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When he was перевод на португальский

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The Jimenez tried to kill Lobos before when he was in lockdown, but failed.
Os Jimenez tentaram matar o Lobos quando estava preso, mas falharam.
Francine's uncle took this amazing picture of him when he was three or four. It's up in the living room.
O tio da Francine tirou-lhe uma fotografia linda quando ele tinha três ou quatro, que está na sala.
This is when he was about four years old.
Aqui ele tinha cerca de 4 anos.
You were armed when he was shot, and what good did that do?
Estava armado quando ele foi atingido, o que ganhou com isso?
Oscar came upon it when he was looking for the Phoenix Stone.
O Oscar foi lá quando estava à procura da Pedra de Fénix.
He made these videos for me when he was in the war.
Ele fez estes vídeos para mim quando estava na guerra.
The cell that was found on Lobos when he was killed...
O telemóvel que o Lobos tinha quando foi morto...
Dunning landed on a rug when he was shot.
O Dunning caiu num tapete quando foi baleado.
His parents were killed in a robbery when he was nine.
Os pais foram mortos num assalto quando tinha 9 anos.
Eddie killed alonzo's brother, mario, Back when he was a cop in el salvador.
O Eddie matou o irmão do Alonzo, Mario, quando era policia em El Salvador.
My brother died fighting in Karume's army when he was 14 years old.
Meu irmão morreu lutando no exército de Karume quando tinha catorze anos.
It was his grandfather's when he was a policeman in Chicago.
Era do avô dele, quando era polícia em Chicago.
Just as when he was rescued from that Y-wing fighter, I am rescuing him now.
Assim como ele foi resgatado daquele Y-Wing... eu estou a resgatá-lo agora.
Who was Rowe on the phone with when he got shot?
Com quem é que o Rowe falava quando foi atingido?
It's very much like when on Columbus'ship, the fellow up on top who first spotted land, he noticed it was and he basically made an entry saying "we spotted land".
É muito parecido com quando, no navio de Colombo, o tipo no cimo do mastro que primeiro avistou terra avistou-a e registou uma entrada dizendo : "Avistámos terra."
You know what, when my dad died I was cleaning out his house. And he was a hoarder.
Quando o meu pai morreu estava a limpar a casa dele e ele era acumulador.
I found a letter in there that was to his lawyer when my mom and dad divorced, saying that he wanted my brother but he didn't want me, and there's no way in hell he would take me.
Encontrei uma carta que era para o seu advogado de quando os meus pais se divorciaram a dizer que queria o meu irmão, mas a mim não, e nem pensar que me recebia.
When we first found out that Dylan was autistic, Ian and I went through a mini-grieving process knowing that he might never lead an independent life, he might struggle to make loving relationships.
Quando descobrimos que o Dylan era autista, eu e o Ian passámos por um pequeno processo de lamentação, sabendo que ele podia nunca ter uma vida normal, que ele podia ter dificuldades em manter relações amorosas.
It's funny, I remember when I saw him in his casket on my birthday. I thought that that would be when I finally realized that he was dead.
Lembro-me de quando o vi no caixão nos meus anos pensei que seria nesse momento que finalmente realizaria que ele estava morto.
Because he was six then, my son, and when I told him about Dylan, he got quiet.
Porque o meu filho tinha seis anos e quando lhe falei do Dylan ele ficou calado.
I really love his stances on education his single parent healthcare system and and I was really, really upset when he resigned.
Adoro as suas posições sobre educação e o sistema de saúde para pais solteiros. E fiquei muito chateada, quando ele se demitiu.
Either way, the shooter was far too well-prepared to strike when and where he did.
Seja como for, o atirador estava demasiado bem preparado para atacar quando atacou.
You know, one of the men at the arcade who was killed, Ray Mui, he had a switchblade on him when he died.
Um dos homens mortos no salão, Ray Mui, tinha uma faca de ponta e mola.
The question is, were you lying when you said he was suicidal or are you lying now?
A pergunta é, estava a mentir quando disse que ele era um suicida ou está a mentir agora?
And when he asked you to blackmail the officer, was your understanding that he implied
E quando ele lhe pediu para chantagear o agente, era da sua compreensão que ele sugeriu
Oh, he was supposedly in Hitler's bunker when the Russians came crashing in.
Ele supostamente estava no Bunker do Hitler quando os Russos invadiram.
I mean, he asked me when my next party was.
Quero dizer, ele perguntou-me quando era a minha próxima festa.
You know, when I first heard that he died, all that I wanted to do was to tell him how I felt, and then the next thing I know, he's standing in front of me and telling me about his wedding.
e depois quando dei por isso, ele estava a minha frente a contar-me sobre o seu casamento.
If he was working for Lobos, that job ended when the man was shot.
Se ele trabalhava para o Lobos, isso acabou quando o mataram.
Back when Detective Dunning was urging his captain to raid the gang, he insisted that Farris'computer held a wealth of evidence against them.
Quando o Dunning pediu ao capitão para fazer uma rusga, insistiu que o computador tinha muitas provas contra eles.
Yeah, we went after him hard when I was in Vice, but since he never laid a finger on any dope, we could never grab him.
Sim, fomos atrás dele em força quando estava nos Vice, mas como ele nunca colocou um dedo na droga, nunca o conseguimos apanhar.
He was my instructor when I was here.
Ele foi meu instrutor aqui.
Said he'd been out for a midnight jog, but, I mean, I knew that was total BS because when he came in, he wasn't tired, he wasn't sweaty.
Disse que saiu para correr, mas eu sabia que era mentira porque quando ele entrou, não estava cansado nem a suar.
And then when you found out he was a mole, you took him out.
Ao descobrir que ele era um informante, eliminou-o.
I mean, he was fine when we got to the hospital.
Ele chegou bem ao hospital.
The amount of damage caused by the beating suggests the killer presumed Lola was dead when he placed her in the vehicle.
O tamanho do dano causado pelo espancamento sugere que o assassino achava que a Lola estava morta quando a colocou no veículo.
Then when the killer reached the dumpsite, he found she was still alive, and he shot her.
Aí quando o assassino chegou ao destino, descobriu que ela estava viva e atirou.
He was lying when he said the matter was resolved.
Não. Ele mentiu quando disse que a questão estava resolvida.
I spoke with a teacher who said Eddie was a part of the class, But he was absent yesterday when the text was sent.
Um professor disse-me que o Eddie fazia parte da turma, mas que estava ausente ontem quando a mensagem foi enviada.
When eddie heard, he was very furious.
Quando o Eddie soube, ficou furioso.
All right, where was he when you talked to him?
Onde estava quando falaram com ele?
He's the only one still alive who was actually there when Kuma died.
É o único ainda vivo que estava presente quando o Kuma morreu.
He was my father's best friend, and when my father passed away, he always looked after me.
Ele era o melhor amigo do meu pai, e quando o meu pai morreu, tomou sempre conta de mim.
He was undercover when we were in St. Louis.
Ele era um infiltrado quando estávamos em St.
He was wise, kind, but when I was young, he seemed happier.
Era sábio e gentil... mas quando eu era jovem, ele parecia mais feliz.
All this commotion stirred awake his twin brother, Clyde, who, as he told it to me, was in his bedroom catching some Zs when all this went down.
O barulho acordou o irmão gémeo, o Clyde, que, segundo me contou, estava no quarto a dormir, quando isso se passou.
Our contacts found out that Romero was researching the FBI when he got killed.
Os nossos contactos descobriram que o Romero investigava o FBI quando foi morto.
When Santiago stomped off, he was threatening to reach through his cell phone and castrate the guy.
Quando o Santiago se foi embora, estava a ameaçar castrar o homem através do telefone.
Gus, when they found Curtis, was he still... intact?
Gus, quando encontraram o Curtis, ele estava... intacto?
They said the same thing about Grant when he first ran, and Vargas is polling better with women than Grant was at this stage.
Eles disseram a mesma coisa sobre o Grant quando concorreu pela primeira vez, e o Vargas está mais bem visto pelas mulheres do que o Grant nesta fase.
- [exhales] When he was still a child,
Quando ele era uma criança,

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