And before you ask Çeviri İspanyolca
321 parallel translation
And before you ask, I don't know her or them either.
Y, antes de que lo preguntes, tampoco sé cómo se llama.
And before you ask, we still got people out combing the woods for Major Briggs.
Antes que preguntes hay gente peinando el bosque buscando al mayor Briggs.
If any of us stops a bullet, before we die... we're going to come to you, click our heels together and ask stiffly,
Si alguno de nosotros detiene una bala, antes de morir... vendremos contigo, te saludaremos y preguntaremos ceremoniosamente :
But... before I go and before I say good-bye, I want to ask you one question.
Pero... antes de irme y antes de decir adiós, quiero hacerle una pregunta.
before the almighty God and before these witnesses I ask you, cavalry captain Hans von Wustrow will you take as your lawful wedded wife Charlotte comtesse von Mudrach, to love and cherish her, in holy matrimony, in sickness and in health, never to leave her till death will part you?
Ante Dios todopoderoso y ante estos testigos cristianos, te pregunto, sr. oficial de caballería Hans von Wustrow, ¿ Quieres tomar a Charlotte, condesa... von Mudrasch, por tu legítima esposa, de la mano de Dios, amarla y honrarla, en la alegría y en las penas, no abandonarla, guardar el santo vínculo del matrimonio hasta que la muerte os separe?
And now before I tell you the full story of our voyage I will ask the gentlemen of the press to come forward so that the audience may see them take the first photographs of Kong and his captors.
Antes de contarles la historia del viaje pediré a los periodistas que vengan para que tomen las primeras fotografías de Kong y sus captores.
I think I'm going to ask you to suspend all this and perhaps you'll appear with me before... the medical board.
Ven conmigo al consejo médico.
You will please ask Princess Olga and Mr. Mantell... to come to my cabin five minutes before 8 : 00.
Por favor, pídanles a la princesa Olga y al Sr. Mantell... que vengan a mi camarote cinco minutos antes de las 8 : 00.
I just dropped in to ask you and that delicious husband of yours to come to dinner... next Friday night before our little dance.
Pasé por aquí para pedirle a usted y a su delicioso marido que vengan a cenar con nosotros el próximo viernes por la noche antes del baile.
After dinner I'll lay the case before you and ask your advice.
Después de cenar os expondré el caso y me decís qué opináis.
That gives you a year and a half before you can even ask again.
Recién puedo volver a solicitar en un año y medio.
Well, you said that before, and each time you ask I find it more difficult to answer.
Bien, no es la primera vez que me preguntas, y cada vez me es más difícil responderte.
Then they ask some people I never heard of... and those strangers ask some other strangers and before you know it...
Luego ésos hablan con otros que yo no conozco, y esos desconocidos hablan con otros desconocidos, y al final...
It is not easy to stand here before you, and ask this of you.
No me resulta fácil estar aquí, ante vosotros, y pediros esto.
Now, if my conversations with Buckmaster are successful, and I have every reason to think that they will be, I shall then ask you to fly me to London so that I can lay my further plans before your War Office.
Si mi conversación con Buckmaster tiene éxito... y tengo mis razones para pensar que así será... pediré poder volar a Londres... para exponer mi plan ante su Ministerio de la Guerra.
And before we know it, everybody who's got a telephone is gonna be on our necks. "What are you doing about it?" They're gonna ask.
Me atrevo a apostar que todo el que tenga un teléfono va a estar preguntando : ¿ qué van a hacer sobre esto, van a investigar?
I'll ask him to forget this whole sorry affair, and I'll continue to employ you as before, all right?
Y seguiré ayudándote como hasta ahora.
Please call Jud, and ask him to fix it before you wreck it?
Llama a Jud, y dile que lo arregle antes de que lo destroces.
Maybe there's something I ought to ask you... before the stranger returns and starts breathing down my neck.
Quizá haya algo que debería preguntarte... antes que vuelva el forastero y empiece a presionarme.
Before any of you accept, I should like to make it unmistakably clear that the dangers of this journey are above and beyond anything that the Space Corps or your own governments have any right to ask of you.
Antes de que acepten quiero que queden totalmente claros que los peligros de este viaje están más allá de cualquier otro peligro que los Cuerpos Espaciales o sus propios gobiernos les hayan contado.
Now, before I take you and show you around the factory, are there any questions you'd Iike to ask me?
Y ahora, antes de visitar la fábrica, ¿ Quieren preguntar algo?
Please, go back to your rooms and don't do anything before I ask you to.
Amigos míos, les ruego que vuelvan a sus habitaciones y que permanezcan allí hasta nueva orden.
I have a sore throat, doctor and I asked him to ask you to be kind enough to have a look before you left.
Tengo la garganta irritada y le pedí que le pidiera por favor que viniera a verla antes de irse.
Wake up everybody before you do that horrible thing to him... and ask him whether he's married?
¿ Despertará a todos antes de hacerles esa horrible cosa... para preguntarles si están casados?
Me gustaría hacerles una pregunta y quiero que piensen cuidadosamente antes de responder.
I am going to ask you and before you answer remember that I have the power either to set you free or put you to death on the cross.
Voy a preguntarte y antes de que respondas recuerda que yo tengo el poder de liberarte o de condenarte a muerte en la cruz.
And if there's a borehole party and I pray there will be, I'm going to ask to lead it and I'm personally going to shove you down, but not too fast because I want to hear you scream for a long, long time before you die.
Y si hay una fiesta de perforación y espero que sí, pediré dirigirla y personalmente iré a empujarle, pero no muy deprisa porque quiero oírle gritar durante un largo rato antes de morir.
Chief, before I die, I'd like to make one last appeal and ask you to please sign this contract.
Jefe, antes de morir, quisiera hacerle un último pedido para que firme este contrato.
Of course, but before we go into all that, let me ask you... whether you can recommend and sponsor a new client.
Por supuesto pero, antes de todo eso, déjeme preguntarle... si podría recomendar y captar a un nuevo cliente.
Your Honor, I congratulate you... and I take the opportunity to ask for the enforcement of a habeas corpus... which was granted before your arrival by the judge of Uberlândia.
- Señoría... Io felicito... y aprovecho esta audiencia para solicitarle el cumplimiento... de un habeas corpus concedido antes de su llegada... por el Juez de la comarca de Uberlândia.
Any guests and you have to ask for my permission before you accept them, understand?
Antes de aceptar a cualquier invitado deberás pedirme permiso. ¿ Entendido? .
Before we go any further, I want to ask you about you and Angela Smith.
Antes de continuar, háblame de ti y Ángela Smith.
Then he became a good man and went to Mecca. [In Islam, before you go to Mecca you should repent and ask for forgivness.]
Luego se convirtió en un buen hombre y fue a La Meca.
But first it is necessary to ask for your solemn vow that the persons and the property of those who have gone before you will be given full respect!
¡ Antes, es necesario pedirle su palabra de honor que las personas y las propiedades de aquellos que lo precedieron serán plenamente respetadas!
Likewise if you were to ask me - to slice the sides off a cow - and serve it with small pieces of its liver. Or, indeed, drain the lifeblood from a pig, before cutting off one of its legs. Or carve the living giblets - from a sheep and serve them - with the fresh brains, bowels, guts and spleen of a small rabbit.
Si me pidieran que descuartizara una vaca y les sirviera su hígado... o que le quitara la vida a un cerdo... o que triture los menudillos de un cordero y se los sirva con cerebro... el vientre o las tripas y el bazo de un conejito...
And before she started crying, she said I'd have to ask you.
Antes de comenzar a llorar, dijo que le pidiera a usted.
Ask a Highlander what he thinks of a Campbell, and he'll have to spit before he tells you.
Pregunta a un montañés lo que piensa de Campbell y tendrá que escupir antes de hablar.
You can ask me for anything, anytime but I got to go after Sam Blake before he comes after me and Kiona.
Puedes pedirme lo que sea, cuando sea pero debo ir tras Sam Blake antes que él venga tras de mí y de Kiona.
That is why I have asked six boring questions, and propose to ask a seventh before issuing or not issuing the weapons you require.
Por eso he hecho seis preguntas aburridas y haré la séptima antes de entregar o no las armas que solicita.
Well, you wait until Danny Caine comes back to ask for my forgiveness and you'll be an old man before you get back into the ring.
Pues, si esperas a que Danny Caine vuelva a pedirme perdón envejecerâs antes de volver al cuadrilátero.
Point is, Miss Harvey before I can walk you home from church and like that I gotta ask your daddy permission.
Sucede que, para poder acompañarla a casa así debo tener permiso.
I will ask you, Father, I will ask you, red sun, why these guests came, and stand here as never before.
Padrecito, te preguntaré, solecito hermoso, te interrogaré, ¿ Qué gente es esa? ¿ Qué huéspedes han venido?
Starting fresh sounds good when you're in trouble but before we vote to pack up and leave I think we should ask why we're here.
Eso siempre es atractivo cuando hay lío pero antes de que empaquemos nuestras cosas hay que preguntarnos por qué estamos aquí.
And I got out and I laid hands on the hood of this car and I said "Devil, if you think I've been crazy before, you just wait one minute because I'm going to ask the Lord to come down and heal this Plymouth."
Me bajé, puse las manos sobre el capó y dije : "Satanás, si pensabas que estaba loco, aguarda un poco, porque le voy a suplicar al Señor que descienda y cure mi coche".
I told you before, ask her not to be a nurse everyday facing those viruses and those wounds those copse, very dirty!
Le había dicho que no fuese enfermera... Todos los días metida entre virus y enfermedades. ¡ Todo muy sucio!
And why didn't you, as an active Minister, before the Chief of Staff... ask for the replacement of the people you didn't trust?
¿ Y por qué Ud, como Ministro activo, ante el Jefe de Gabinete... no solicitó la sustitución de las personas en las que no confiaba?
And, before you even ask, I'll tell you, the answer's yes.
Y antes de que pregunte, se lo diré. La respuesta es sí.
You'll be calling me to ask if you can come and visit him before the month is out.
Me llamará para preguntarme si puedes ir a verlo antes de final de mes.
But before I do so, I would like to read you some of Tony Allen ´ s last recorded words before you had him returned to his cell... and ask you for your assessment.
Ahora, me gustaría leerle algunas de las últimas palabras de Tony Allen grabadas momentos antes de que lo regresaran a su celda y le pido que las evalúe.
Bring Lane in here and ask if he wasn't in before you!
Que venga Lane. ¡ Pregúntele si estuvo ahí antes que usted!
Pumpkin before you go out and spread this all around, can I ask you something?
Calabacita antes que salgas y le cuentes esto a todos, puedo preguntarte algo?
and before you know it 100
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and before you say anything 16
and before that 137
and before long 18
and before 37
before you ask 33
you asked for it 145
you asked me 62
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and before you say anything 16
and before that 137
and before long 18
and before 37
before you ask 33
you asked for it 145
you asked me 62
you asked for me 32
you asked for my help 19
you asked 123
you ask too many questions 34
you asked to see me 72
you asked me a question 21
you asked me to 28
you ask me 177
you ask a lot of questions 51
you ask 150
you asked for my help 19
you asked 123
you ask too many questions 34
you asked to see me 72
you asked me a question 21
you asked me to 28
you ask me 177
you ask a lot of questions 51
you ask 150
you ask him 36
you ask her 30
and by 340
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and breathe 35
and beyond that 27
and by god 23
you ask her 30
and by 340
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and breathe 35
and beyond that 27
and by god 23
and bang 29
and ben 22
and back 42
and by that 52
and besides that 26
and blue 32
and boy 49
and be careful 102
and by that time 20
and behold 28
and ben 22
and back 42
and by that 52
and besides that 26
and blue 32
and boy 49
and be careful 102
and by that time 20
and behold 28
and beautiful 58
and boys 16
and bye 17
and believe it or not 60
and by then 42
and believe me 430
and blah 27
and best of all 60
and boys 16
and bye 17
and believe it or not 60
and by then 42
and believe me 430
and blah 27
and best of all 60