They were great перевод на португальский
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- Did you like the socks? - They were great.
- O que você acha que suas meias?
- They were great seats.
- Eram lugares fantásticos.
They were great airplanes with terrestrial base, B-25.
Eram grandes aviões de base terrestre, B-25.
Man, they were great. I swear to God.
Era demais, meu.
They were great.
Eram óptimas.
- They were great.
- Eram excelentes.
They were great.
- Eram assustadores.
When Al and I were young, they were great.
Os jogadores de agora são uma seca. - Na nossa juventude eram óptimos.
A great treasure is hidden here in zvenyhora... that time when aliens trod upon our land... They were lead by chieftains...
Um grande tesouro foi escondido aqui, em Zvenigora em tempos imemoriais, quando estrangeiros caminhavam por nossas terras eles foram conduzidos por chefes militares.
Although they were a small minority, they knew how to terrorize a great tolerant nation. For every thousand Germans, there were 10 Jews.
Ou melhor dizendo, para cada milhar de alemães desunidos, que brigavam entre si, haviam 10 judeus que, apesar da competição comercial, tinham todos um objetivo comum :
Although they were a small minority, they knew how to terrorize a great tolerant nation.
Embora sendo uma pequena minoria, eles sabiam como aterrorizar uma grande e tolerante nação.
Although they were a small minority, they knew how to terrorize a great tolerant nation.
O judeu polonês Grynspan assassinou o diplomata alemão von Rath em Paris.
And I saw the dead, the great and the small and they were judged according to their deeds.
E eu vi os mortos, os grandes e os pequenos e eles era julgados de acordo com as suas façanhas.
In sight of all the people who were there they both swam all straight ahead and Crin-Blanc who has great strehgth bestowed on him took his friend, the one who had trusted in him to a country where horses and men have always been friends.
Na frente de todos que ali estavam, nadaram sempre em frente e o Cavalo Branco dotado de uma grande força, levou seu amigo, que havia confiado nele para um lugar onde cavalos e homens serão sempre amigos.
You know, I was under the impression that they were labouring under great emotion.
Fiquei com a impressão de que havia uma grande emoção na conversa.
- They admitted they were wrong. Great.
Reconheceram terem-se enganado.
Just before it was dark, as they passed the great island of sargasso weed that heaved and swung as though the ocean were making love with something under a yellow blanket his small line had been taken by a dolphin and he had brought it into the skiff.
Pouco antes de escurecer, enquanto | passavam pela grande ilha de sargaços... que balançava como se o mar... estivesse a fazer amor com alguma | coisa sob um cobertor amarelo... a sua pequena linha tinha sido | levada por um golfinho... e ele o recolheu | para dentro do esquife.
[Then, finally, their superiors realized... ] [... that Don Camillo and Peppone were men of too great a value... ] [... and that they were wasted where they were.]
Então, finalmente, os seus superiores perceberam... que Don Camillo e Peppone eram homens de muito valor... e que estavam a ser desaproveitados onde estavam.
They say the Cefalù were great eaters, great hunters, and great...
Se diz que os Cefalu eram contumazes caçadores, comedores, e... empedernidos enfim.
They were born here, so I figured that while we re taking this tour at Purdy s expense we can pick up a few of these great acts, and build a real show.
Então percebi que... enquanto fazemos este pequeno tour na Europa à custa de Purdy, podemos pegar alguns desses grandes números, e montar um verdadeiro show. Matt, eu estou nisso!
They were Moroccans, with great, round faces and they stood there and grinned at women.
Eram marroquinos com grandes caras vermelhas e redondas e eles estavam lá de pé, sorrindo para as mulheres...
It was said of her great-grandmother that the only members of the Cabinet who weren't her lovers were the ones who had reason to believe they might be her father.
Conta-se de sua bisavó... que membros do gabinete somente não se tornavam seus amantes... quando tinham razões para crer que podiam ser o pai dela. Sim.
They thought you were a great big joke.
Achavam-no uma anedota pegada.
Smile. These great people, they were gods to me.
Aquele grande povo... eles eram deuses para mim.
I've told him he's welcome to teach Any of the great socialist thinkers Provided he makes it clear that they were wrong.
Disse-lhe que podia ensinar qualquer pensador socialista, desde que clarifique bem que estavam enganados.
And great stories they were, too.
- Eram histórias nobres.
Your life's great ambition, I said, of which you had often spoken, was to commit an actual, real-life murder, hide the body, then leave clues linking you with the crime scattered about the house. Convinced that the poor, simple-minded police would never recognise them for what they were.
Disse que a sua grande ambição, da qual me falou muito, era cometer um assassinato de verdade, esconder o corpo, deixar pela casa pistas que o liguem ao crime, convencido de que a polícia estúpida nunca as levaria a sério.
They had financed the nazistas, when if it became probable that earned, e now its orders were submitted it without great sadnesses.
Tinham financiado os nazis, quando se tornou provável que ganhassem, e agora submetiam-se às suas ordens sem grande desgosto.
They were the reality of the great tyranny centered in distant Berlin.
Eram a realidade da grande tirania centrada na distante Berlim.
It had some homicides of first-ministers e leader, at this time, only because they had liberal opinions or because they were in favor of one better relation with U.S.A., Great-Britain or other nations with one has lain democratic.
Houve vários homicídios de primeiros-ministros e líderes, nessa época, só porque tinham opiniões liberais ou porque eram a favor de uma melhor relação com os EUA, a Grã-Bretanha ou outras nações com uma mente democrática.
They were in room place, after Great-Britain, Average East and Russia.
Eles estavam em quarto lugar, depois da Grã-Bretanha, Médio Oriente e Rússia.
Some few, as American Nazista party, until they were determined to help the enemies of Great-Britain.
Uns poucos, como o Partido Nazi Americano, estavam até determinados a ajudar os inimigos da Grã-Bretanha.
When France fell, many they had accepted to help Great-Britain, but they were still more the ones that refused to enter in the war to its side.
Quando a França caiu, muitos aceitaram ajudar a Grã-Bretanha, mas eram ainda mais os que recusavam entrar na guerra ao seu lado.
My superior, person in charge of all the civil operations, were far, soon, I was sent to the great one meeting of the leaders of the time, that they had been congregated in Washington in the night of Pearl Harbor.
O meu superior, encarregado de todas as operações civis, estava longe, logo, fui enviado ao grande encontro dos líderes de guerra, que se reuniram em Washington na noite de Pearl Harbor.
Foreign troops of some nations now they were received in Great-Britain, where if they had joined stops to prepare the invasion of Day.
Tropas estrangeiras de várias nações eram agora recebidas na Grã-Bretanha, onde se juntaram para preparar a invasão do Dia-D.
Goebbels spoke at great length, is clearly, saying as it would leave the children to die, that already they were in bunker.
Goebbels falava pormenorizadamente, é claro, dizendo como deixaria morrer os filhos, que já estavam no bunker.
To a great extent, they were people who were not much time, for times, only one end-of-week, e, however, tried to arrange a safer place where they could be.
Na maior parte das vezes, eram pessoas que não ficavam muito tempo, por vezes, apenas um fim-de-semana, e, entretanto, tentavam arranjar um sítio mais seguro onde pudessem ficar.
Since the defeat in Normandy, Hitler it planned a great counterattack, waiting not only it withhold the Allies before reaching the Reno, but over all to force to beat them it in withdrawal and to beg the peace, a peace that would give space to it of maneuver to contain the Russians before they were come close too much of Berlin.
Desde a derrota na Normandia, Hitler planeava um grande contra-ataque, esperando não só deter os Aliados antes de alcançarem o Reno, mas sobretudo forçá-los a bater em retirada e implorar a paz, uma paz que lhe daria espaço de manobra para conter os russos
The "high, low and great ones", in this in case that, they were two terços of Indian troops.
Os "altos, baixos e grandes", neste caso, eram dois terços de tropas indianas.
For years they'd looked down on us, and we showed them yes, all of them, that we were a great people and we still are a great people!
Durante anos olharam-nos com superioridade e mostrámos... a todos que éramos um grande povo... e ainda somos um grande povo!
When they were my age, they were captains of their teams... and great players, and I'm not.
Com a minha idade, eram capitães de equipa e grandes jogadores e eu não sou.
They'd rubbed shoulders with the great their pictures were everywhere.
Estavam ombro a ombro com os maiores. Fotos deles estavam por todo lado.
They were, in fact, one of the great magical societies of modern times.
Eles eram, de facto, uma das maiores sociedades mágicas dos tempos modernos.
They are associated with great surges of flaming gas tongues of fire which would engulf the Earth if it were this close.
Estão associadas com grandes vagas flamejantes de gás, línguas de fogo que consumiriam a Terra se esta estivesse perto.
There are even reports, not substantiated but not discredited... of a tribe in central Peru... whose residents included a great number of these... walking dead... who were completely at the will of their master... and they roamed around the mountains killing strangers... and bringing them back to their master.
Há até relatos, não confirmados, mas também não desmentidos... de uma tribo no interior do Peru cujos residentes incluíam um grande número desses... mortos que andam... que estão completamente à disposição do seu mestre, e andam pelas montanhas a matar forasteiros levando-os ao seu mestre.
It was not until they became a part... of the great, dark earth, until they were dead... that their true genius was discovered.
O seu génio só foi revelado após a morte.
They counted 20, and that were them. The great leaving.
No fim, eram vinte para a grande caminhada.
If we start buzzing about down there, we're liable to find their mental power is so great, they could reach out and swat this ship as though it were a fly.
Se começarmos a correr por aí abaixo, arriscamo-nos a descobrir que o seu poder mental é tão grande que pode achatar esta nave como uma mosca.
They were searching for a great lost city, a lost white race.
Procuravam uma grande cidade perdida,
Soma, your ancestors were great priests of the Komo, but for centuries they've misused my powers.
Soma, seus ancestrais foram os grandes sacerdotes de Komo, mas durante séculos abusaram de meus poderes. Por todos os lugares que passei só deixei ruínas e desolação.
He'd never seen the Great Valley, but his heart told him they were close.
Ele nunca viu o Vale Encantado, mas o seu coração disse-lhe que estavam perto.
they weren't there 24
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were right 58
they were gone 49
they were not 22
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were right 58
they were gone 49
they were not 22