That wasn't right перевод на русский
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It wasn't right for him to go off like that.
Нехорошо было исчезать таким образом.
If it wasn't for me, you'd be tied up... with that broken down cowhand right now.
Если бы не я, ты бы сейчас была замужем за ковбоем-неудачником.
- Maybe the one she was in wasn't stolen. - That's right.
- Может тот, в котором она уехала, не был ворован.
That wasn't right!
Не так, Берт!
That was all right, wasn't it?
- Но все хорошо, да?
That's right. I figured she wasn't good enough for you.
Да, сначала, потому что думал, что она недостойна тебя.
Cherry wasn't right of me to do what I did to you, treating you that way.
Черри, я был очень не прав, когда так поступал с тобой. Я грубо втиснул тебя в автобус, хотел, чтобы ты вышла за меня.
That wasn't the right order, of course, but...
Конечно, очерёдность была другой, но...
- The Pentagon, wasn't it, General? - That's right. Only you weren't in that uniform.
- Мы встречались в Пентагоне.
But I quickly realized I wasn't going to stop and that I was making the right decision for the first time.
Но быстро я понял, что я не остановлюсь, и что я впервые в жизни принял правильное решение.
Wasn't he on Open End a couple of years ago? That's right.
Это не он получил премию за вклад в развитие медицины?
because you called Rhoda first, and she wasn't at home, and so you figured that she was here, and you were right.
Ты сначала позвонил Роде, а её не оказалось дома, и ты подумал, что она здесь, и оказался прав.
- That wasn't right -
Это неправильно.
NARRATOR : When Moki threw a rope... instead of a bullet at the grizzly cub... he had an idea that some day... he might have to face the consequences... but right now he wasn't thinking about the future.
Когда Моки набросил веревку что в один прекрасный день но прямо сейчас он совсем не думал о будущем.
That wasn't the fire bell, right?
А это была не пожарная тревога, так ведь?
Wasn't that right?
Разве это было неправильно?
They say they didn't notice... That could mean it was there... or it wasn't, right?
Они не заметили собаку, значит, она могла там быть, а могла и не быть, так?
It wasn't that he could talk, it was what he said, right?
Дело было не в том, что он мог говорить, а в том, что он говорил, верно, тренер?
Well, all right, I did but that wasn't your doing.
Что ж, может так оно и будет, но в этом не ваша вина.
That F wasn't right, didn't you hear it was off-key?
Это ФА не в порядке, разве ты не слышал оно фальшивое?
He's a goddamn rat-thief. That wasn't right.
С горчицей и соусом..... это чертов крысиный бифштекс...
- That's all right, sir, you wasn't to know.
Конечно, Вы же не могли знать.
That wasn't the right expression.
Вы неправильно выразились.
It wasn't a thief. I'll tell you that right now.
Сразу вам скажу, это был не вор.
Son, I know you meant well, but that wasn't the right thing to do.
Сынок : я знаю : вы хотели сделать доброе дело. Но так поступать нехорошо.
I was such a good little boy, right... with such potential, wasn't that it?
Я был таким хорошим мальчиком. Многообещающим.
All right, that wasn't what I was saying. But would you care for some champagne?
Я предлагаю тебе шампанское.
That's right. Wasn't Kinu in his class that first year?
Знаешь, Кину училась с Амасавой до седьмого класса.
I wasn't able to find out what he was planning, because he stopped talking to me right after that. At your urging.
Я не мог выяснить, что он имел в виду, поскольку он он перестал со мной говорить, по вашему принуждению.
That's right, he was 48, wasn't he?
Верно, ему ведь было 48?
You're gonna be totally confident that everything's going good because you know your body would reject it if it wasn't going right... you know?
И ты будешь полностью уверенной что все идет хорошо, потому что ты знаешь что твое тело отклонило бы это если бы это не шло правильно...
Look, unconsciously, you knew that it wasn't right.
Слушай, пусть даже подсознательно, но ты знал, что это неправильно.
So he wasn't hurt. Right? Yeah, that's right.
Фанзи был так крут, что ему не было больно!
I did check everybody's name tag, anybody that wasn't wearing a name tag, I came right out and said, "what's your name?"
Я проверил все имена, а тех, на ком не было имени, я спросил, как их зовут.
It wasn't right for you at the time, that's nobody's fault.
У вас были разные планы на жизнь, никто в этом не виноват.
At least it wasn't half as bad as that tone-deaf performance by the aptly named Miss Singapore. Roz, you're gonna chew that nail right off.
Это ничто по сравнению с номером напрочь лишённой слуха и заслуженно носящей титул "Мисс Сингапур"
It was a good thing that we did a test,'cause it wasn't gonna be just a quick little snap. You were right.
Хорошо, что мы устроили проверку.
It could be that his head wasn't screwed on just right. Or it could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
Может бьыть, ему не давала покоя его голова, или его ботинки стали на него мальы :
And if that wasn't bad enough, there was more trouble right around the corner.
Но тем дело не ограничилось : у них над головой уже сгущались новые тучи.
I wasn't quite sure that you were the right guy.
Я не была уверена. что вы тот самый.
Right, so what you're saying to me is that it wasn't Amy on the phone?
Стоп! Ты хочешь сказать, что я не с Эмми говорил?
It wasn't that much different from'Nam, actually, so it wasn't long... - before he was right at home.
Боевые действия не сильно отличались от того, что он видел во Вьетнаме, который был не так давно.
I felt that something wasn't right and, that if I got close to Blaney, if I won his confidence,
... что если смогу сблизиться с Блэни и втереться к нему в доверие,..
He said that since I wasn't pursuing you, I had no right to stop him from approaching you.
Он сказал, что, раз я не ухаживаю за тобой, я не имею права останавливать его.
That shit wasn't right.
Это трудно вынести.
If it wasn't for you and puberty... man, I'd probably be bangin that out right now.
Если бы не ты, я бы уже давно её развёл.
Oh, that wasn't right.
Ой, я ошиблась.
Some people thought he wasn't ready, that it was a mistake to bring him up to the show right out of elementary school, but he made it all the way to the last word.
Некоторые думали, что он не готов и было ошибкой привести его на конкурс прямо из начальной школы, но у него всё получалось, вплоть до последнего слова.
That wasn't right.
Это было не честно.
I got in a fist fight during a chick flick, whoo! Right. It really wasn't that bad.
- Да, фигня, не так всё скверно.
that wasn't very nice 41
that wasn't a question 26
that wasn't my intention 19
that wasn't me 262
that wasn't supposed to happen 22
that wasn't your fault 51
that wasn't it 39
that wasn't a lie 16
that wasn't true 25
that wasn't nice 26
that wasn't a question 26
that wasn't my intention 19
that wasn't me 262
that wasn't supposed to happen 22
that wasn't your fault 51
that wasn't it 39
that wasn't a lie 16
that wasn't true 25
that wasn't nice 26
that wasn't so bad 124
that wasn't part of the plan 20
that wasn't her 16
that wasn't so hard 90
that wasn't the question 20
that wasn't the plan 27
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that wasn't the deal 55
that wasn't part of the plan 20
that wasn't her 16
that wasn't so hard 90
that wasn't the question 20
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that wasn't cool 21
that wasn't fair 32
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that wasn't us 33
that wasn't you 50
that wasn't part of the deal 18
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that wasn't 66
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right now 7642
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right on time 239