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You saw her перевод на португальский

1,865 параллельный перевод
- When was the last time you saw her?
- Qual foi a última vês que a viste?
So actually you saw her, for the first time... you saw her dead?
Então na verdade, viste-a pela primeira vez viste-a morta?
But you saw her!
Mas tu viste-a!
You saw her.
Tu viste-a.
When was the last time you saw her?
Quando foi a última vez que a viu?
Uh, now, when you say, uh, you saw her... you mean you saw...
Certo, quando diz, viu quer dizer, viu...
I mean... the last time you saw her, you had an argument with her.
Quero dizer... a última vez que a viste, tiveste uma discussão com ela.
- that you saw her. - Why?
- Porquê?
You saw her chase me around here naked With a butcher knife
Tu viste-a atrás de mim nua com uma faca de talho.
When was the last time you saw her?
- Quando a viu pela última vez?
- You saw her?
- Viste-a?
You saw her drive it from a séance. That is all.
Não, viu-a expulsá-la de uma sessão espírita.
When was the last time you saw her?
Quando foi a última vez que a viste?
How about her two arrests for prostitution? You saw her record.
E quanto às suas duas detenções por prostituição?
If you saw her, you have to help me, so Mom and Dad can protect us.
Se a viste, tens de me ajudar, para a mãe e o pai nos protegerem.
You saw her, then?
Tem a certeza disso? Tenho.
Because you saw her on the street, and that's why you hired us.
Porque tu viste-a na rua e foi por isso que nos contrataste.
When was the last time you saw her?
- Quando foi a última vez que a viu?
- You saw her first.
- Viste-a primeiro.
- You saw her too?
- Também a viste?
You saw her outside, right?
Viste-a lá fora, certo?
You saw her eyes.
Tu viste os olhos dela.
When's the last time you saw her ever wearing a yellow dress?
Quando foi a última vez que a viste com um vestido amarelo?
You saw her boobs and they're right downstairs.
Viste as mamas dela e o andar de baixo.
When was the last time you saw her, Milton?
Quando foi a última vez que a viu, Milton?
And then when you saw her at the camp did you... did you get frightened?
E quando a viu no acampamento, sentiu-se assustado?
You saw her picture.
Viste a fotografia.
He saw you two vibing at the party so he moved her to the lookbook shoot and shipped her off.
Ele viu-vos aos dois a vibrar, na festa e retirou-a da sessão fotográfica do lookbook e embarcou-a.
You saw her!
Tu viste-a!
I was in there just now, I saw her face after you left.
Eu estive lá agora mesmo, eu vi a cara dela depois de saíres.
I think I saw her, you know?
Acho que a vi, sabe?
Are you sure Dad-Put his thing into another woman's thing and it felt good and then he did it again and then he probably saw or felt her boobs in the middle of all that?
- Tens a certeza de que o pai... - Pôs o coiso na coisa de outra? Soube-lhes bem e repetiram?
You told me that you saw him smile at her, that he could not take his eyes from hers.
Disse-me que o viu sorrir para ela, que não parava de olhar para ela.
I probably should've told you I saw her take the phone, but you'd beat me up, Jack.
Devia ter-te dito que a vi tirar o telefone, mas tu batias-me, Jack.
The last time I saw you, you got your ass kicked by a girl smaller than her.
A última vez que te vi, levaste uma coça duma miúda mais pequena que ela.
I saw Lorelai go out back. Maybe you can go help her with the empties.
Eu vi a Lorelai a ir ali para trás, talvez possas lá ir ajudá-la com as coisas.
And I'm telling you, I saw fire behind her eyes.
E te digo : vi fogo por trás dos olhos dela, Fogo.
I've been out looking for her, saw your lights on, thought I'd come by and see if you knew where she might be.
Estive por aí à procura dela, vi as tuas luzes acesas... e pensei em passar por aqui para ver se tu sabes onde ela pode estar.
- I saw you looking at her.
- Vi como olhou para ela.
But the middle, when you get to know everything about her, how scared she is of squirrels and hates parades and loves Handel's Messiah, is ashamed of her crooked toes and saw you through a very bad night
Mas no meio, quando conheces tudo sobre ela, o quanto ela tem medo de esquilos e odeia desfiles e adora "Messiah" de Handel, que tem vergonha dos dedos dos pés e te acompanha numa noite má
You saw how he licked her blood off the knife.
Viste como ele lambeu o sangue dela da faca.
I saw how you were with her.
Vi como estava com ela.
Look, when I saw the site, I wanted her head on a stick, but you know as well as I do, this is a big score for us.
Quando vi o site, só queria acabar com ela. Mas sabes tão bem quanto eu que isto é importante para nós.
I saw you give her that juice, very easily.
Vi você dar-lhe o sumo, muito facilmente.
Drew, you had just left the bar when I saw her.
Drew, tinhas acabado de sair do bar quando eu a vi.
And I saw you in the corner with Sam, you were feeding her.
Depois vi-te no canto com a Sam, estavas a alimentá-la.
She saw that you were in cris, in some way like her own crisis... there you were in pajamas, you were depressed, it was related to a pregnancy and she recognized it right away.
Viu que estava em crise. De certa forma, como a dela. Estava de pijama, deprimida.
Witnesses saw you argue with her right before she died.
Testemunhas viram vocês a discutir antes dela morrer.
I was fine with it. Why? I spoke with a few pledges who said they saw you getting into a fight with her in the woods.
Falei com algumas candidatas que te viram a discutir com ela no bosque.
I just saw all the people that she helped, You know, most of which didn't even believe her either at first, so...
Vi todas as pessoas que ela ajudou, sabes, a maioria delas também não acreditavam nela ao princípio, por isso...
You know, I saw his name in the files,'cause he was the... he was the person that checked her in.
Sabes, vi o nome dele nos ficheiros, porque ele foi... Ele foi a pessoa que lhe deu entrada.

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