And look what happened перевод на португальский
303 параллельный перевод
I was true to one man once, and look what happened.
Fui fiel a um homem uma vez e olha o que aconteceu.
I couldn't find enough bats and look what happened.
Não encontrei morcegos que chegassem e vejam só.
I did trust you, and look what happened.
Eu acreditei em si e veja o que aconteceu.
Right, and look what happened to the empire.
Pois e veja o que aconteceu ao império.
And look what happened to them, honey.
E vê só o que lhes aconteceu, querido.
Because i made that mistake with l-Loyd And look what happened.
Porque cometi esse erro com o LLoyd, e olha o que aconteceu.
- Yeah, and look what happened.
- Sim, e olha o que aconteceu.
- And look what happened to him.
- E olha o que lhe aconteceu.
And look what happened to him.
E olha o que lhe aconteceu.
I listened to you once before and look what happened.
Já te ouvi uma vez.
We're both your friends. Yeah- - and look what happened to you.
Não pode fugir de mim para sempre.
And look what happened.
E olha o que aconteceu.
Yeah, and look what happened to that.
E vê o que lhe aconteceu.
My horoscope said it would be a great day and look what happened.
O meu horóscopo falava num dia exce - Iente e veja o que aconteceu.
That was a long shot, too. And look what happened.
Também eles tinham poucas probabilidades de êxito e vejam o que aconteceu.
Yeah, and look what happened to him. He got screwed. He had this bullshit immigrant notion that if he worked hard enough... and wanted something badly enough, all his dreams would come true!
Ele tinha aquela noção da treta de imigrante que, se trabalhasse muito por algo, os seus sonhos se realizariam!
I asked you for directions and look what happened.
Eu pedi-te informações e olha o que aconteceu.
We followed the stupid rules, and look what happened.
Seguimos as regras estúpidas e olhem o que aconteceu.
And look what happened, look what you've done to my husband.
E olha o que aconteceu. Vê o que fizeste ao meu marido.
But I found- - You found McGee, yes, and look what happened.
A sua era acabar com ele. - Mas encontrei... - Achou a McGee.
We let these strangers into our lives, and look what happened.
Acolhemos estes estrangeiros para as nossas vidas e olhem o que aconteceu.
I couldn't look bak'n in the face after what happened last night... and under our very noses.
Eu nem consegui comer nada... depois do que aconteceu ontem. - Eu acredito que a policia tenha a culpa toda...
Now look, the best thing for you to do is go straight to the Captain and tell him what happened.
Ouça, o melhor que tem a fazer é apresentar-se já ao Capitão e contar-lhe o que aconteceu.
Look, you asked me what happened and I told you!
Perguntas-te o que tinha acontecido e eu disse-te!
Look, Rita, I promise you, I'll come back and find out what happened to your brother.
Oiça, Rita, eu prometo-lhe que volto para descobrir o que aconteceu ao seu irmão.
I want this house to look quite normal, and you must not give anything away of what has happened.
Quero que a casa aparente estar dentro da normalidade. E conte o quer que seja sobre o que se passou.
Look, what happened out there that day with Neil and me, well, I never told Danny about it.
Veja, o que aconteceu ali naquele dia com o Neil e comigo, bem, eu nunca contei ao Danny sobre isso.
I mean, look what happened to silver and her mom - their whole lives fell apart.
Olha o que aconteceu á Silver e a mãe. As suas vidas desgraçaram-se.
Look, man, I'm sorry as hell for what happened to you and your girlfriend.
Lamento muito o que se passou contigo e com a tua namorada.
Look, we all feel bad about what happened to your brother, and don't nobody want to paint him the fall guy.
Todos nós temos pena por causa do que aconteceu ao teu irmão.
Look, I realize you guys have been wondering what exactly happened between Carol and me.
Olhem, apercebi-me que vocês estão a pensar o que aconteceu comigo e com a Carol.
Look, what happened was between you and the Centauri.
Olha, o que aconteceu foi entre ti e os Centauri.
Everyone will know what really happened and we're all gonna look extremely stupid.
Todos irão saber o que se passou e nós iremos ficar com cara de estúpidos.
You and Karen dated five years before you married. Look what happened.
Tu e a Karen namoraram 5 anos antes de casarem e olha o resultado.
Do you think someday people will look at Tibet on the movie screen and wonder what happened to us?
Achas que um dia as pessoas verão o Tibete num ecrã de cinema... e se perguntarão o que nos terá acontecido?
Look at all this ain'time you've been giving Whitewater... and how many millions has Congress spent... trying to find out why just seven people lost their jobs... in the White House Travel Office? And not a dime has been spent investigating... what happened to millions of Americans and their jobs.
Pensem no Whitewater e nos milhões que o Congresso gastou em descobrir porque é que foram despedidas 7 pessoas da agência de viagens da Casa Branca, enquanto não se gastou nem um centavo a investigar sobre a o que aconteceu a milhões de americanos e aos seus empregos.
"This love is eternity and look what has happened."
Esse amor é eterno e veja o que aconteceu
Look, I know you feel badly about what happened and I just wanted to say...
Olhe, sei que se sente mal pelo que aconteceu mas só queria dizer...
Look, I know what happened last night was weird and unexplainable, but we are not witches, and we do not have special powers.
Olha, eu sei que o aconteceu ontem à noite foi estranho e inexplicável, mas nós não somos bruxas nem temos poderes especiais.
Look at what happened to her and then look at what's happening to me.
Vejam o que aconteceu com ela, e o que está a acontecer comigo.
Look at what happened to Jackie and Kelso... and sex changes everything and that really sucks.
Olha para o que aconteceu entre o Kelso e a Jackie... e o sexo muda tudo, e isso é muito chato.
I can look at this box, and I can recreate exactly what happened on some sunny summer day back in 1947.
Consigo olhar para esta caixa e recriar exactamente o que aconteceu num solarengo domingo de 1947. Os números falam comigo.
If just one person had stopped and taken the time to look at the guy to listen to him, to figure out what was wrong with him it might not have happened.
Se apenas uma pessoa tivesse parado e perdido o tempo para olhar para o tipo, para ouvi-lo, para se aperceber do que estava de mal com ele, talvez não tivesse acontecido.
Look, I'm really sorry about what happened, and I'm not even sure how it happened.
Olha, lamento imenso o que aconteceu, e nem sequer sei muito bem como aconteceu.
I mean, look what happened to Mom and her special friend.
Olha o que aconteceu à mãe e ao amigo especial dela.
Look me in the eye... and tell me what happened.
Olha-me nos olhos... e conta-me o que aconteceu.
Look, you should find Cole, tell him what happened, and see if he knows anything about this shadow thing, okay?
Olha, devias procurar o Cole, contar-lhe o que aconteceu e ver se ele sabe alguma coisa sobre esta sombra, OK?
They're throwin the voodoo at you! And look at what happened.
Estão a dar-te com vudu, e vê bem o que aconteceu.
One of them has now been dispatched, and the others are swinging on the bush, and the other two are sort of looking around, obviously sort of, "Look what happened to Bert!"
Desculpe, estou a trabalhar! O Expresso Trans-Magreb que me levará a Argel. Esta linha passa por estações maravilhosas :
Look, you don't have to like the new Trance, and you don't have to blindly accept what happened to her but you will work with her.
Escuta, não tens de gostar da nova Trance, e não tens de aceitar cegamente o que aconteceu com ela. Mas vais trabalhar com ela.
Look, I'm gonna go in there, and I'm gonna talk to Kendall and to Dunbar, and I'm gonna try to figure this whole mess out because I care what happened out there. And I think you do too.
Olha, eu vou voltar, e vou falar com o Kendall... e com o Dunbar, e vou tentar perceber toda esta trapalhada... porque eu preocupo-me pelo que aconteceu lá fora.
and look what happened to him 16
and look 537
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look at me now 26
and look at you now 29
and look here 23
and look at that 31
and look at me 53
and look what i found 16
and look 537
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look at me now 26
and look at you now 29
and look here 23
and look at that 31
and look at me 53
and look what i found 16
and look at him 21
look what happened 41
look what happened to him 16
what happened 16539
what happened to you 1569
what happened last night 140
what happened to your hand 136
what happened to your arm 58
what happened to your face 268
what happened to your leg 40
look what happened 41
look what happened to him 16
what happened 16539
what happened to you 1569
what happened last night 140
what happened to your hand 136
what happened to your arm 58
what happened to your face 268
what happened to your leg 40
what happened here 407
what happened in there 101
what happened to it 74
what happened to the baby 17
what happened to him 500
what happened to your head 50
what happened today 50
what happened to me 155
what happened to your hair 34
what happened to you guys 25
what happened in there 101
what happened to it 74
what happened to the baby 17
what happened to him 500
what happened to your head 50
what happened today 50
what happened to me 155
what happened to your hair 34
what happened to you guys 25