Not well enough перевод на французский
781 параллельный перевод
Fedor, you're not well enough.
Fédor, vous êtes encore faible.
I couldn't stand it. I'm not well enough.
Je ne serais pas en état de le supporter.
And besides, you're not well enough to travel.
En outre, vous n'ètes pas en état.
You shouldn't have let her. She's not well enough to go out, and a night like this too.
Elle n'est pas assez bien pour sortir!
Master Hobart, tell my father I'm not well enough to ride today.
M. Hobart, dites à mon père que je ne suis pas en état de monter.
You're not well enough.
Tu n'es pas assez fort.
But Max knows you're not well enough.
Mais max sait que tu es malade.
You tell Miss Thwaites... that your mistress is sorry, but she's not well enough to see her.
Dites... euh... à Miss Thwaites que Madame est souffrante.
I sent a note to say you were not well enough.
J'ai dit que tu étais souffrante.
Because he's not well enough to know. He's suffered enough already.
- Parce qu'il a déjà assez souffert.
To break him because I've told you he's not well enough to stand it.
Pour l'abattre. Il n'est pas en état de supporter.
Look, you may be getting well, but not well enough to question your doctor.
On interroge son médecin, maintenant?
I even find myself wishing he was not well enough to leave.
J'en arrive même à souhaiter qu'il ne soit pas assez bien pour partir.
I can do a lot of things very well but not well enough. Nothing that really matters.
Je sais faire bien des choses, mais rien à fond.
She's not well enough to travel.
Elle n'est pas en condition pour voyager.
Well, not that you'd have brains enough to know it... but I've been a pretty good brother to you, see? I've been a father and a mother to ya.
J'ai été un père et une mère pour toi.
Well, it's not enough, Mr. Prentice,'cause it just happens that Joan means much more to me than $ 50,000 means to you.
Ce n'est pas assez, M. Prentice, car Joan vaut plus pour moi que 50 000 $ valent pour vous.
Well, just to get him to make love, that's not enough.
- Vous faire la cour ne suffira pas.
Oh, not enough to make it worth Rome's while but a sum that you and I would be well content to share.
Pas assez pour nous valoir Rome, mais c'est une somme que toi et moi serions ravis de nous partager.
Well, not enough to justify your interfering with my drinking.
Pas assez pour m'empêcher de boire.
- I slept well enough, but not long enough.
- Bien, mais pas assez.
You ought to know Selma well enough not to pay any attention to that.
Tu connais Selma. Ne fais pas attention à elle.
Well, I'm not fond enough of anyone to make this my permanent abode.
Je n'aime personne assez pour élire domicile ici.
Well, not enough to turn my head.
Pas suffisamment pour me tourner la tête.
Time enough for you to meet girls who've already gotten started, newspaperwomen and artists and, well, not just college girls.
Assez de temps pour te permettre de rencontrer des professionnelles, des journalistes et des artistes, pas seulement des étudiantes.
Well, we've been happy when we've been together, of course, but that's not enough for a lifetime.
On était heureux quand on était ensemble, mais ce n'est pas assez.
No,'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door, but'tis enough.
Elle n'est ni aussi profonde qu'un puits, ni aussi large qu'un porche d'église, mais elle est suffisante.
Well, I was thinking... Maybe I'm not quite good enough yet... but Manuel said I was getting... Manuel said...
Je me disais... peut-être ne suis-je pas encore très bon, mais Manuel disait que...
Well, you're not gonna get off that easy. My taxes are high enough already.
Vous ne vous en sortirez pas si facilement, je paie déjà assez d'impôts.
Well, I'm not screwy enough to stay in this place.
Je ne perds pas assez la boule pour rester ici.
You think your Uncle Horace likes you well enough... to lend you the bonds if he decides not to use them himself?
Tu penses que l'oncle Horace t'aime assez... pour te preter les obligations s'il ne les utilise pas?
Well, that's not enough. Now we're gonna drink to something that's...
Buvons à ce qui vaut la peine :
Well, I eat them on my steak when I'm out and the meat's not good enough as it is.
J'en mange avec mon steak quand il n'est pas assez bon au restaurant.
Well, that's very interesting, but not interesting enough... to come breaking down doors at this hour of the morning.
C'est très intéressant, mais pas suffisamment pour venir frapper aux portes à une heure indécente.
Well, is not enough here.
Il n'y a pas assez.
Is not good enough to convince the noble Madonna Camilla... who, unfortunately, does not know you as well as I.
N'est pas suffisante pour convaincre la noble Madone Camilla... qui, malheureusement, ne vous connaît pas aussi bien que moi.
Well, they're not good enough for me today.
Eh bien aujourd'hui, ils ne sont pas assez bien pour moi.
Well, they're smart enough not to fly a heavy load in without auxiliary gas.
Ils ne seraient pas assez stupides pour ne pas en avoir.
- But, well, I'm not good enough.
- Je ne suis pas assez douée. - Balivernes.
The big ports like Havre and Ostend and Cherbourg are protected well enough... but the enemy's not coming in on the Queen Mary.
Les gros ports comme Le Havre, Ostende et Cherbourg sont protégés, mais l'ennemi n'arrive pas sur le Queen Mary.
Well, I am delighted to meet someone courageous enough not to love all dogs.
Ravi que vous n'aimiez pas tous les chiens.
It is not enough to live well.
Tel un prince, j'ai vécu.
Well, apparently not sweet enough.
Apparemment, pas suffisamment!
Well, maybe they're not so good for readin', but they're still good enough for shootin'.
Ils sont peut-être moins bons pour lire... mais ils sont toujours aussi bons pour tirer.
You might as well be broke as not have enough. All right, here we go.
Il vaut mieux ne rien avoir que ne pas avoir assez.
Well, it's not good enough.
Ce n'est pas une bonne raison.
Well, that's not enough, I'm afraid.
- Ce n'est pas assez.
She's seems well enough, I'm not worried
Elle n'a rien de grave.
I do not know you well enough to know if that's a compliment.
- Je ne sais pas si c'est un compliment.
Well, thanks, Nathan, but just you alone is not enough.
Merci, Nathan, mais toi, tout seul, ce n'est pas suffisant.
Well, that I am a liar, I am not a big enough liar to deny.
Que je sois menteur, je ne le suis pas assez pour le nier.
not well 227
well enough 63
enough 5528
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough said 73
enough of this 129
enough chitchat 25
enough now 40
well enough 63
enough 5528
enough is enough 234
enough for today 16
enough about me 63
enough said 73
enough of this 129
enough chitchat 25
enough now 40
enough talking 31
enough of this shit 25
enough's enough 35
enough talk 56
enough already 193
enough games 17
enough of this nonsense 22
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
not worth it 37
enough of this shit 25
enough's enough 35
enough talk 56
enough already 193
enough games 17
enough of this nonsense 22
enough with the 22
enough of that 96
not worth it 37
not work 17
not working 52
not war 23
not without you 77
not words 19
not without a fight 24
not we 32
not with me 172
not without a warrant 22
not with 22
not working 52
not war 23
not without you 77
not words 19
not without a fight 24
not we 32
not with me 172
not without a warrant 22
not with 22