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When he came back перевод на португальский

351 параллельный перевод
When he came back, he looked so lovely in his uniform I camped on his doorstep until he consented to marry me.
Mas, quando ele voltou, parecia tão bonito em seu uniforme... Isso acampados na porta até que ele concordou em me casar.
When he came back, He began to paint mother as the angel of death.
Quando voltou, começou a pintar a mãe como "O Anjo da morte".
Unless you believe what One-Eye said when he came back.
Nada. A não ser que acredite no que eu disse quando ele voltou.
What did Mears tell you when he came back to the Brock?
Que lhe disse o Mears quando regressou do Brock?
When he came back, he put it right up to me.
Ao retornar, não andou indo a nenhum rodeio.
And when he came back... torn and bleeding... he took that fleece of gold and he laid it at her pretty white feet.
E quando ele voltou... rasgado e sangrando... ele pegou nesse velocino de ouro e o depositou a seus bonitos pés brancos.
So when he came back, you - you just weren't there, huh?
E quando regressou, já não te encontrou, não é assim?
When he came back in, he sat on the bed and he had a gun in his hand.
Quando regressou, sentou-se na cama e tinha uma arma na mão.
When he came back for lunch he received his guest right in the lobby. I saw him myself.
E quando regressou para almoçar, recebeu o seu convidado no alpendre.
And when he came back, holding the man in his arms, whom do I see?
E quando ele voltou, amparando o homem nos braços, quem hei-de eu ver?
When he came back, he confided only in me.
Quando voltou, só confiava em mim.
Though he was far from fearless when he came back.
Mas não estava tão destemido quando ele voltou.
He would always bring something when he came back from a trip.
Trazia-lhes sempre uma prenda, quando viajava.
When he came back, he told Helena he was leaving. He said they'd meet again.
Quando voltou disse à Helena que se ia embora e que eles se veriam de novo.
When he came back after 24 hours, he was exhausted.
Eu acho-o muito excitante quando tem pensamentos sombrios.
Suddenly, when he came back a month ago, he was married.
Quando ele regressou, há um mês, vinha casado.
Miss Brewis, when he came back or when, Met someone?
Brewis, quando vinha ou quando regressava, encontrou-se com alguém?
I saw his eyes when he came back in.
Eu vi os olhos dele quando voltou.
So he told Arturo that he'd have to ship off, which he did, but he told Catarina he'd be back for her and when he came back, he'd signal with three long blasts so she could dive off the rocks and swim to the boat, and they'd be on their way.
E então disse ao Arturo que tinha de zarpar, e ele foi, mas disse à Catarina que a viria buscar... e quando voltasse, havia de fazer soar a sirene três vezes... para ela mergulhar das rochas e nadar até ao barco, e iam-se embora.
When he came back that Saturday, he'd dyed his hair.
Quando naquele Sábado regressou, tinha pintado o cabelo.
Then we went back when he came back and shot the close-ups.
fizemos os planos aproximados.
When he came back, he was on a ventilator.
Quando regressou, estava ligado a um ventilador.
And when he came back, he was at peace with the world.
E quando ele regressou, ele estava em paz com o mundo.
When he came back he stood in front of the whole school and told us how happy he was now that he had been cured.
Quando voltou lhe colocaram adiante de todo o colégio e nos disse o contente que estava de que lhe tivessem curado.
But the other times, when he came back, she didn't say anything?
Mas, das outras vezes, quando ele voltava, ela não dizia nada?
As Al Pacino discovered when he came back from World War Two, the son had to follow his father's criminal path.
Como Al Pacino descobriu ao regressar da II Guerra Mundial, o filho tinha de seguir o caminho de crime do pai.
But he was glad when I came back... as if he were waiting for me.
Mas ele ficou contente quando eu voltei... como se estivesse à minha espera.
But when I came back, he and Mr Phillip were going at it hammer and tongs.
Quando voltei, ele estava a discutir com Mr.
When my husband came back from New York last week and I told Jonnie I couldn't see him he kept on phoning me.
Quando o meu marido voltou de Nova lorque, a semana passada, eu disse ao Jonnie que não podia vê-lo, mas ele continuou a telefonar-me.
Please, he was as good as a lamb when I came back.
Estava manso feito um carneiro quando voltei.
He came back when he heard how good you were in the centre ring.
Ele voltou quando soube do teu sucesso na pista central.
Oh, sure, he lived in Cleveland, but when the war broke out he came back like a good little Bundist.
Claro que viveu em Cleveland, mas, quando rebentou a guerra, voltou á Pátria como um bom Bundist.
When he told me about it a few other things came back to me.
Só quando ele me contou que me lembrei de algumas coisas.
When I came back, he'd gone.
Quando voltei, ele tinha sumido.
'Sblood! When you and he came back from Ravenspurgh!
Maldito día quando vós e ele voltastes de Ravenspurg!
When I came back, he was gone.
Quando voltei, tinha desaparecido.
Nels told us all to all be there at 8 : 30 at the back, so we could come in with him when he came home. The surprise bit.
Ele disse-nos para estarmos todos lá fora às 20h30, para quando ele chegasse a casa fizéssemos a surpresa.
What did you do when Dad was out on a house call in the middle of the night? Was he able to sleep when he came home after putting somebody back together?
O pai conseguia dormir quando voltava de uma visita ao domicílio?
He came back here in 1918, when he was 18 years old.
Ele regressou em 1918, quando tinha 18 anos.
And when you came back you found he was gone?
E, quando regressou, descobriu que ele se tinha ido embora?
He sent me on the tour and... when I came back he was there waiting.
- Disse-me para ir visitar o local quando regressei ele estava à espera.
When Mr. Arnold came back to see you, what did he tell you?
Quando voltou pela segunda vez, o que lhe disse?
Now go back into the bedroom when he first came in... and tell me, what was he wearing?
Vamos voltar ao quarto, quando ele apareceu. O que trazia vestido?
I took it outside to bury it. When I came back, he was gone.
Bem, era uma fralda muito pesada mas...
When you came back he was here.
Ontem, depois do teu passeio com o Carl, ele esteve aqui.
You know, we went back at night, when we came to our senses, there he was.
Voltámos à noite, quando recuperámos e lá estava ele.
He followed my trail, when he first came here, he'd hardly a coat to his back or a boot to his foot.
Ele seguira-me até aqui. Quando apareceu, só trazia a roupa do corpo.
When he came back, you said :
Quando voltou, tu disseste :
Before, when he'd spent it all, he came back.
Antes, quando tinha gasto tudo, ele voltava.
- He kept them back from when Asciano really came to lunch on the previous day.
Ele guardou-os quando o Ascanio realmente lá almoçou no dia anterior.
You know, just before he died he promised that when the comet came back he'd be riding on it.
Antes de morrer ele prometeu que quando o cometa voltasse ele vinha montado nele.

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