How was the перевод на португальский
8,028 параллельный перевод
How was the rod anointed?
Como foi a vara untada?
How was the debrief?
Como foi a entrevista?
How was the memorial?
Como foi o memorial?
How was the party?
Como foi a festa?
How was the burial?
Como foi o enterro?
So, how was the shoot?
Então, como foi a sessão? Excepto que o tempo todo o noivo estava com um olhar na cara tipo, "Onde é que eu me fui meter" Boa.
How was the ceremony?
Como foi a cerimónia?
All the times Spock talked about how barbaric the human race was...
Todas as vezes que o Spock falava como era de bárbara a raça humana...
How long was the Doctor trapped inside the confession dial?
Quanto tempo esteve o Doutor preso dentro do Disco de Confissão?
The man who gave me this was the sort of man who'd know exactly how long a diary you were going to need.
O homem que me deu isto era o tipo de homem que sabia exactamente o tamanho que um diário precisava ter.
Mostly I remember how hard the ice was when I'd fall... over and over.
Especialmente, de quão duro era o gelo quando caía... Repetidamente.
I saw how settled this place was in the pictures i found.
Vi como este sítio era estável nas fotografias que descobri.
Do you know how it was like for me here, working for both of us, worrying all the time?
Sabes como foi ficar aqui a trabalhar pelas duas preocupada todo o tempo?
How long was Alex in the FBI Academy before she finally admitted to you she wasn't in grad school?
Por quanto tempo a Alex esteve na Academia antes de admitir que não estava na pós-graduação?
Which we know is how the Grand Central bomb was triggered.
Que é como pensamos que a bomba da Grande Central foi accionada.
As I was walking through the campus this morning, I was thinking back to how difficult this training was, but also how rewarding.
Enquanto andava pelo campus esta manhã, estava a pensar como foi difícil esta formação, mas também tão gratificante.
When I didn't get a paper, I figured it was how they were kicking me out, and when it turned out all the papers were blank,
Quando não recebi uma folha, pensei que era como eles me iam expulsar, e quando os viraram, todos as folhas estavam em branco,
Vera was just gloating about how he got in with the right crew, how he got the jump on some men.
O Vera estava a gabar-se de como tinha encontrado as pessoas certas. De como a situação estava controlada.
If all you did was track down the victims, - how did he know their names?
Se só procurava as vítimas, como sabia os nomes delas?
How did you come to know that the two-faced Earl of Pembroke was securing the puffed-up worm?
Como descobriste que esse traidor do Conde de Pembroke escondia esse verme pomposo?
Aren't you the one who was just saying how all the NSA does is violate other peoples rights?
Não disse que a NSA só viola os direitos de outras pessoas?
I thought I would free them all once Malvado was set the fence. But Carlos showed up and made me realize how... helpless they all really are.
Pensei libertar todos, com a morte do Malvado mas o Carlos mostrou-me quão indefesos eles são.
- And in return? You'll help me learn how S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to achieve something with the portal that Hydra, in thousands of years, - has never been able to accomplish.
Ajudar-me-á a aprender... como é que a S.H.I.E.L.D. foi capaz de fazer... alguma coisa com o portal, que a HYDRA, em milhares de anos... nunca foi capaz de fazer.
The original machinery used to open the portal was hydroelectric, but the nearest river is almost a half a mile away, which got me wondering how they powered it.
A maquinaria original que abria o portal era hidroelétrica, mas o rio mais próximo fica a 800 metros, portanto, como o alimentavam?
How that came to be, I can't really say, not in any scientific terms, but my sense and certainly Will's heartfelt belief was that the creature is the one responsible... that it caused the desolation.
Como isso aconteceu, não sei, pelo menos em termos científicos, mas a minha sensação e a crença forte do Will é que a criatura é responsável por isso.
I don't know how small the town was that you came from.
Não sei qual o tamanho da cidade de onde vieste.
You told me how the man he was groveled and cried on the deck of this ship.
Tu contaste-me o homem que ele era que rastejava e chorava no convés deste navio.
What was the witch on about when she said dad didn't know how to lead?
O que quis dizer a bruxa quando disse que o pai não sabia liderar?
Listen to me, I don't know what you thought marching in here was going to do other than piss me off, but you're going to march the hell back out because I have better things to do with my time than to explain to you how the world works.
Não sei que efeito esperavas ao disparar por aqui adentro para além de me irritares, mas vais disparar na direção oposta porque tenho mais que fazer do que ficar a explicar-te como o mundo funciona.
Ironically, that's how he got the chance to show the world what he was truly capable of.
Ironicamente, foi assim que teve a oportunidade de mostrar ao mundo do que era capaz.
And if you were all the way in Memphis, how was it that you ended up here?
E se estavam lá em Memphis, como é que vieram parar aqui?
The Dragon Eye was giving us clues on how to find it all along.
O Olho de Dragão estava a dizer-nos como encontrá-los.
Well, you have to admit, my experience with how you treated me and Louis was you being the bad guy.
Trataste-me a mim e ao Louis como se fosses o mau da fita.
Hey, how did you know that she was breaking into the bank?
Como é que sabias que ela ia assaltar o banco?
How did you know the van was a decoy?
Como é que sabias que a carrinha era uma distracção?
I passed by this tropical fish place the other day, and it reminded me how I'd always wanted one, ever since I was a kid.
Passei por esta loja especializada em peixes tropicais no outro dia, e recordei-me como eu costumava querer um... desde que era miúdo.
Depending on how much work was... Just cut the bullshit.
- Depende de quanto trabalho foi...
If you're not going to do anything with this bottle of perfume over here, would you mind if I gave it to the girl, seeing as how it was her lifelong dream and all.
Doutor? Se não vai fazer nada com este frasco de perfume, importa-se que eu o dê à rapariga?
How was your business in the village?
Como correram vossos negócios na aldeia?
How was Vegas? Oh, it's the best.
É do melhor.
Jo was the love of my life, and if there is even a 1 % chance that this could work, I need to take it, no matter how dangerous or insane it may be because if I don't, I'm gonna spend the rest of my life wishing I had stayed dead.
A Jo era o amor da minha vida, e, se houver uma probabilidade de 1 % de isto resultar, eu tenho de tentar, por mais perigoso ou insano que possa ser, porque, se não o fizer, vou passar o resto da vida
How about the part where she sent me a telegram saying she was coming back?
Então, e a parte em que ela me enviou um telegrama a dizer que ia voltar?
I was coughing the whole time. By the way, I couldn't figure out how to use your oven, so I destroyed it in a blind rage.
Já agora, não consegui descobrir como se usava o vosso forno, por isso destrui-o numa fúria cega.
She described the support system you were building. How your job at the department was an important part of it.
Ela descreveu o sistema de apoio que estavas a construir, como o teu trabalho com a Polícia era uma parte importante dele.
She was seduced by the darkness just like he was, so how does that make rumple any different?
Ela foi seduzida pelas trevas exactamente como ele. - Porque haveria de ser o Rumple diferente? - Desculpa, amor.
Do you know how the foot was broken in the first place?
Sabes como parti o pé?
You were the usher... at the movie theater when I was a kid. How is that possible?
Eras o empregado... naquele cinema quando era criança.
- The man you knew was not. - Unless you're going to tell me how many sugars he took in his tea, or how he liked to be fucked. - The...
O homem que você conheceu não era.
How much was the bride price?
- Qual foi o preço da noiva?
The small number of documents on Moon Dust that have surfaced through the Freedom of Information Act talk about how it wasn't just Soviet spacecraft- - it was also UFOs.
O Projecto Poeira Lunar foi um programa militar legítimo. Foi idealizado para recuperar satélites espaciais soviéticos.
I was shocked how people stood in the street despite such cold weather all this time.
Chocou-me como estavam ali na rua apesar do tempo frio este tempo todo.
how was the party 44
how was the meeting 32
how was the trip 59
how was the game 25
how was the funeral 19
how was the flight 35
how was the movie 19
how was the wedding 21
how was the drive 16
how was your weekend 70
how was the meeting 32
how was the trip 59
how was the game 25
how was the funeral 19
how was the flight 35
how was the movie 19
how was the wedding 21
how was the drive 16
how was your weekend 70
how was your night 86
how was your day 546
how was your flight 94
how was work today 21
how was your evening 28
how was your vacation 16
how was your week 21
how was it 649
how was your trip 166
how was your first day 31
how was your day 546
how was your flight 94
how was work today 21
how was your evening 28
how was your vacation 16
how was your week 21
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how was your first day 31