72
it's a girl 287
it's just 7387