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When he was young перевод на португальский

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I'll bet that old boy was a man to stand aside from when he was young and limber.
Aposto que quando era jovem e hábil ninguém se metia com ele.
I knew him when he was young... when he brought the people together to fight.
Conheci-o quando ele era jovem. Quando juntou o povo para lutar.
When he was young, he says, "Mr. Brennan..."
Disse : "Sr. Brennan..."
Father, Vogel was there when he was young.
Pai, o Vogel esteve por lá quando era jovem.
He said when he was young, he was a rascal.
- Era uma criança marota.
Doesn't every old man in politics betray the wonderful things he believed in when he was young?
Os velhos todos da politica não traem as coisas maravilhosas em que acreditavam na juventude?
Virdon used to be a farmer when he was young.
Virdon era fazendeiro quando jovem.
When he was young he used to follow the wolves on their hunts,
Quando ele era jovem, costumava seguir os lobos nas suas caçadas.
when he gets out jail. to see what he looked like when he was young.
Trevor encomendaste alguma pizza e mandaste entregá-la aqui?
I mean, I saw pictures of Dad when he was young.
Já vi fotografias do pai quando era novo.
When he was young he felt very guilty about his angry feelings so guilty that he hid them deep inside until they became an illness.
Quando jovem, sentia muita culpa de seus sentimentos de raiva. Tanta culpa, que escondeu a raiva no seu íntimo... até que se tornou uma doença.
When he was young, he pursued a dream of silver in Mexico.
Quando ele era jovem, sonhava em achar prata no Me'xico.
I seen Sherman get so hungry once when he was young, he beat up a grown man.
Uma vez, quando era pequeno, o Sherman tinha tanta fome, que espancou um adulto.
When he was young, King Benny was a hit man for Lucky Luciano.
Quando eu era miúdo, King Benny era um pistoleiro de Lucky Luciano.
He's killed before, when he was young.
Ele já matou antes, quando era mais novo.
You see, when Horace was in London, he met a certain young lady.
Quando o Horace esteve em Londres conheceu uma rapariga.
To think that I was ever frightened of you. You know, Tarzan, when a man meets a young lady in the outside world... he doesn't dare behave not one bit like you did.
Sabes, Tarzan, quando um homem conhece uma jovem no mundo exterior... não se atreve a comportar-se como tu o fizeste.
He was coming up to get a buck off of Larry Young when Udo came along.
Ia pedir dinheiro ao Larry Young quando apareceu Udo.
When Bear Ghost was young he thought only of war killing his enemies taking their horses.
Quando o Urso Fantasma era jovem, só pensava na guerra... matava os seus inimigos e roubava os seus cavalos.
He was a boy just a boy when I was a very young girl.
Era um rapaz só um rapaz, e eu era muito jovem.
The face of her husband, when he was a young man.
O rosto do seu marido quando era jovem.
[I was about to leave, when, suddenly... ] [... I found a young priest facing me. He was white with fear and trembling.]
Já me ia embora, quando, subitamente... vi um jovem padre a olhar para mim.
When I was waltzing with that young lieutenant, he was stepping all over my feet... and blushing like a June bride.
Quando eu dancei com o jovem tenente ele me pisou os pés... e corou como uma noiva de junho.
She died when he was very young.
Ela morreu, era ele muito pequenino.
And moved by an impulse of pity and decency, he was about to cover that poor, young body with a serape when Major Dabney entered, and Dabney, in blind fury and outrage, opened fire upon him, wounding him grievously twice.
E movido por um impulso de piedade e decência... esteve a ponto de cobrir o corpo morto, com um cobertor... quando Major Dabney entrou, e Dabney... na fúria e cego no ultraje... atirou nele, ferindo-o duas vezes.
Young man, my husband come down this river in a flat bottom boat when he was nothing but a boy.
Jovem, o meu marido desceu este rio... numa barcaça de fundo raso... não era mais que um rapaz.
May I crave leave to greet our young and learned friend, for I noticed him when he was first made Archdeacon.
Devo rogar e saudar nosso jovem e aprendiz amigo? Eu o conheci quando fez seu primeiro arquidiácono.
He's not my father. How once when she was visiting england she met an attractive young lad called Arthur invited him to her room so on.
Como há muitos anos, viajando a Inglaterra conheceu um jovem chamado Artur a quem convidou para o seu quarto e assim...
When I married him, I was young I thought he was the best amongst the guys
Eu era jovem quando o conheci e achava que ele era o melhor dos homens
( man ) Mr Roosevelt began by saying that when he was a young man the great reputation in the American military was General Grant, who had once sent an order saying that he would accept no terms but unconditional surrender,
O Sr. Roosevelt começou por dizer que, quando era novo, a grande figura do exército americano era o general Grant, que tinha enviado uma ordem dizendo que não aceitaria nada além da rendição incondicional, e que estas eram, na verdade, as condições que os Aliados,
And Papa, he died when I was young.
E o meu pai... já tinha morrido quando eu era miúda.
His father died when he was so young.
A mãe dele morreu quando era bem pequeno.
Look, it didn't connect until I saw Chameleon with Starbuck but when that young noman plucked those laser boles, I could swear he was looking straight at Chameleon.
Olha, não fiz ligação até ter visto o Camaleão com o Starbuck mas quando aquele jovem Não-Homem activou aquelas bolas-laser, podia jurar que ele estava a olhar directamente para o Camaleão.
When he was a young man, he was brash, full ofhimself, but also intelligent and compassionate :
Quando ele era jovem, ele era muito ousado presunçoso, mas também era inteligente e compassivo.
When Elvis was young, he was a bad motherfucker.
Quando o Elvis era novo, ele era do piorio.
When a young brave was ready to become a warrior, it was here that he was called by the wise men and the elders.
Quando um jovem corajoso estava pronto para se tornar um guerreiro, isso foi aqui que foi chamado... pelos sábios e pelos anciãos.
When I was looking through Armstrong's Form 20 I noticed he was a young lieutenant back in Korea.
Quando estava a ver o Formulário 20 do Armstrong reparei quena guerra da Coreia ele era um jovem tenente.
he was young when we started.
Ele era jovem quando partimos.
You found out about the pretty young boy... he was spending his nights with... when his wife thought he was off working the files. You had a friendly little chat with him... no more heartburn.
O que quer com ele...
Then I can assure you that our relations were always and entirely those of an employer that awards a young lady whom he never conversed with or even saw save when she was in the company of his children.
Garanto-lhe que a nossa relação foi sempre e inteiramente, a de um patrão e uma jovem com quem nunca conversou ou esteve, a não ser na presença dos filhos.
I don't even know who he was, but he was telling me that when my dad was young, he was this really great dancer, and all the girls at the copa used to hang all over him.
Nem sei quem era, mas contou-me que, quando o meu pai era novo, era um ótimo dançarino. Todas as raparigas no Copa andavam sempre de roda dele.
When he died, he was still young.
Quando ele morreu, ele ainda era jovem.
The detective told me that I could go with the young man when he was arraigned, so I could tell them that he was... special...
O detective disse-me que eu podia ir com ele quando fosse detido, para lhes poder dizer que ele ê especial.
A man had kidnapped a young boy in Wyoming. When he went to pick up the ransom... he was critically wounded in a shootout with the police.
Nenhum governo confirmou o envolvimento, mas o especialista bioquímico, o Dr. Rubin Zellar, reivindicou as responsabilidades.
I'm treating a young man that was a patient... of Dr. Niedelmeyer's when he was a child. His name is Richie Dexter.
Trato de um jovem que era paciente dele quando era criança.
Some time later, for no particular reason, somebody shot that nice young President when he was in his car.
Tempos mais tarde, e sem razão aparente, alvejaram o simpático e jovem Presidente, quando ia de carro.
I think that, when he was a young man, he must have been very handsome.
Deve ter sido muito bem parecido quando era mais novo.
Why... When he was a young warthog
Ouve, quando ele era pequenino
He came to me proposing that since the young squire was set on the lady, he might try to steer her away when there were but few of us left here.
Ele veio ter comigo e disse-me que, como o escudeiro estava obcecado pela senhora, podia tentar levá-la, quando restávamos poucos aqui.
Well, young fella, ya won't catch cold in that sweatbox. It was one of the three films directed by Rowland Brown, a forgotten figure whose meteoric career reputedly ended... when he punched one of Hollywood's top executives.
Foi um dos três filmes realizados por Rowland Brown, um nome esquecido cuja carreira meteórica se diz que acabou quando deu um murro a um dos maiores executivos de Hollywood.
And again when he was 15, trying to peek up the dresses of some young women.
E novamente quando ele tinha 15 anos, a tentar espreitar pelos vestidos de umas jovens.

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