And before that Çeviri İspanyolca
11,263 parallel translation
We stood up in that weird-smelling little chapel in Tahoe, and before God, we chose to love one another until we die.
Nos levantamos en aquella capilla que olía raro en Tahoe, y ante Dios, elegimos amarnos el uno al otro hasta que muriéramos.
And then, next year, you give them even less, and even less the year after that, and you keep chipping away at their budget until, before you know it, planned parenthood no longer exists.
Y luego, el próximo año, que les dan aún menos, y mucho menos un año después de que, y sigues saltando lejos en su presupuesto hasta que, antes de que usted lo sepa, planificación familiar ya no existe.
And before you even ask, remodeling suggest that the injury took place two years ago.
Y antes incluso de que lo pregunte, la remodelación sugiere que la lesión tuvo lugar hace dos años.
And I hadn't really climbed with Alex much at all before that.
Yo no había escalado mucho con Alex antes de esto.
And whatever Michaela's telling him right now is based on the fact that she's into him, but you've leveled with me before, and I need you to do it again.
Y sea lo que sea que le esté contando Michaela ahora mismo está basado en el hecho de que ella le gusta, pero tú has venido a convencerme antes, y necesito que lo vuelvas a hacer.
Before the court accepts the plea, it must be shown on record that the defendant knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily understands the nature and consequences of her plea.
Antes de que el tribunal acepte la petición, se debe mostrar un informe en el que el acusado intencionadamente de modo inteligente y voluntariamente entiende la naturaleza y las consecuencias de su acuerdo.
The fact that he committed a crime on a bright day unlike before and seeing that he had no intentions on hiding the corpse, the police concluded that the criminal is becoming more and more bold.
Por el hecho de que cometió un crimen en un día brillante a diferencia de antes... y viendo que no tuvo intención de ocultar el cadáver... la policía concluyó que el criminal se está volviendo más y más audaz.
On my television show, I once did a segment that aired once and only once, before it was banned, called "Shark Party." All right?
En mi programa de TV, tuve una sección que salió solamente una vez y luego fue prohibida.
And I have to admit, that had never occurred to me before.
Confieso que eso nunca se me había ocurrido.
Now drop the attitude, before I take this laptop and break it over that watermelon you call a head.
Ahora deja esa actitud antes de que coja este portátil y te lo rompa contra esa sandía a la que llamas cabeza.
I spent good money on that damn cruise, and the shuttle bus crashed before we even reached the port.
Gasté un montón de dinero en ese maldito crucero... y el autobús se estrelló antes que llegáramos al puerto.
And before you answer, just know that I know.
¿ Y por qué? Y antes de responder, tienes que saber que ya sé.
You just know that it's the last time, and it's like taking in all the air you can before you go underwater.
Sabes que es la última vez y es como coger todo el aire que puedes antes de meterte en el agua.
That's just what they want. Nobody cares about the people who lived here before. They want us to move'cause then they want to knock our houses down and build more lofts and villas.
es lo que quieren a nadies le importa las personas que vivieron aqui antes quieren que nos mudemos porque quieren derribar nuestras casas y construir mas lofts y villas.
It's not individual right now. And I've never experienced that And I've never experienced that before, and that's what I base
Nunca había experimentado esto, y puedo decir esto basándome en el equipo que tenemos.
Before, and that's what I base me saying this is my group on. Me saying this is my group on. jeff :
Jeremy, si buscas algo a largo plazo, esto es música pura para tus oídos.
I made the decision that this would never hold me back, and I told him the same before he went under.
Tomé la decisión de que esto nunca me tiraría hacia atrás... y lo mismo le dije cuando se caía.
Groot, is there any way you can dig down and seal up that geyser before it melts all the ice?
Groot, ¿ hay algún modo en el que puedas lograr sellar ese géiser antes de que derrita todo el hielo?
After your brother was born, and your father and I had a bit of a rough patch, we decided that we had to put our love for each other above everything else, because we were man and wife before we were mother and father.
Después de que tu hermano naciese, y tu padre y yo pasamos por malos momentos, decidimos que teníamos que anteponer nuestro amor por el otro a cualquier cosa, porque fuimos marido y esposa antes de ser madre y padre.
And before I answer it, I would like to remind you that this is all out of service to saving a girl's life.
Y antes de responderla, me gustaría recordarte que todo esto está fuera de servicio para salvar la vida de una chica.
Listen, before my pill wore off, we talked a lot, and I think that I can prove that he's innocent and that he didn't do this, but I need my pill tomorrow.
Escucha, antes que mi pastilla se acabe, hablamos bastante, y creo que puedo probar que es inocente y que no lo hizo, pero necesito mi pastilla mañana.
I said before that you are who you wear and anybody who's somebody is wearing a KJ Original Diaper.
Les dije antes que son lo que visten y cualquiera es alguien si usa un pañal RJ original.
It's well-known that the colonel likes Captain Hawdon and also that he has a commission to offer before leaving to go to the colonies.
Es bien sabido que al coronel le agrada el capitán Hawdon y también que tiene un encargo que ofrecer antes de irse a las colonias.
I don't doubt it, Mr Wegg, and I don't wish to tax you more than I must, but, if I were to say to you that Bill Sikes left here just before eight o'clock,
No lo dudo, Sr. Wegg, y no deseo molestarle más de lo que debo, pero, si le dijese que Bill Sikes se marchó justo antes de las ocho en punto,
I suppose you're here because... I've decided to be physical with my girlfriend, and I've never done that before.
Supongo que estás aquí porque... decidí tener intimidad con mi novia, y nunca antes he hecho eso.
That wedding was my call, and I am happy to bring this discussion up before the Commissioner, because he is not retired as yet.
Esa boda fue decisión mía y estoy encantado de llevar esta discusión ante el comisionado porque no se retiró hasta ahora.
We weren't sure before we checked the DNA, but... but your husband had another son, and... were you aware of that?
No estábamos seguros antes de que chequeáramos el ADN, pero... pero su marido tuvo otro hijo, y... ¿ usted era consciente de eso?
And the 17 years before that.
Y los 17 años antes de eso.
But before you do that, you should grab all the crap out of your desk and take it with you.
Pero antes de hacerlo, usted debe tomar toda la basura Fuera de su escritorio y llévela con usted.
And how could she have known that we'd arrest her husband just before he took that second drink, before he drank the antidote?
¿ Y cómo iba a saber que arrestaríamos a su marido justo antes de que tomara esa segunda copa, antes de beber el antídoto?
You need to step back a-and... and reassess before this relationship takes a turn that I never saw coming.
Necesitas alejarte y... y recapacites antes de que esta relación tome un giro que jamás vi venir.
He approaches the seal and does that meltwater stalk that has never been filmed before.
Se acerca a la foca sigilosamente a través del agua, algo que nunca se había filmado.
And, I mean, there's a reason that nobody filmed it before.
Es por eso que nadie lo había filmado.
You need a before-and-after that starts with a mild-mannered, stay-at-home mom-dad.
Necesitas un antes y después empieza con un afable, se queda en casa mamá - papá.
You can absolutely have a lawyer, Serena, and I will hurry to make that happen, but before we go there, I just want you to know :
Puedes absolutamente tener un abogado, Serena, y me apresuraré a que lo tengas, pero antes de llegar a eso, solo quiero que sepas :
And his dad before him. I don't want to do that.
Y su padre antes que él, no quiero hacer eso.
And then you disappeared, but before that, that.
Y luego desapareciste, pero antes de eso, eso.
Because it's only a matter of time before they figure out that he's the wrong guy and they come after Dmitri.
Porque solo es cuestión de tiempo antes de que descubran que el el sujeto equivocado y vayan tras Dmitri.
And I never ever saw that before or since.
Jamás había visto algo así y jamás volví a verlo.
That family private matters would now be public, and, you know, don't be too surprised if people say some things about you that you've never even heard before, that are just plain false.
Que ahora los asuntos de la familia se harían públicos, y que no se sorprendiera si la gente empezaba a decir de él cosas que nunca hubiera oído antes, meros inventos.
And again, have you seen that document before today?
- ¿ Ya lo había visto hoy?
I really did believe that Dan was dead, and that Eddie had got to him before I could..... and that he'd taken Lucy.
De verdad creí que Dan estaba muerto, y que Eddie había llegado a él antes de que yo pudiera... y que él tenía a Lucy.
And folks, from that point forward, before the police say they've even opened the car, before they say they know of any blood of any sort, in or on the car, before anybody even knows whether this young woman has been hurt or killed... the focus is on Steven Avery.
Y a partir de ese momento, antes de que la policía dijera que habían abierto el auto, antes de que supieran si había sangre, dentro o fuera del auto, antes de que supieran si la joven estaba herida o había sido asesinada... la atención se centra en Steven Avery.
Establishing the timeline and establishing that Teresa Halbach walked towards Mr. Avery's house before she was murdered.
Para establecer una línea de tiempo y que Teresa Halbach caminó hacia la casa del Sr. Avery antes de ser asesinada.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you shall give in the matter now before the court be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
¿ Jura solemnemente ante Dios y este tribunal decir la verdad, toda la verdad, y nada más que la verdad?
And yet, the crime lab has, in 2002, evidence in its lab that Steven Avery is innocent, and it sits for a year before it gets tested.
En 2002, en cambio, el laboratorio forense tenía pruebas de que Steven Avery era inocente y esperó un año para analizarlas.
Before the jury left the courtroom today, Judge Patrick Willis reminded them that it is their duty to render a just and true verdict.
Antes de que el jurado se retirara, el juez Patrick Willis le recordó que su deber es dar un veredicto justo y veraz.
And, um... I felt there were some biased jurors that didn't, you know, keep an open mind and they had their mind made up, you know, before the trial started.
Y... me pareció que había jurados parciales que no contemplaban todos los aspectos y que tenían su posición definida antes de que empezara el juicio.
Now I know we lost the trial, but I think now this community is a lot less certain that Steven and Brendan did it than they were before we started Steven's case.
TÍO DE STEVEN Perdimos el juicio, pero creo que ahora la comunidad está mucho menos segura de que Steven y Brendan sean los culpables, que antes de que empezara.
Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you give now before the court will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?
¿ Jura solemnemente que el testimonio que dará al tribunal será la verdad, toda la verdad y nada más que la verdad?
Where I was over there before 5 : 00. Where I helped him kill her and rape her and that.
Que fui allí antes de las 5.00, que lo ayudé a matarla y a violarla.
and before you know it 100
and before you ask 32
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and before you say anything 16
and before long 18
and before 37
before that 401
that 10639
that's nice 2129
and before you ask 32
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and before you say anything 16
and before long 18
and before 37
before that 401
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my best friend 28
that's my sister 96
that's good to know 269
that doesn't seem fair 27
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20
that's for sure 889
that's my baby 48
that's me 2273
that is 2872
that's my man 51
that's my line 54
that is so lame 16
that'll be me 20