But who knows перевод на французский
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But who knows?
On ne sait jamais.
To allow it to drift on forever through space would create not only a collision hazard, but who knows what other monster's mutation might emerge from its putrefying carcass.
"Le laisser dans l'espace, " serait un risque. " Qui sait quelle mutation monstrueuse...
There's no indication of suicidal behaviour, but who knows what the effect of sharing one's brain might be?
Rien n'indique un comportement suicidaire mais c'est peut-être le fait de devoir partager son cerveau.
Maybe it's surrounded by a warp field, but who knows for how long?
Il est peut-être dans un champ de distorsion.
They're not really amateurs, but who knows the difference?
Pas mal. - Elles sont pas vraiment débutantes.
Sure, it's not 1 985 right now, but who knows what tomorrow will bring?
D'accord, on n'est plus en 1985, mais demain, qui sait?
They could have been right, but who knows?
Comment savoir?
But who knows what?
Mais qui sait de quoi?
- She may, my Lord! She may, Lord Rivers, but who knows not so?
Certes, Lord Rivers, mais qui l'ignore?
I will do it, Bartron but who knows what mysterious forces will be unleashed?
J'accepte, Bartron, mais qui sait quelles forces mystérieuses seront déchaînées?
She may appear sweet but who knows what destructive powers she may possess?
Elle semble douce mais elle possède peut-être un pouvoir destructeur.
- Good sign, but who knows?
- Bon, mais qui sait?
But who knows...
Qui sait...
She can't be your mate and mother. It's man-made, but who knows what lurks inside that black box? I feel sorry for your girlfriend.
N'y a-t-il pas trop d'inconnues pour une création humaine?
Who knows? The point is that somehow a fundamental theology was created which transformed this society, but, in the process of change, created this latent fear which has been passed down through generations.
Enfin, ces dogmes fondamentaux ont engendré une transformation de la société, qui, en plus du changement, a développé une sorte de peur latente qui s'est transmise à travers les générations.
We're examining the Brittain for clues, but this is the only man left who knows what happened there.
On recherche des indices sur le Brittain,..... mais il est le seul survivant à savoir ce qui s'est passé.
You're still very young, but maybe, who knows?
Tu es encore trop jeune, mais qui sait?
I realise getting on the force is no walk in the park, but once we wrap up this case and with your recommendation well, who knows?
Je me rends compte que c'est pas du tout cuit, mais... une fois cette affaire réglée, et avec ta recommandation... enfin, qui sait?
Yes, but if they spread, who knows...
Mais si elles se répandent, qui sait...
But as I seem to be the only person around who knows that take the day off.
Mais comme je suis la seule personne qui le sache... prenez la journée entière.
Yes, before there was a direct road. But now, who knows? There have been so many landslides, and so many cracks have damaged roads that one hardly knows where to go.
Avant, il y avait une route, mais maintenant, avec tous ces éboulements...
So we're walking and talking, and he asked me my name and I think I said Elaine, but I mean, who the hell knows?
On marche, on parle, il me demande mon nom... Je crois avoir répondu Elaine, mais qui sait?
You have come here to this century and brought your infernal technologies with you for God only knows what purpose, but I have no doubt it will be the people of this century who will suffer for it.
Vous êtes venu dans ce siècle avec votre technologie infernale, Dieu seul sait pourquoi, mais ce sont les gens de ce siècle qui en subiront les conséquences.
Accident, fate, who knows but Jack was no murderer.
- Un accident, le destin? Qui sait. Mais Jack n'était pas un criminel.
I'll show you, but we have to hurry'cause who knows when he's gonna come back.
Je ne vous reverrai sans doute pas.
Who knows why, but it happened to be a coffin shop.
On nous avait même attribué une boutique de pompes funèbres.
Sorry, but it's me who knows you.
Désolé, mais c'est moi qui te reconnais.
You are, but in a minute, who knows?
Mais dans une minute, qui sait?
None but you, who knows the worst of me. Listen!
Vous deviez m'emmener à Bristol.
So be it! Who knows how or with whom, but I swear you'll hear about it!
Je sais pas avec qui, je sais pas comment, mais tu le seras!
You beat up Pakis, but you're not Pakis. Then again, who knows? When your mother's a whore, she could have screwed anybody!
vous emmerdez les pakis, mais vous n'êtes pas pakis... alors, qui sait... quand ta mère était une pute, elle a du se faire baiser par n'importe qui
She covered it up real quick but she knows who took that Minbari body.
Elle a vite fait blocage... mais elle sait qui a volé le corps minbari.
No one knows who they are or where they came from but they can sense death.
Personne ne sait qui ils sont, ni d'où ils viennent. Mais ils sentent la mort.
But who knows?
Qui sait?
As anyone who has studied the subject knows Nostradamus never talks about a specific date but about the Third World War..... and when the Antipope...
Nostradamus ne donne pas de date exacte. Mais lors de la 3e Guerre Mondiale, l'antipape...
But there is someone who knows.
Mais je connais quelqu'un qui sait.
I have some prettier ones, but. who knows where they are! .
J'en ai de plus jolies, mais... qui sait où elles sont!
The Captain is on her way to the Bridge, but if she's having the same trouble we are, - who knows if she can get there.
Le capitaine allait à la passerelle, mais qui dit qu'elle a réussi.
If I'm right, we're not just looking for a serial murderer,..... but a genetically different human being who may be responsible for..... who knows how many missing persons cases throughout the country.
Si j'ai raison, on ne cherche pas un tueur en série, mais un homme génétiquement différent qui pourrait être à l'origine de je ne sais combien de disparitions dans tout le pays.
It's simple and easy to make friends. It may be a little complex but is simple in the end. Who knows.
Je sais que si on réside dans un quartier plus de 4 ans c'est qu'il est plutôt correct.
But worst of all, he literally chose to play God, to who knows how many hundreds of good and faithful people.
Le pire dans tout ça, c'est qu'il s'est fait passer pour Dieu, devant des centaines de gens bons et croyants.
Not only are they keeping out the background of the kid when he testifies, so the jury doesn't have all the eggs, but now they're keeping out the counselor, who even knows about this kid, who told him the story in the first place, prior to him ever telling the police.
Non seulement ils ne présentent pas correctement le passé de ce gamin et le jury ne connaît pas tous les éléments, mais en plus, ils empêchent de témoigner l'homme qui le connaît bien, celui qui lui a tout raconté avant qu'il n'aille voir la police.
But I'm the only one who knows.
Mais je suis la seule à savoir.
But, who knows?
Mais peut-être qu'un jour...
But, in time, who knows?
Mais, avec le temps, qui sait?
I don't think so, but who knows what we're giving out?
Je ne pense pas mais qui sait ce que nous révélons?
Who knows? But they're on the same wavelength and at least Quark can see an opportunity when it's standing in front of him.
En tout cas, ils sont sur la même longueur d'onde et Quark sait reconnaître une bonne occasion.
I've hated you for a long time, Xena. And you're the last person I'd ask for a favor. But you're the only person who knows Bacchus well enough to do the job.
Je t'ai longtemps détestée, Xena, et tu es la dernière à qui je demanderais un service, mais tu es la seule à connaître assez bien Bacchus.
Laisse-moi deviner...
Lord knows I shouldn't preach, but there are those who are becoming displeased with you, Alexei.
Je ne saurais te sermonner. Mais cela déplaît à certains. Il faut rompre.
But then, who knows what he could do? Right?
Mais après tout, comment savoir ce qu'il fera?
but who cares 101
but who are you 81
but who 165
but whoever it is 20
but who's counting 62
but who is he 26
but who is 16
who knows 2337
who knows where 18
who knows why 23
but who are you 81
but who 165
but whoever it is 20
but who's counting 62
but who is he 26
but who is 16
who knows 2337
who knows where 18
who knows why 23
who knows what else 17
knows 86
knows what 35
but why 1666
but why not 79
but why me 74
but why are you here 25
but why now 44
but why you 19
but why here 30
knows 86
knows what 35
but why 1666
but why not 79
but why me 74
but why are you here 25
but why now 44
but why you 19
but why here 30
but what 850
but what about 35
but we haven't 20
but whatever 187
but we're friends 22
but we're okay 18
but what can i do 75
but wait 362
but we can't 95
but we do 80
but what about 35
but we haven't 20
but whatever 187
but we're friends 22
but we're okay 18
but what can i do 75
but wait 362
but we can't 95
but we do 80