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It'll take time перевод на французский

686 параллельный перевод
It'll take time, but I'm optimistic.
Ça prendra du temps certainement, mais j'ai confiance. Chimère!
When you blow it the second time, he'll take it as a signal to stop bidding altogether.
Si tu te mouches une seconde fois, il cessera.
It'll take them days to get a court order, by that time I'll do something.
Quand ils auront un ordre judiciaire, je serai prêt.
Look like we'll have to take it one thing at a time.
Prenons les choses une par une.
Recognise them? Take a good look, it's the last time you'll see them or me, either.
C'est la dernière fois que tu le vois.
Well, I'm afraid it'll take him some time to find it.
- Cela risque d'être un peu long.
But he'll be around all the time and well, I can't just take it.
Mais il sera toujours dans le coin, et je ne le supporterais pas.
It " ll take no time to find out.
- On le saura vite.
Well, it'll take less time than 90 days.
Allons-y. Ce sera plus court que 90 jours.
But it'll take a long time, Ninotchka.
Mais ça prendra longtemps.
I won't be able to take this with me. It'll be the first time you've gone in without it.
Tu n'es jamais parti sans.
Well, time counts in this war, and now with me out of the way, it'll take all that time and more with somebody else out here before Turkey can get any new guns.
Le temps compte dans ce conflit. Si je disparais, il faudra faire venir un remplaçant et la Turquie attendra encore ses armes.
- Lightcap can help, but it'll take time.
- Lightcap peut nous aider.
It'll take time but I'll get over it.
Ça prend du temps, mais ça passe.
It's the last time I'll take you anyplace.
C'est la dernière fois que je t'emmène quelque part.
I won't try to tell you that you'll get over it soon, because it will take time... maybe a long time.
Je ne te dirai pas que tu t'en remettras vite car cela prend du temps, beaucoup de temps, parfois.
It'll take a little time to work.
L'effet n'est pas instantané.
When it's time for you to take your bows, we'll turn on the spotlights.
On n'est pas à Hollywood. On allumera les projecteurs quand ce sera votre tour.
I've got to put this in code. - It'll take time.
Je dois les coder, ça prend du temps.
It'll take time.
ça risque de durer.
I'll take it this time, Mrs. Oates.
Passez-la-moi, Mme Oates.
You think it'll take time for the medical examination. Well, you're wrong.
Je sais, vous pensez à l'examen médical.
It may take a while, but I'll have you out in no time.
Ça prendra un peu de temps mais... vous serez bientôt libre.
But it'll take them plenty of time.
Ça leur prendra du temps.
You just relax, it'll take me a little time but i'll get you out of here.
Reposez-vous. Cela me prendra du temps mais je vous sortirai d'ici.
It'll take time, months maybe, but they'll do it.
Même si ça leur prend des mois et des mois!
It'll take time.
- Ça prendra quelques semaines.
It'll take time to get away.
Il faudra du temps pour nous enfuir.
That'll save you all that late afternoon traffic and all the time it will take to come and pick me up.
Tu éviteras les embouteillages et tu gagneras du temps.
It's probably a neurosis from her childhood, I'm not sure, and it'll take time to straighten her out, but now that I know,
Il faut rechercher l'origine dans son enfance. Il faudra du temps pour la guérir mais j'aurai tout mon temps dès qu'elle rentrera.
It might take some time, but if you'll trust me now.
Ce sera long, mais si tu as confiance en moi...
We'll plan it carefully, take all the time we want to work it out.
J'ai peur. On prendra le temps qu'il faut pour le préparer.
It'll take time and patience, but he wants to live.
Il faudra du temps et de la patience, mais il a le désir de vivre.
They'll try and contact someone at a higher level at the airline or ministry. But it may take some time.
Ils essayent de contacter quelqu'un de la compagnie ou du ministère, mais ça peut prendre du temps.
It'll take a little time.
Ça prendra un peu de temps.
It'll take some time, but I'll get over it.
Ça prendra du temps, mais ça me passera.
We'll take care of it in due time.
On s'en occupera le moment venu.
Don't waste your time. You'll never take it alive.
- Vous ne l'aurez pas vivant.
It'll take them a long time.
II leur faudra du temps.
This time, we'll take it right from the top, huh?
Et ça recommence!
- it'll take some time.
- Ça risque de durer.
It'll take the doc time to do the stitching.
Il faut le temps que le doc fasse ses coutures.
Stars'll be showing, time it's your turn to take the guard.
Vous pourrez voir les étoiles à votre tour de garde.
It'll take some time, say six months, to find out if...
Ça prendra du temps, disons six mois, pour savoir si...
But I'll prove it to you. But it'll take a long time, Ninotchka.
cela prendra longtemps, Ninotchka.
When you think it's time, fire one shot in the air. - I'll take care of the rest.
Vous êtes si bon de vous être encore dérangé.
Yeah. It'll take time, but it probably can eat right through the ship.
Ca prendra du temps, mais elle pourra probablement engloutir le vaisseau.
It'll take time. I'll find out about him.
Je finirai par tout savoir a son sujet.
Well, it's not simple. It'll take time.
L'entreprise est difficile, il faut beaucoup de temps...
I can fix it, but it'll take time and it's getting late.
Je peux la réparer, mais ça va prendre du temps, et il est tard.
It'll take time to send for them and bring them here...
Le temps d'aller les chercher, puis de les ramener...

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