Could you get that перевод на французский
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Could you get that fucking light out of my eyes?
Vous pouvez m'enlever cette putain de lumière des yeux?
Look, don't get mad at me but do you remember when Nick said that he could see signs before something bad was gonna happen?
Ne t'énerve pas mais tu te souviens que Nick voyait des signes avant qu'une catastrophe arrive?
You'd really be helping me out if you could get me that tape.
J'ai besoin de cette vidéo.
If anyone finds out that I was here talking to you I could get in a lot of trouble.
Si on apprenait ma démarche, j'aurais des ennuis.
It looks to me like you could get 10 times that, more.
Pour moi, il pourrait encore en arriver 1 0 fois plus.
If I could get my hands on whoever did that to you, you could see mad.
Si je mets la main sur celui qui t'a fait ça, là, tu me verras en colère.
And then I think that if I were different, I could get to know you in another way.
Si j'étais différente, Je pourrais te connaître d'une autre manière.
If you could have somebody be the perfect person. The moment you wished for that you know you're never going to get.
Si quelqu'un pouvait être la personne parfaite, tout ce qu'on souhaite et qu'on sait qu'on n'aura jamais.
I'm sure that if you wanted to get pregnant, you could do whatever you wanted.
Si vous vouliez un bébé, vous pourriez le faire.
Hey, do you think I could go ahead and get that check from you?
Penses-tu que tu pourrais me donner ce chèque?
- Hold onto that one! - Could you get Miller to sign it?
On demande un autographe à Miller?
You know, that's one way somebody could get their money back.
C'est une façon comme une autre de récupérer son argent.
You get the dirt high, it's a really different experience than VOCs and petrochemicals, and I'd like to think that it lasts longer, everybody could get it, if they got their hands dirty.
La terre vous donne une bonne inspiration, c'est complètement différent d'avec les produit pétrochimiques et volatiles, et je me plais à penser que ça durera plus longtemps. C'est à la portée de tous, à condition de mettre la main à la pâte.
If you could get back to me within the next hour, that would be great.
Si vous pouviez me recontacter dans l'heure qui suit, ça serait bien.
Does seeing him in this menial job make you think about anything? Well, if a bad-ass O.G. like that could get stuck delivering food, how did I get out? Tracy :
Et le voir faire la basse besogne vous fait réfléchir?
What possible information could this experiment provide us that you couldn't get mathematically?
Quelle information pourrait fournir cette expérience, qui soit indémontrable mathématiquement?
{ \ pos ( 110,260 ) } Correct, and I was wondering { \ pos ( 110,260 ) } if I could get you to do the fieldwork { \ pos ( 110,260 ) } that would normally go to the supervisor.
Oui, et je me demandais si tu pouvais faire l'enquête de terrain qui devrait être faite par le directeur.
I could get you a kid for that.
À ce prix-là, je te trouve un enfant.
Could you get to that copy from before?
Tu as fait la copie de tout à l'heure?
He says the place could be a real gold mine, baby, but if you don't get out there soon, that's it. They're gonna lose everything.
Il m'a dit que cet endroit était une mine d'or mais si on se dépêche pas, ils risquent de tout perdre.
Any chance you could get me the money that's been ripped off from me so far?
Je pourrai récupérer ce qui m'a été volé?
It seems to me that everything you tell them, they could get from the questionnaire.
Ce que vous leur dites est écrit dans le questionnaire.
You could do that one day. Then another day we get called for something else.
On peut faire ça un jour, et puis, un autre jour, on me demandera de faire autre chose.
Is a front that you created so that you could sell the land back to Ojai, knowing that we would pay in shares and you would get control of the company.
est une façade que tu as créée pour pouvoir revendre le terrain à Ojai, en sachant qu'on paierait en parts et que tu contrôlerais la société.
That's why we've been trying to get you to postpone the hearing date until we could find him. Oh.
C'est pour ça qu'on a essayé de faire reporter l'audience jusqu'à ce qu'on le trouve.
Oh, well, you know, I just think that school is such a formal environment and I thought it would be nice if we could let loose and drink a little wine, get to know each other.
L'école est un environnement formel et j'ai pensé que ce serait sympa de se laisser aller, de boire du vin et d'apprendre à se connaître.
You could get hurt. And that would really tear your mom apart.
S'il t'arrivait malheur, ça anéantirait ta mère.
After the divorce I made you petty and inconsequential and nothing special, so that you could fit into this tiny, little box that would help me get out of bed in the morning.
Après le divorce, tu es devenu mesquin et sans importance, rien de spécial, de façon à pouvoir tenir dans cette toute petite boîte, qui m'aiderait à me tirer du lit tous les matins.
i accidentally sent him something that i need back, and i just--i have to do it fast so i can get back to the hospital and my dad, and anyway, i thought you could help me.
J'ai accidentellement envoyé quelque chose que je dois récupérer, et j'ai juste...
And, hey, if you get me a camera, I could interview her friends and family saying nice things about her and then edit that into a warm, wonderful video.
Si tu me procures une caméra, je pourrais filmer les amis et la famille qui diraient des choses gentilles puis monter ça en une chaleureuse vidéo.
Well, how was i to know when i asked your mother if we could get you a bulldog that she assumed we meant a stuffed animal?
- Comment aurais-je pu savoir qu'en demandant à ta mère si nous pouvions t'apporter un Bulldog elle supposerait que c'était un animal empaillé?
You know, we could get another chamber and then put a brain with a tumor in that one and send the signal to the monitor for this chamber.
On pourrait trouver une autre chambre, y placer un cerveau atteint d'une tumeur, et envoyer le signal depuis cette pièce.
I could get to my feet, rip your skull from your spinal column, crash through that door, kill the guard in less time than it has taken me to describe it to you.
Je pourrais me lever, arracher ton crâne de ta colonne vertébrale, défoncer cette porte et tuer les gardes, et ce, en moins de temps que j'en ai pris pour le décrire.
You could get fired for that.
Tu pourrais te faire virer.
You get that same adrenaline rush, but the worst that could happen is you get a hole in your foot.
T'as la même montée d'adrénaline. Mais le pire que tu risques, c'est un trou dans le pied.
I could work on that with you and get a cut of it.
Je pourrais t'aider et en tirer une commission.
You could get 10 years for that.
Tu peux prendre 10 ans.
But you didn't get it, and you ended up working at the local newspaper, which turned out to be the best thing that could've happened?
Mais tu l'as pas eu et tu as fini au journal local, ce qui s'est avéré être le mieux de ce qui pouvait t'arriver.
He waited till you showed up so that you could help him get to the island.
Il attendait ton arrivée pour que tu l'aides à retrouver le chemin de l'île.
And from the minute you bailed me out, I've been working you and your dad so I could get that character reference.
Et dès que vous m'avez sortit de prison... je te jouais avec ton père pour obtenir la bonne référence de caractère.
I could make us some pork chops or something like that and get a couple bottles of wine. and we could just, you know, hang out... You're so sweet.
Je pensais faire des côtes de porc, ouvrir une bonne bouteille et discuter...
I'm sure that if I went in the bathroom, I could kind of get myself revved up. But I'm not sure when I actually had to come, you know, perform, whether, you know, whether I'd be able to do the job or not.
Dans la salle de bains, je suis sûr de réussir à bander, mais je ne sais pas si une fois ici, je pourrai réussir... à faire le boulot ou pas.
You gonna get pissed because I didn't call you so you could do that too?
Tu vas m'en vouloir de ne pas t'avoir demandé de passer?
That was so wrong. Maybe we could get you some ointment or something, something to help the scarring.
Je peux vous trouver de la pommade ou quelque chose pour cicatriser.
That you guys could all get your Loved ones?
Après avoir fait ce sacrifice de sorte que vous rencontriez vos proches.
You could look at that one moment and get him.
On peut juste regarder ce moment... et le comprendre.
Je veux dire, vous vous rendez compte à quel point ça les énerverait, hein?
Probably the least flashy thing that you could get, but it's practical.
Sûrement la moins flashy des choses que tu as reçues, mais c'est pratique.
Do you think I could get that on my tab?
Tu crois que tu peux mettre ça sur ma note?
If you want to, maybe you could flip through those, see if you could find his picture, get a name. Thank you. I'd like that.
Vous pourriez les consulter pour trouver sa photo, obtenir un nom.
So... he did something that could get him fired, and he told you all about it?
Il a fait quelque chose qui peut le faire virer, et il t'a tout dit?
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
could you please 43
could you 1023
could you be more specific 57
could you excuse me 18
could you do me a favour 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
could you do it 21
could you do me a favor 94
could you please 43
could you 1023
could you be more specific 57
could you excuse me 18
could you do me a favour 26
could you tell me 38
could you help me 76
could you come in here 19
could you come here 36
could you help me out 17
could you hold on a second 17
could you tell 16
could you not 23
could you imagine 18
could you give us a moment 34
could you help me 76
could you come in here 19
could you come here 36
could you help me out 17
could you hold on a second 17
could you tell 16
could you not 23
could you imagine 18
could you give us a moment 34