Get back out there перевод на французский
632 параллельный перевод
Hey, get back out there. It's cold.
Retourne dehors.
Get back out there and stall him.
Retournez-y et gagnez du temps.
- Get back out there.
- Retournez-y.
Now, either you get back out there on that stage and do the old levitation trick or come with me to General Peterson's. Which is it gonna be?
Soit vous remontez sur cette scène pour faire votre lévitation, soit vous me suivez chez le général Peterson.
Now I want you to get yourself together get back out there, and get me my money,
Maintenant tu te reprends, tu retournes là-bas et tu me ramènes mon fric.
- Fine. Well, let's get back out there.
- Eh bien, retournons-y.
This is embarrassing! Get back out there!
Tu nous fais honte, vas-y.
He'll never get out of there alive, those people are savages. - Come on Skipper, let's go back.
Il n'en sortira jamais vivant, ce sont des sauvages.
One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in and on it there was a girl waiting to get off.
Alors qu'on partait, on a croisé un bateau et j'aperçus une jeune fille.
You mean that the three of us should traipse right back in there. where it took 10 men to get you out?
Vous voulez que nous trois, on retourne là-bas, où on s'est mis à dix pour vous sortir?
Let's swim out there, way, way out until we're so tired that we'll just barely be able to get back.
Allons nager vers le large. Si loin qu'on ait à peine la force de revenir.
I'm sorry, but if there's any chance he has a girl that might help get him back in... I'm gonna find out about her even if I have to be a little rough on you.
Désolé, mais s'il y a la moindre chance qu'une fille le décide à rentrer à l'intérieur,... je veux que vous me disiez tout sur elle, même si je dois vous bousculer.
[LAUGHTER OUTSIDE] Now get back in there and tell them to get out.
Retourne là-bas et dis-Ieur de fiche Ie camp.
I didn't want to say it back there. She left her bags behind and had to get out.
Je ne voulais rien dire, elle a laissé ses valises en gage.
Hey smart guy, I thought I told you to stay out of that road, now come on get back there!
Hé, le malin. Je vous ai dit de rester sous la corde. - Reculez.
Sheriff, I'd sure appreciate it if you'd get my money out of there, wipe it off and put it back on the bar.
J'apprécierais que vous récupériez mon argent, que vous l'essuyiez et le remettiez sur le comptoir.
Now you don't think we're going to allow them to get back out of there, do you?
Tu ne crois pas qu'on va les laisser en ressortir, si?
You men back there, get those hats off. Put out those butts.
Les hommes, au fond, découvrez-vous et cessez de fumer.
Come on, kids, out of the street. Come on, kids, get back there.
Allez, dégagez la voie!
You aren't seriously suggesting that if I get through the wire and case everything out there and don't get picked up, to turn myself in and get thrown back in the cooler so you can get the information you need?
Vous ne me demandez quand même pas, au cas oû j'arriverais à me tirer, de revenir ici et de déguster deux mois de taule pour vous fournir vos tuyaux?
Get out of the way. You think we wanted to leave you back there?
Vous croyez qu'on voulait vous laisser là-bas?
Get out of there and make it back to the assembly area.
Rejoins la zone de rassemblement.
We get out of there and make our way back to the coast.
Nous filons et nous gagnons la côte.
Bullets and stuff that they steal from us who are there to fight for them, sell it to Charlie, get money, go out and buy rice, and then tomorrow the bullets come back at them, but they don ´ t care ´ cause they ´ re all high!
Nous qui sommes là pour les protéger. Et le lendemain, ils se font tirer dessus. Ils s'en foutent, ils sont défoncés.
Before he can get out of there again and back to normal pressure without risking his life he needs to make long stops at various intermediate pressures.
Pour pouvoir ressortir du caisson... indemne, malgré la différence de pression, il devra faire des pauses à des niveaux intermédiaires.
Now get out there and tell them what you can. And don't come back.
Dis-leur ce que tu peux.
When you say that, when you get me out there all by myself... on what you say, you better be right there in back of me... because when you say it happens, it's gonna fuckin'happen.
Quand tu dis ça, quand tu me fais monter tout seul au créneau à cause de ce que t'as dit, t'as intérêt à protéger mes arrières parce que quand tu dis que tu vas le faire, t'as intérêt à le faire.
Listen, Bill, why don't you go out back find us a couple of steaks and a mess of eggs. And get one of them good bottles they got behind the bar there.
Va donc me chercher... 2 steaks, des ufs, et une bouteille de derrière le comptoir!
I was gonna go back out there and get you myself tonight.
J'allais revenir te chercher ce soir.
Hey, don't get out of the car. I'm not gonna walk back there.
Non, ne sortez pas, je ne compte pas y aller à pied.
There's no power to bring it back up, but at least we can get 12 people out.
une seule fois. Nous allons donc évacuer 12 personnes.
It came from back there. We'll get you out, Bones!
Journal médical, Stardate 5506.2.
Give them a chance to get out back there.
Donnez-leur une chance de sortir.
We're gonna have to get out there and back them.
Il va falloir y aller et les soutenir.
Anita told me that Mary Tate... was going back there to pick up her stuff. Listen, I got to get out front, all right?
Anita m'a dit que Mary Tate a prévu d'aller chercher ses affaires.
All I got to do is get my buddy out of the bunk with her so I can go back there for a while.
Si j'arrive à me traîner jusque là, j'irai.
Then you get him out, wrap him up and put him on a chaise lounge... and he's gotta stay there for at least 20 minutes before he can go back in.
Puis tu le fais sortir et tu l'installes sur une chaise longue. Il doit attendre vingt minutes avant de pouvoir y retourner.
Get'em out there. Keep'em back.
Sortez-les de là.
Let's get this back out there.
Replaçons le canon.
Will you get out of shot back there!
Sortez enfin du champ!
As I got out of the car, I was trying to think up some alternative. I thought of handcuffing them but I realized there was no way to go back for my girl... and get a running start.
En sortant de la voiture, j'essayais de trouver d'autres solutions, comme de les menotter, mais j'ai réalisé que je pourrais pas retrouver ma femme et repartir à zéro.
We had to get out of there before the younger men came back from their fishing.
Il fallait qu'on parte avant que les jeunes ne rentrent.
So he says to me, "Jo Bob..." He calls me Jo Bob. "Jo Bob, you get back on out there and get me that Gulfstream you was telling me about."
Alors, il m'a dit "Jo Bob... retourne chercher ce Gulfstream dont tu m'as parlé".
Get the furniture back up there and get out of the area!
Remontez ce mobilier et foutez-moi le camp!
Get your thumb on back out there and get us another ride.
Sors ton pouce, il nous faut une autre bagnole.
Get out of there! Get back.
'There are no windows'and I can't get out the back.
Il n'y a aucune fenêtre, et je ne peux pas sortir par derrière.
There's more back there behind the rock. Let's get the hell out of here.
Allons nous cacher derrière les rochers!
As long as she's out here, I have to keep going back in there, get it?
Tant qu'elle sera là, je devrais continuer à retourner là-bas.
- You have to make the decision to get out there and get back in the saddle again.
- Tu dois te décider et trouver le courage de te remettre en selle.
We'll arrive shortly thereafter, get her out of there and go back to 1985.
on la prendra et on rentrera en 1985.
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