How much more перевод на французский
1,205 параллельный перевод
To live longer much longer How much more do i want?
Ce que je veux de plus?
How much more of this am I supposed to take?
Combien de temps vais-je encore endurer ce calvaire?
I don't know how much more I can take.
- C'est sûrement Bart! - C'est sûrement Bart!
If you have three Pepsis and drink one, how much more refreshed are you?
PEPSI PRÉSENTE ADDITION et SOUSTRACTION Sur 3 Pepsi, vous en buvez un, combien vous en reste-t-il à savourer?
How much more proof do you need?
Il vous faut encore des preuves?
How much more do you and your family plan on wasting?
Quel est le prix de votre satisfaction et celle de votre fils?
How much more for the expenses?
Combien je vous dois pour les dépenses de la route?
- It's got to be what it is. How much more will we shoot?
C'est inhérent à sa structure.
I don't know how much more he can take.
- Il va résister?
And so when things got really terrible, l- - wondering how much more depressing this can be... and I saw this sad show about an unhappy couple.
Et les choses se sont alors empirées.. me demandant jusqu'à quel niveau de dépression ça irait... et j'ai vu ce triste couple, dans cette émission de télé...
I don't know how much more We can tell you.
On vous a tout dit.
How much more gold you got?
Combien d'or il te reste?
How much more damage do you think this body can take?
Combien de lésions ce corps peut-il encore endurer?
You made it this far without being detected, but you didn't realize how much more perceptive I've become.
Vous avez réussi à passer inaperçu jusque-là, mais c'était sans compter sur mes dons accrus de perception.
How much more serious, Scully?
Dans quelle mesure, Scully?
How much more, am I supposed to suffer, for something that I did when I was 20 years old.
C'était plutôt lui qui était sous mon influence.
How much more land and money do we have to give him for finding the boy?
Combien exigera-t-il encore pour avoir trouvé l'enfant?
How much more can you take?
Tu n'en as pas marre?
How much more have you got to eat?
Vous comptez encore manger beaucoup?
- How much more?
- C'est encore loin? - Un petit quart d'heure.
At night you can sit outside and you can tell us how much more good you used to have it.
Le soir, tu t'assiéras dehors et tu nous raconteras que t'étais un type bien.
It made me realize how much more there is out there.
J'ai réalisé le potentiel qu'il y avait là-bas.
How much more weight do you have to lose?
Tu pourrais perdre beaucoup de poids?
- I don't know how much more she can take!
- Je ne sais ce qu'il peut supporter!
How much more before I can look in the mirror and not see myself?
Combien de temps avant que je ne voie plus mon reflet dans les miroirs?
You know, how much more can I do?
Qu'est-ce que je peux faire de plus?
Is this your way of acknowledging how much more mature and trustworthy I am?
C'est ta façon de me dire que je suis mûre et adulte?
I don't know how much more Isis can take.
Combien de temps Isis va supporter ça?
How much more exciting can this get?
Que peut-il se passer de palpitant?
There's been a great difference of opinion about how much more strain you can bear.
Il y a divergence d'opinion sur le niveau de tension que pouvez encore supporter.
Ça fait beaucoup plus que sept?
Guys, we got a saturated mess in here. How much more do you need?
Ça sature.
How much more fun can you have!
Tu ne t'es pas assez amusé?
How much more can you ask of us?
Que demander de plus?
I don't know how much more we can take.
Que pouvons-nous encore supporter?
How much more of a setup do you need?
Je crois que toutes les conditions sont réunies.
Mr. Shen, how much more will it take?
M. Shen, combien de temps cela va-t'il encore prendre?
How much more do I need to be God?
Combien encore me faut-il pour etre Dieu?
How much more do I need to convince?
Combien encore me faut-il convaincre?
How much more could I understand?
Beaucoup de choses à comprendre.
How much more could I help my people if I saw even more of the universe around us?
Je pourrais continuer à les aider en allant à la découverte de l'univers.
No more running into off-licenses to see how much we can drink before the police arrive.
Finis les expéditions chez les cavistes pour voir quelle quantité on peut boire avant que la police n'arrive.
And above all, to be more supportive and less suspicious... no matter how much it sometimes seems like he's hiding something.
Et par-dessus tout, de le soutenir, d'être moins soupçonneuse... peu importe son attitude, parfois cachotière.
You know how much I love this boat, but my life is filled with so much more now.
Tu sais que j'aime ce navire, mais ma vie est remplie de chose beaucoup plus importante maintenant.
I know how much this means to you and it's about more than jewelry.
Je sais que ça compte pour toi.
What happened to you on Argratha affected you a lot more than you're willing to admit and it's not going to get better overnight no matter how much you want it to.
Ce que vous avez subi vous a affecté plus que vous ne voulez l'admettre. Ça n'ira pas mieux du jour au lendemain, comme vous le voudriez.
If you can recite this prayer, which is sadly much too short, from back to front, without any mistakes, you can not only choose which of you kicks the bucket first, but also, and no doubt this will interest you more - how.
Si tu récites cette prière, malheureusement trop courte, d'arrière en avant sans faute, tu pourras décider qui passera le premier l'arme à gauche et, plus intéressant, tu pourras choisir comment.
If you can recite this prayer, which is sadly much too short, from back to front, without any mistakes, you can not only choose which of you kicks the bucket first, but also, and no doubt this will interest you more - how :
Si tu récites cette prière, malheureusement trop courte, d'arrière en avant sans faute, tu pourras décider qui passera le premier l'arme à gauche et, plus intéressant, tu pourras choisir comment.
Call them one by one and ask how much they gonna pay lf you say you are virgin they pay more But they try to check if you are or not
Si tu dis que t'es vierge, ils vont raquer plus, mais ils voudront essayer de vérifier.
Où est notre attaquant vedette?
Like how come no matter how much you treat me like shit... I can't help lovin'you even more?
Comment t'as beau me traîter comme une merde... et que je puisse t'aimer encore plus.
how much is that 99
how much 2482
how much money have you got 16
how much are they 24
how much money do you have 19
how much do you need 113
how much do you weigh 35
how much does it cost 46
how much time 156
how much do you have 55
how much 2482
how much money have you got 16
how much are they 24
how much money do you have 19
how much do you need 113
how much do you weigh 35
how much does it cost 46
how much time 156
how much do you have 55