But who are you перевод на французский
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But who are you?
Mais qui êtes-vous?
I'm sorry, but who are you?
- Excusez-moi, mais qui êtes-vous?
But who are you, how did you know?
Mais qui êtes-vous? Comment l'avez-vous su?
But who are you, sir?
Mais qui êtes-vous?
I know Elvis of the Orient, but who are you?
Je connais un Elvis en Orient, mais toi qui es-tu?
But who are you?
Qui êtes-vous?
I'm sorry, but who are you?
Pardon, qui êtes-vous?
Okay, but who are you?
D'accord... mais vous, qui êtes-vous?
But who are you gonna have sex with, then? Oh.
Mais avec qui tu vas le faire, alors?
But I don't even know who you are.
Mais je sais même pas qui tu es.
I don't know who you are, but can I trust you?
Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes. Je peux vous faire confiance?
But you know who you are?
Mais vous savez qui vous êtes?
What you want, who you are, your purpose in life.
Ce que tu veux, qui tu es, ton but dans la vie.
You will not recognize them because they are beautiful, but they know who you are.
vous ne les reconnaîtrez pas parce qu ´ ils sont beaux, mais eux savent qui vous êtes.
I don't know who you are sending out to buy my clothes, but I want them killed.
Je ne sais pas qui tu as envoyé acheter ces vêtements de clown mais je vais les massacrer.
But it doesn't change who you are.
Mais ça ne change pas qui on est.
I don't know who you think you are, but keep your hands off me.
J'ignore pour qui vous vous prenez, mais ne me touchez plus.
Yes, but how can I actually know who you really are?
Ouai, et bien le pourrais-je en fait, tu as toute ces cassettes, sur le mur?
- But it is despicable. You have to respect some the fans. Are the same people who bought an empty cardboard box Kenner in 1977.
Tu doit le respect au fans, un petit peu, ce sont ces gens qui ont achetés des boites vides en 1977.
The authorities are keeping the identities of the terrorists secret right now, but can you give us a scoop on who your captors were?
Les autorités gardent pour le moment secrètes les identités des terroristes, mais pouvez-vous nous donner un scoop à propos de vos ravisseurs?
But those who really should be disappointed, are you.
Ceux qui devraient être déçus, c'est pourtant vous.
You can pretend all you want it's about you but you without us, who are you?
Tu peux prétendre qu'il s'agit de toi mais toi sans nous, qui es-tu?
I know all the military personnel are trying to mend fences, but you're one of the few who actually seems to mean it.
Je sais que tous les militaires essaient d'être aimables. Mais vous, au moins, vous avez l'air sincère.
I can respect that, but there are people back on the ship who don't have a choice, and you have an obligation to them as well, Lieutenant.
Je le respecte, mais les autres à bord n'ont pas le choix, et vous avez des obligations envers eux aussi.
So this man uh, I don't know what this is about who he thinks you are, but he thinks you can earn him money.
Donc cet homme... euh, je ne sais pas de quoi il s'agit Qui il pense que vous êtes, mais il croit que vous pouvez lui rapporter de l'argent.
We'll do what you want, son, but I want to be sure you realize the people who want to be your parents are...
On fera comme tu voudras, mon fils, mais tu dois réaliser que ceux qui veulent devenir tes parents sont...
I don't know who you are, dude, or what you want, but we have to talk to you.
J'ignore qui vous êtes, vieux, ou ce que vous voulez, mais on doit vous parler.
But most of you are big pieces of shit... who are somehow connected to Dieter Von Cunth.
Mais la plupart d'entre vous sont des salauds liés de près ou de loin à Dieter Von Cunth.
Barbaric, I know, and I hate lowering myself to this level, but I need to know who you are, and beyond that, whether or not you're any use to me.
C'est barbare, j'ai horreur de m'abaisser à ce niveau. Mais je dois savoir qui vous êtes et si vous pouvez m'être d'une quelconque utilité.
Maybe you start thinking, you know, inward - - about your life, who you are, whatnot. But you don't want to do that.
Alors tu commences à penser, à l'intérieur, tu penses à ta vie, à qui tu es, et tu veux pas le faire.
Who the hell are you guys? The Americans have reason to hold Baxter but Porter? !
Mais qui êtes vous?
I don't know how many others know who you are, but when the word gets out, the killers are gonna be coming out of the woodwork.
J'ignore combien d'autres savent qui vous êtes, mais quand ce sera connu, les tueurs sortiront du bois.
But if you're not prophet, I don't know who we are, what we're doing or what this marriage means anymore.
Mais si tu n'es pas le prophète, je ne sais pas ce qu'on fait, ni pourquoi nous sommes mariés.
I know it's hard to believe, but you know what says even more about who you are than your furniture? The fact that you are letting House tell you how to buy furniture.
C'est dur à croire, mais encore plus révélateur que vos meubles... le fait que House vous dise comment en acheter.
People who kick when you're down are jerks, but they're generally not irrational jerks.
Pour frapper un mec à terre, faut être con, mais pas irrationnel.
You little psycho! Now I don't know who you are or what your game is, but if you're just some little pint-sized grifter trying to pull one over on Peggy Haplin, you just went up against the wrong broad.
Espèce de tarée! mais une petite arnaqueuse comme toi n'a pas la carrure pour inquiéter Peggy Haplin.
In the long run, we believe that you are someone Who will come to understand Not only what we're trying to do, but will embrace it.
Au bout du compte, nous pensons que vous pourrez comprendre, ce que nous essayons de faire, et que vous nous rejoindrez.
As far as I'm concerned, you are nothing but a criminal who's never had to answer for a single thing he's done.
En ce qui me concerne, tu n'es rien qu'un criminel qui n'a jamais rendu compte de ce qu'il a fait.
Look, I don't know who you are, but I'll give you a piece of free advice.
Qui que vous soyez, écoutez mon conseil et rentrez chez vous.
All right, lady. I don't know who you think you are, but I...
Ok, je sais pas pour qui tu te prends, mais...
You want to know something? You, Mom and Dad are nothing but a bunch of crabs in a barrel clawing and pulling at anyone who tries to get out.
Maman, papa et toi, vous êtes des crabes dans un sceau qui pincent et tirent ceux qui veulent en sortir.
But if you find him and he's weird, like a ventriloquist or a puppeteer or anyone who pretends toys are people, then abort the mission.
Mais si tu découvres qu'il est louche, ventriloque ou marionnettiste ou n'importe qui prenant des jouets pour des gens, abandonne.
You talk my ear off, but I put up with it because I accept who you are... the Ryan.
Vous me saoulez, je prends sur moi parce que j'accepte ce que vous êtes...
look, you claimed that you want to be happy, but that's never gonna happen until you are honestabout who you are.
Tu dis vouloir être heureuse, mais ça n'arrivera pas si tu te mens à toi-même.
Okay, i don't know who you are, or which tour bus you fell off, But i get to sleep in...
Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes, ou de quel bus de tourisme vous venez,
Or she'll have someone who supports her in those choices. Look, I know that you are against this, But if you don't sign these papers,
Je comprends que vous êtes contre, mais si vous ne signez pas ces papiers,
But that only works so long as he doesn't know who you are.
Tant qu'il ne sait pas qui vous êtes.
The Doctor knows you, but he's not telling me who you are.
Le Doctor te connait, mais il ne me dit pas qui tu es.
I don't know who you are, but don't ruin our love escape.
J'ignore qui tu es, mais ne gâche pas notre fugue en amoureux.
This is very nice, and I'm grateful you saved my life but I know who you are, and I know what you did.
C'est bien beau tout ça. Merci de m'avoir sauvé la vie, mais je sais qui vous êtes et ce que vous avez fait.
I don't know where you got that, but maybe you should go back and see if the children are happy when the parent who's left behind gets remarried.
J'ignore d'où tu tiens ça, mais va voir si les enfants sont heureux quand le parent restant se remarie.
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but who knows 111
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who are you with 57
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who are you with 57