Time for school перевод на португальский
300 параллельный перевод
Now I had their parents'consent... and they'll be back in time for school.
- Consegui o consentimento de seus pais. - Voltarão quando começarem as aulas.
But you know they had no time for school.
Sabes que não tiveram tempo para ir à Escola.
Time for school, children.
Hora da escola, crianças.
- It's time for school.
- É hora de ir para a escola.
No more computer games, Matt, it's time for school.
Chega de jogos, Matt. É hora da escola.
Time for school.
É hora de ir para a escola.
Kids, it's time for school.
Meninos, é hora de ir para a escola.
- It's not time for school.
- Não é hora de ir para a escola.
The visitors dropped you off just in time for school.
Os visitantes largaram-te mesmo a tempo de ires para a escola.
Time for school.
É hora da escola.
It's time for school.
It's time for school.
Está na hora da lição.
Time for school.
Tens de ir para a escola.
I felt just like a mother sending the kid off to school for the first time.
Senti-me como uma mäe a mandar um filho para a escola no 1 ° dia.
- No school this time of day. - What do you care for?
Não há ninguém na escola central a estas horas.
Now there's time enough for Don and me to get married after you're out of school and on your own.
Vou pensar em me casar novamente quando você terminar o colegial e fique independente.
Richard, I went through four years of college, two years of med school, interned for two more years. And just about that time,
Richard, eu estive 4 anos na faculdade, mais dois de mestrado e dois de doutoramento e ao fim desse tempo todo não sabia mais que um estudante do liceu.
He did not dream of the lions, but instead, of a vast school of porpoises that stretched for eight or 10 miles, and it was in the time of their mating.
Ele não sonhou com leões, mas com | um grande grupo de porcos-do-mar... que se estendia por 13 ou 16 km... e estava na época de acasalamento. |
Sabem, já ganhei por três vezes... a medalha de ouro de salto, na escola de espiões.
Come on. It's time to wash up for school.
Vá lá, é altura de se lavarem para irem para a escola.
One school is finished, and it is time for another to begin.
Uma escola terminou, é altura de outra começar.
'Cause I'm waiting for my kids in school... and I don't know what time the school -
Estou á espera dos meus filhos. A que horas fecha...
Maybe you can bully some chicks in this school, but this chick has been bullied for the last time.
Podes chagar algumas miúdas do liceu, mas chagaste esta miúda pela última vez.
My brother was scared out of his skin when the time came... for him to go to school.
O meu irmão estava assustado quando chegou a sua vez de ir para a escola.
It's almost 0800 hours. Time to deploy for school.
São quase 08h00, horas de ir para a escola.
It's time for you to go to school.
Tem de ir à escola.
that's the first time I've ordered for a girl since after the senior prom in high school.
É a primeira vez que peço por uma mulher desde... o baile de formatura do segundo grau.
We would have been there right in time for Tet, probably, and whatever. And all these people that were in school with me who'd done terrible things or were planning to go to Canada, do something as drastic as getting married to avoid the war, they were willing to go to Vietnam. They didn't care.
ou qualquer coisa... que frequentaram a escola comigo para evitar a guerra – nem se importavam... por campos minados.
Um, we've been going out... for a long time, since high school.
Já namoramos há muito, desde o liceu.
It's a very important race for Shekhar Malhotra. lf he wins... this time too, it'll be three consecutive wins for him... and it will be a new record for the inter school championship.
É uma corrida muito importante para Shekhar Malhotra. Se ele ganhar de novo, serão três vitórias consecutivas para ele e será um novo record para o Campeonato Inter-Escolas.
For me, school is a waste of time.
Para mim, a escola é uma perda de tempo.
Now, unfortunately our school clocks have been running fast all semester... so today we all have to stay two extra hours to make up for the time we lost.
Infelizmente, os relógios estavam adiantados este semestre. Hoje vamos cá ficar mais duas horas para compensar.
Ramon, it's time for school.
São horas de ires para a escola.
He never had any time for me in high school.
Ele nunca teve tempo para mim no liceu.
Okay. All right, but now it's time for you to go to school.
Sim, mas é hora de ires para a escola.
It's time to get up for school.
Está na hora de ir para a escola.
Son, for the last time, you're staying at military school.
- Não! Filho, pela última vez, vais ficar no colégio militar.
Well, kids, we're so proud of the way you completed military school we thought this time we'd take you to Disneyland for real.
Estamos tão orgulhosos com a forma como concluíram a escola militar que pensámos em levá-los à Disneylândia.
It's time for us to go to school.
São horas de ir para a escola.
You telegraph punches, leave blind sides open, and, for a school-night slaying, take entirely too much time.
Anunciam os vossos murros, deixam em aberto os ângulos mortos e para uma caçada nocturna, demoraram muito tempo.
There's a time for school and there's a time for...
Há tempo para a escola e há tempo para...
He's been out of school for some time.
Deixou a universidade há já uns anos.
Now for the bad news. Because of the time change from Ancient Rome, it's time for you to go to school.
Estamos orgulhosas por teres assumido a responsabilidade.
One time, Judith caught him in bed with a guy and Jack convinced her that they were doing a school check for lice.
Uma vez, Judith apanhou-o na cama com um gajo e o Jack convenceu-a que eles estavam a ver se tinham piolhos por causa da escola.
In high school, I was always in relationships. For the first time...
No colegial, estava sempre com alguém.
- Will- - - No. For three years, we made fun of these private school dicks... that never gave us the time of day.
Durante três anos, gozámos com esses palhaços das escolas privadas, que nunca nos ligaram nenhuma.
So either you drop me off at 7 : 30, so you can get to school on time... in which case I have to wait around for half an hour or -
Então, ou me deixas às 7 : 30, para que possas chegar à escola a horas... nesse caso tenho que esperar por meia hora ou...
The Teddy Boy thing, for me, was all about the idea of being a peacock, and standing out in the crowd, but at the same time feeling a sense that you are part of the dispossessed, which - - at the end of my art school term, I thought I could make a profit by.
Para mim, um Teddy Boy, era como um pavão que sobressaía na multidão, mas com a sensação de pertencer aos remediados, e eu pensava tirar partido disso, ao acabar a escola.
This'll sound strange, Billy but, for some time now, I've thought of the Royal Ballet School.
Isto vai parecer-te estranho, Billy, mas há já algum tempo que ando a pensar na Royal Ballet School.
Well, squirt, looks like I'm going to be going back to military school and I'm not going to see you for a really, really long time.
Bem, ferinha. Parece que vou voltar para Escola Militar E não vou ver você por muito, muito tempo.
And now it's time again for your favorite talk show host, direct from Grove High School, the lovely Lilly.
Está novamente na hora da vossa apresentadora favorita, em directo do Liceu Grove, a encantadora Lilly, vos dar as boas-vindas.
time for bed 134
time for breakfast 17
time for dinner 25
time for what 83
time for lunch 18
time for you to go 17
for school 19
school 616
schools 68
schooled 38
time for breakfast 17
time for dinner 25
time for what 83
time for lunch 18
time for you to go 17
for school 19
school 616
schools 68
schooled 38
school's out 28
school teacher 23
school sweetheart 16
school bell rings 101
school bell ringing 72
time to go home 94
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
school teacher 23
school sweetheart 16
school bell rings 101
school bell ringing 72
time to go home 94
time to die 52
time to wake up 54
time is running out 68
time is of the essence 71
time flies 78
time is up 41
time is money 74
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time to eat 55
time to go to work 26
time is up 41
time is money 74
time to go 627
time to sleep 29
time travel 83
time will tell 62
time is 18
time to eat 55
time to go to work 26
time to go to bed 19
time out 262
time to leave 25
time job 218
time to get to work 16
time of death 270
time thing 208
time continuum 62
time to get up 91
time low 44
time out 262
time to leave 25
time job 218
time to get to work 16
time of death 270
time thing 208
time continuum 62
time to get up 91
time low 44