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You saw them перевод на португальский

720 параллельный перевод
You saw them drag her into the car.
Vi-o a arrastá-la para o carro.
Well, if you saw them, sir, they weren't Apaches.
Bem, se os viu, senhor, não eram Apaches.
You saw them out in that garden.
Viste-os lá fora no jardim.
- You saw them?
- Viu-os?
What direction were these flying saucers going the last time you saw them?
Em que direção esses "discos voadores" iam?
You mean you saw them murdered?
Quer dizer que presenciou os assassinatos?
You saw them?
- You saw them cross over the border?
- Você os viu na fronteira?
- You saw them, I hope?
- Sim, no avião.
You'd change your tune if you saw them for yourself.
Não sobreviveria se os visse.
If you saw them...
Se os viu...
Saiu e viu-os a atacar o Professor Dante.
Tu viste-los subir.
Would you recognize those mountains if you saw them again?
Irias reconhecer essas montanhas se as visses de novo?
You'll provoke them by telling the papers you saw them.
Vais provocá-los. Dirás aos jornais que sabes quem eles são.
Now think back to the time the two of them first came in and you saw them.
Agora pense na altura em que os dois entraram e os viu.
Do you remember where they were the last time you saw them?
Tente lembrar-se, onde elas estavam, da última vez que as viu?
They could have ridden off before you saw them.
Eles podem ter fugido de lá antes de vocês os terem visto.
You saw them! They almost...
Por pouco, não me...
Why, if you just saw the two of them together.
Se só viste-os juntos..
- I tell you, I saw them.
- Estou a dizer-te, vi-os.
- You saw them? - That's all.
- Vi-os?
I saw them draw you into this and tried to warn you, but it was no use.
Vi-os atraí-lo para isto, e tentei avisá-lo, mas de nada valeu.
It was as pretty a sight as you ever saw to see him come loping across them hills.
Era uma bela visão vê-lo subir a montanha a galope.
I tell you I saw them both!
Estou a dizer-Ihe que vi os dois!
But no one but me knows that you two saw them.
Ninguém a não ser eu sabe que vocês os viram.
I saw you begging me with your eyes to swallow them.
Vi-te a suplicar com os olhos para que os engolisse.
Tell them you saw no lady.
- Diz-lhe que não viste ninguém.
After you opened the orders, who saw them besides you?
Quem as leu além de voçê?
And that's the last you saw of them, you got it?
Essa foi a última vez que os viu, entendido? Entendido?
You're the one who saw them.
Você os viu.
I saw you put them in your pocket.
Puseste-os no bolso.
No. I saw them, you hear?
Não, vi uma!
You told them you never saw a little black bag, either.
Você também disse que nunca tinha visto uma mala preta.
Hoka says that you can wait here without harm, if you'll forget you ever saw them.
Hoka diz que pode esperar aqui sem receio, se você esquecer que alguma vez os viu.
To tell you the truth, when I saw them burning... I was relieved.
Para ser honesto, quando tivemos que as abandonar, fiquei aliviado.
What you saw was a reflection of the violence and hate in the world around them, Henry.
O que você viu foi um reflexo de violência e de ódio deste mundo que nos rodeia. O seu mundo.
Have you never imagined you saw someone you knew, and walked up to them and found they were a perfect stranger?
Nunca pensou ter reconhecido alguém e depois perceber que se enganara?
I saw them just as close as you are to me now.
Os vi tão de perto como o senhor está agora.
The point is, you never saw them before, did you?
Nunca as tinhas visto, não é?
And you saw nothing of them after that?
- Näo os viste depois disso?
I... I only mentioned it because... well, because I saw you polishing them boots.
Eu apenas o mencionei porque porque te vi a engraxar as botas.
Maybe the bodies really weren't in here, you just thought you saw them.
Onde estão?
Quando o chefe nos salvou e vi as latas de tinta lá na galeria pensei logo em as aproveitar.
And it can just happen that you never saw or heard of them.
E pode simplesmente acontecer de nunca os ter ouvido falar deles.
I saw them launch you into orbit myself.
Vi colocarem você em órbita.
You never saw them again?
Nunca mais os viu? Não sabe o que é feito deles?
- Serviceable? - Then I capture them just as you saw. - I turn them over to the authorities.
Então, capturo-as com a rede, tal como viste, e entrego-as às Autoridades.
You saw all them Indians hung up like a side of beef.
Viste aqueles índios todos pendurados como peças de carne.
- while the army take's over ther land - you saw for your silfe what they did taken of scalps who take them in that middle trap the white man cuting of hands and cuting of feets and cuting of
Pensavas que os índios ficavam a ver como o exército ocupa as terras deles? Viste o que fizeram, escalparam-nos. E quem lhes ensinou isso?
You never saw anything like them in your life.
Jamais viu algo assim, na sua vida.

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