Couple of things перевод на французский
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You can teach'em a couple of things.
Tu pourrais leur apprendre. Merci.
I just made a couple of things clear to her.
Je lui ai juste précisé certaines choses.
- Yes, I have a couple of things.
- Deux ou trois trucs.
A couple of things... I have to fix...
Je dois arranger une ou deux choses.
Got a couple of things I'd like to talk to you about.
Il y a une ou deux choses dont j'aimerais vous parler.
Bring a couple of things. I'll pick one out.
Prends ce que tu trouves, je choisirai.
- Couple of things to talk about.
- Merci. - J'ai à vous parler.
Just got a couple of things to check on the inside, and she'll be all set.
J'ai juste quelques trucs à vérifier à l'intérieur et ce sera bon.
I guess I've been wrong about a couple of things.
Je crois que j'ai eu tort sur quelques points.
Ladies and gentlemen... ¶ ¶ I've got a couple of things to say to you before you begin the next phase of your training.
Messieurs dames... voici quelques remarques liminaires :
Now, you're gonna have a lot to remember... and a couple of things to forget.
V ous avez beaucoup ø apprendre... et ø oublier.
Oh, a couple of things, professor.
Deux petites choses, professeur.
I want to run up to the attic. I want to get a couple of things.
Je veux passer au grenier chercher une ou deux choses.
Well, there's a couple of things I have to figure out.
Il me reste quelques petites choses à régler.
- A couple of things.
- J'ai mes raisons.
A couple of things I want cleared up.
J'aimerais clarifier une ou deux choses.
Couple of things.
Deux choses.
Maybe you could show the kid a couple of things.
Tu pourrais peut-être lui montrer quelque chose?
J'ai pensé à des choses que j'avais à faire au bureau, alors on a décidé de rentrer.
You just remember a couple of things.
Rappelez-vous ceci :
There's a couple of things I could tell your ma about you too.
Je pourrais lui en raconter des choses à votre mère.
There are a couple of things I didn't look into.
Je n'ai pas tout vérifié.
There are a couple of things I'm not sure about.
Certaines choses me tracassent.
A couple of things I've said to you before I think are worth repeating.
Je répète : faites des prisonniers.
I'll show you a couple of things.
Je te mettrai au parfum.
I've got a couple of things I want to talk to you about.
On doit causer.
Because, you see, he had a couple of things on me.
Car, voyez-vous, il sait certaines choses sur moi.
Couple of things you ought to look at.
Une ou deux choses qu'il faut que tu vois.
I'm quitting a couple of things.
Et arrêter autre chose.
You're in trouble, but you got a couple of things mixed up.
Tu as de gros ennuis, mais tu mélanges tout.
I got a couple of things I got to do.
J'ai des trucs à faire.
I brought a couple of things you can stick round the house. Yeah.
Tenez, je vous ai apporté de quoi décorer la maison.
A couple of months ago, I might have felt sorry for you and let you crawl out, but a lot of things have happened to me since then, and I don't feel the same about you anymore.
Il y a deux mois, j'aurais pu avoir pitié de toi et je t'aurais laissé filer, mais de l'eau a passé sous les ponts et je ne suis pas d'humeur.
Couple of other things I gotta do.
Et quelques autres choses.
An awful lot of things can happen in a couple of days can't it?
Enormément de choses peuvent arriver en quelques jours, pas vrai?
I've got a couple of things to attend to.
Pas moi.
Look at these things. They look like a couple of boiled lobsters.
On dirait une paire de homards.
We're a couple of years older but there's things about the Army you never forget.
On a un peu vieilli, mais iI y a des choses qu'on n'oublie pas.
They ´ ve got to have a couple of minutes to talk things over.
Ils ont besoin d " un peu de temps pour se parler.
I'm afraid I have a couple of things to attend to.
I've got to see my wife's old man about this and a couple of other things.
Je dois voir le père de ma femme pour ça et autres choses.
- A couple of little things.
- Un ou deux, oui.
I'm sorry, ma'am, but I've got a couple of other things here on my desk... that require my immediate attention.
Excusez-moi Mme, mais j'ai quelque chose sur ma table... qu'ils exigent mon attention immédiate.
And let's get a couple of things straight.
How are you, Banks? How about a couple of old-fashioneds to start things off?
Deux whiskies?
Couldn't maybe patch things up a little? Just enough to put out a couple of pages?
On ne peut réparer un peu, juste pour sortir quelques pages?
I used to adore my old man because he was always so kind that's one of the most beautiful things in my life - the way my parents were.
J'adorais mon père, il ètait toujours si gentil. C'est une des plus belles choses de ma vie : le couple de mes parents.
Wouldn't it be great if we could just go away, the two of us... And let the old world take a couple of turns and... Have a chance to take stock of things?
Ce ne serait pas formidable, si on pouvait juste partir, tous les deux... et laisser le vieux monde faire deux ou trois tours... pour avoir une chance de faire le point?
A couple of other things I forgot, too.
Ainsi que d'autres papiers.
I imagine some of you folks own stock in one company or another... but for those of you who don't, I'd better explain a couple of things.
mais pour ceux qui n'en ont pas encore, j'aimerai leur présenter un peu.
When Kimbrough came to town a couple of years ago, things changed, people changed.
Quand Kimbrough est arrivé il y a quelques années, les choses ont changé, les gens ont changé.
couple of hours 34
couple of days 59
couple of years 16
couple of weeks 37
couple of months 23
couple of minutes 19
couple of years ago 23
couple of times 17
couple of months ago 23
couple of weeks ago 18
couple of days 59
couple of years 16
couple of weeks 37
couple of months 23
couple of minutes 19
couple of years ago 23
couple of times 17
couple of months ago 23
couple of weeks ago 18
things 422
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things like 24
things are different 35
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things like 24
things are different 35